Rabu, 23 Juni 2010

Tips for Making a Self Employed, Full time Income Working at Home Read more at Suite101: Tips for Making a Self Employed, Full time Income Working a

Irene Njongwa

Earning a full time income while working from home is increasingly becoming a favorable option for people who want to balance work and family life.

To begin on the path towards earning a full time income while working from home, it is essential to be financially disciplined by staying focused and adhering to a work schedule that meets set monetary goals. According to Tory Johnson, a writer with ABCnews, determine in advance the goals to aim for and then work towards achieving them.

Find an Online Work from Home Job

Decide on a suitable career path based on educational qualifications and previous work experience. Online job sites and work forums regularly post leads for legitimate work from home jobs. Since many at home jobs tend to fluctuate in terms of work availability, the best way to earn money from the internet is to acquire a portfolio of freelance work to ensure a steady supply of earning opportunities.

Set Daily Income Goals to Earn from Home

Make a budget of monthly needs and break it down to a daily amount to know how much to earn daily. Figure in an additional amount that goes beyond living from hand-to-mouth to having extra funds available for saving. Invest this money in ventures like stocks, bonds and mutual funds that will bring in additional income over a long period of time.

Reduce the Monthly Budget with Telecommuting Jobs

Determine where the money goes on a monthly basis and then find ways to reduce or eliminate some expenses altogether. Find cheaper deals on internet, cable and phone services. Consider making home cooked meals in between work schedules to cut down on the costs of eating out. By examining every aspect of the household's spending habits, ways can be found to shrink the monthly budget resulting in a higher cash flow which can be used to build extra wealth.

Start an Independent Work at Home Business

Invest in a home based business to create an additional stream of income and build wealth. Liz Pulliam Weston, an author and writer for MSN Money, advises visiting the U.S. Small Business Administration website as it has a free guide for those looking to set up a work at home business. Reevaluate the home based business at intervals to ensure it is creating wealth and not causing a financial drain instead.

Turn a Hobby into a Self Employed Income

Hobbies like culinary skills, craft making or woodworking, can be used to make items for sale. Sell handmade crafts online or at flea markets and channel the extra income earned towards investing in other wealth building ventures.

Balance Work and Family Life

While working from home provides flexibility, it is challenging to keep up with work schedules amid other family and personal life commitments. Efficient time management and setting daily monetary goals helps to ensure long term financial goals are met.

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