Kamis, 15 Juli 2010

Negotiating Salary Tips

For someone who is employed one of the hardest things to do is trying to negotiate their salary. Many people are afraid to confront their boss about a possible pay raise and have no idea as to how to approach the issue. And, once they do get a chance to talk about their pay they do not know how to effectively make a case for a salary hike.

Understanding how to properly and effectively negotiate your salary is an important aspect of your job. Sometimes you can not just wait for the next pay raise, and you need to confront the issue. This article should help you with some tips on negotiating your salary.

A very common mistake that many people make when trying to speak with their boss about their salary is that they are unrealistic with their requests. You can not try and increase your salary by some ridiculous amount because you feel you deserve it. You have to be reasonable with your requests. Understand where you are with in the company and try to work from a reasonable stand point when asking for a pay increase.

If you are going to ask for a raise then you need to have something to prove what you are worth. For people who are just being hired you should bring in proof of your salary from a previous job. This shows your future boss what you were being paid and that you are not just making numbers up.

If you are asking for a raise then bring in some form of performance goals that you have met or things that you have done to go above and beyond your daily workload. Do not expect to go to your boss and ask for a raise just because you want one or feel like you deserve it. You need to have reasonable proof that shows you are worthy of the next level.

You are going to need to need to be flexible. Expecting a direct raise in your base salary may not be realistic, but if you look at other ways to increase your overall compensation then you may get more out of your negotiations. Instead of just concentrating on a higher salary, maybe think about getting some form of bonus or an increase in your health insurance plans. This may make it easier on the company, in a cost effective way, to help both you and the company out.

Going to your boss and simply asking for a raise is going to be tough to do. One way to possibly grab his or her attention is to come up with some form of performance goals for yourself. This way the company will see a benefit from your hard work and you can be rewarded.

These are all great ways to approach your boss next time you look for a raise. The most important part is being prepared and being realistic.

This article was provided by the authors at LiveLoveCoffee.com an online coffee shop with articles discussing interesting morning chats and reviews on Single Cup Coffee Maker.

By Stephen Cohen

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7 Beauty Tips that Works for Your Face and Body

Beauty tip 1
Clean your face regularly with cleanser. To avoid facial damage you should not use scrubs on your face rather use a gentle, oil and fragrance free cleanser preferably one that is pH balanced with will work well for your skin care. There are different cleansers for different skin types so you need to know your skin type before use a cleanser. For oily skin use cleanser that contains benzoic peroxide or salicylic acid and if your skin is dry, avoid toner that can dry out your skin.

Beauty tip 2
To treat you puffy eyes, all you need do is chill two teaspoons in the fridge and place it on your closed eyes for some minutes or until the chill is not all that cold. This is just an emergency way of trying puffy eyes. Alternatively you can place two chamomile tea bags that have cooled after being dipped in hot water puffy eyes for few minutes.

Beauty tip 3
The neck area should be included in your skincare routine as much attention is rather given to the face. The neck is also part of your body that needs to be attended to give the whole body look a great appearance.

Beauty tip 4
Using a loafer mitt, apply the mixture of coarse salt and gentle liquid soap all over the body in the shower and rinse the suds thoroughly. You will definitely feel refreshed from your own home made salt rub.

Beauty tip 5
To closely scrutinize your face you need a magnifying mirror that will enable you to see clearly what is going on with your face. With a magnifying glass you can easily notice an enlarged pore. When noticed early it can be treated before causing damage.
7 beauty tips that works for your face and body
there are different ways to care for your skin to give it that radiant and healthy look you have always wished for. The beauty tips revealed in this article will give you some insight to how great you can look if you just take into consideration these simple tips.
By Fatai Animasahun

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Tips & Trick Membuat/Menulis Daftar Riwayat Hidup (Curriculum Vitae atau Resume)

Format Curriculum Vitae (CV) atau Daftar Riwayat Hidup atau sering disebut Resume, di setiap negara berbeda-beda. Hal ini karena dipengaruhi oleh budaya, kebiasaan, pandangan politik, juga aturan main yang berbeda-beda.

Sebagai contoh, untuk resume standar di Amerika Serikat (USA) tidak perlu mencantumkan hal-hal yang dianggap sangat pribadi seperti foto, status perkawinan, tempat dan tanggal lahir.

Sedangkan di Indonesia justru sebaliknya, dalam membuat CV atau Daftar Riwayat Hidup, justru wajib mencantumkan status perkawinan, tempat dan tanggal lahir, serta melampirkan foto.

Berikut ini beberapa hal yang hendaknya diperhatikan dalam membuat Curriculum Vitae (CV) atau Daftar Riwayat Hidup, atau Resume untuk perusahan/instansi/lembaga di Indonesia (baik untuk perusahaan/lembaga lokal, nasional, maupun internasional).

A. Urutan Penulisan Curriculum Vitae (Resume, Daftar Riwayat Hidup)

1. Identitas (Data Pribadi)

Cantumkan identitas anda dengan jelas, seperti : Nama Lengkap, Jenis Kelamin, Tempat dan Tanggal Lahir, Kewarganegaraan, Agama, Status Perkawinan, Tinggi dan Berat Badan, Alamat Lengkap, Telepon & HP, serta e-mail (bila ada).
Khusus untuk e-mail, sebaiknya anda memilikinya. Jika tidak memilikinya, anda dapat membuat alamat email di Gmail, Yahoo, atau Hotmail (silakan klik) atau yang lainnya.

2. Pendidikan

Cantumkan pendidikan formal dan pelatihan/kursus yang pernah anda ikuti; lengkap dengan tahun masuk dan tahun lulus, jurusan, jenjang studi, dan nama lembaganya. Urutannya dimulai dari pendidikan formal terlebih dulu, baru kemudian pendidikan non formal (pelatihan, kursus, dsb).

3. Kemampuan

Uraikan secara singkat kemampuan anda yang relevan dengan bidang pekerjaan yang dilamar. Misalkan anda melamar kerja di bidang akuntansi, maka jelaskan secara singkat bahwa anda memahami akuntansi dan administrasi, sistem perpajakan, biasa bekerja menggunakan komputer, dsb-nya. Tentu saja kemampuan-kemampuan yang anda tulis/cantumkan tersebut harus benar-benar anda miliki. Jangan mencantumkan kemampuan yang tidak anda miliki.

4. Pengalaman kerja

Cantumkan deskripsi singkat tentang pekerjaan anda pada perusahaan sebelumnya, lengkap dengan pangkat, jabatannya, jenis pekerjaan, prestasi (bila ada), tanggung jawab dan wewenang pekerjaan. Serta periode kerja, yaitu bulan dan tahun mulai menempati dan mengakhiri posisi tersebut.
Urutannya dimulai dari pekerjaan (atau jabatan atau posisi) terakhir.

5. Pengalaman Organisasi (bila ada)

Cantumkan pengalaman organisasi yang relevan (sesuai atau berhubungan) dengan jenis pekerjaan yang anda lamar tersebut. Bila tidak ada yang relevan, lewati saja nomor 5 ini.

6. Referensi Kerja (bila ada)

Bila memungkinkan, cantumkan referensi, yaitu orang yang bisa dihubungi oleh pihak penyeleksi lamaran kerja untuk menanyakan hal-hal penting seputar diri anda (biasanya nama atasan dimana anda bekerja sebelumnya).

Penting : Dalam hal pencantuman nama orang yang akan dijadikan referensi, anda harus sangat yakin bahwa orang tersebut benar-benar mengetahui tentang anda serta akan memberikan informasi positif mengenai diri anda. Seandainya anda ragu-ragu bahwa orang tersebut akan memberikan informasi positif tentang anda, maka anda tidak perlu mencantumkan referensi kerja tersebut (lewati saja yang nomor 6 ini).

7. Pengalaman lain yang menunjang (bila ada)

Cantumkan pengalaman lain yang menunjang "promosi anda". Dan sebaiknya yang relevan dengan jenis pekerjaan yang anda lamar tersebut. Jika anda melamar untuk posisi pemrogram komputer, maka pengalaman anda sebagai Ketua RW atau juara bulutangkis, tentunya tidak relevan. Jadi bila tidak ada yang relevan, lewati saja nomor 7 ini.

B. Kertas, Huruf, Foto, Dokumen Pendukung

1. Gunakan kertas putih polos

CV hendaknya polos tidak menggunakan background image (dasar bergambar). Sebaiknya jangan menggunakan form CV yang dijual di toko-toko.

2. Diketik dengan huruf standar surat resmi

CV jangan ditulis tangan, namun diketik. Gunakan huruf dengan ukuran dan jenis standar (warna hitam), contohnya font jenis Arial atau Times New Roman.

3. Foto terbaru

Lampirkan pas foto terbaru ukuran 3x4 atau 4x6. Sebaiknya gunakan pas foto berwarna, dan berpakaian resmi (misalkan jas lengkap dengan dasi).

4. Dokumen pendukung

Lampirkan dokumen atau bukti-bukti tentang hal-hal yang dituliskan dalam CV (resume), seperti ijazah, transkrip nilai, sertifikat atau penghargaan, dsb (dokumen pendukung tersebut dalam bentuk photocopy).
Agar dokumen pendukung yang dilampirkan tidak terlalu banyak, sebaiknya anda menyeleksi/menyortir dokumen mana yang paling penting dan relevan untuk dilampirkan.

Penting : Bila transkrip nilai anda tidak bagus, maka anda tidak perlu melampirkannya. Karena CV atau resume tersebut merupakan promosi diri anda. Namun, seandainya perusahaan penerima kerja meminta/mensyaratkan untuk melampirkan transkrip nilai, barulah anda "terpaksa" melampirkannya.
Sebaliknya jika transkrip nilainya bagus, anda justru harus melampirkannya.

Beberapa Saran Penting

Jujur, Jangan Berbohong

Ingat, jangan sekali-kali menuliskan pada CV anda suatu pengalaman yang anda sendiri tidak mengalaminya. Memang seseorang terkadang merasa gengsi dengan pengalaman yang dia miliki, karena merasa kalah pengalaman. Percayalah pada diri anda sendiri bahwa anda mempunyai kelebihan yang orang lain tidak punya.

Jumlah Halaman

Pada umumnya CV hanya terdiri dari 1 (satu) atau 2 (dua) halaman. Namun jika memang riwayat pekerjaan/karir anda sangat banyak, juga pendidikan/kursus/pelatihan anda sangat banyak. Dan anda menganggap bahwa itu penting untuk ditampilkan, maka anda boleh menambahkannya menjadi 3 (tiga) halaman CV sebagai lampiran Surat Lamaran Kerja, tidak masalah.
Tetapi khusus untuk Surat Lamaran Kerja, tetap upayakan 1 (satu) halaman.

Tata Bahasa, Tanda Baca, dan Ejaan

Tidaklah dibenarkan jika dalam resume terjadi kesalahan-kesalahan menyangkut tata bahasa, tanda baca, dan ejaan. Bacalah kembali tata bahasa di buku atau Kamus Bahasa Indonesia.
Jika anda menulis CV dalam Bahasa Inggris, dan anda belum yakin, maka cobalah minta dicek kembali atau di-review oleh teman/kerabat yang menguasai Bahasa Inggris tersebut.

Eksplisit (Gamblang, Jelas)

Jangan membuat orang yang membaca CV atau resume anda mengintepretasikan atau mengartikan hal yang berbeda.
Contoh sederhana : Di CV pada bagian pendidikan, anda menuliskan Sarjana Akuntansi Universitas Pancasila, dan tidak menambahkan nama kota lokasinya. Jangan berasumsi bahwa pembaca pasti tahu Universitas Pancasila itu ada di Jakarta. Oleh karena itu tambahkan nama kota dibelakangnya, misalkan Sarjana Akuntansi Universitas Pancasila - Jakarta.

Mudah Dibaca dan Mudah Dicerna

CV yang dibuat secara kacau-balau menggambarkan pikiran yang tidak jernih dan ketidakmampuan penulis dalam menuangkan isi hatinya. Oleh karena itu sangat penting membuat CV yang mudah dibaca, mudah dicerna, urutannya jelas, dan logis.
Bila perlu bagian-bagian atau kata-kata yang anda anggap sangat penting untuk ditonjolkan, dapat ditulis dengan huruf tebal (bold). Namun jangan terlalu banyak bagian yang ditebalkan, sehingga tidak terlihat lagi bagian yang sangat penting tersebut.

Sumber : Yayasan KPT, Hilmy AAP, CV. Flamboyan, Anna T. Yuliati, dsb.

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Sleep Better to Live Longer

Do you enjoy your sleep? Well, we are not really sure if we enjoy our sleep but at least we are now sure about the fact that the quality of sleep can directly affect your lifestyle and also determine how long you will survive. As per the research done by American Academy of Sleep Medicine (AASM) the quality of sleep is very important if you want to live longer and healthier. To support their sleep quality theory AASM did a survey and a research along with Sleep Research Society where they found that those people who are already in their late seventies and eighties enjoyed sleeping and that their sleeping pattern were absolutely different from what we are used to in our professionally hectic life.

As per the research, it was found that more than 65 percent of the people who slept for more than 7.5 hours enjoyed a better health and longer lifespan and some patients were almost in their nineties. In recent times, people prefer to work late nights and sleep only for limited hours and that is seriously affecting their lifespan and health even when they are eating good food. It was also found that men require more sleep than women because men are involved in more hard working areas where they need to exert physical and mental strength.

Most health problems like fatigue, weakness, and insomnia were directed related to sleep deficiency and therefore most doctors now feel that they can bring improvement to their patients health by giving them more sufficient rest that would act like a natural medicine and allow the metabolism inside the body to function in a natural way rather than using various medicines to cure health related problems. Many health gurus believe that proper sleep has the potential of eradicating various health problems.

Jyotsna Ramani

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10 Effective Employee Benefit Ideas from Google Headquarters

Google’s founders often state that the company is not serious about anything but search. They built a company around the idea that work should be challenging and the challenge should be fun.

To that end, Google’s culture is unlike any in corporate America, and it’s not because of the whimsical lava lamps and large rubber balls, or the fact that one of the company’s chefs used to cook for the Grateful Dead. In the same way Google puts users first when it comes to online services, Google puts employees first when it comes to daily life in its offices.

“The goal is to strip away everything that gets in our employees’ way. We provide a standard package of fringe benefits, but on top of that are first-class dining facilities, gyms, laundry rooms, massage rooms, haircuts, carwashes, dry cleaning, commuting buses – just about anything a hardworking employee might want. Let’s face it: programmers want to program, they don’t want to do their laundry. So we make it easy for them to do both.” Eric Schmidt, CEO Google

Benefits Philosophy: We strive to be innovative and unique in all services we provide both to customers and employees, including our benefits and perks offerings. We realize and celebrate that our employees have diverse needs, and that this diversity requires flexible and individually directed support. Our priority is to offer a customizable program that can be tailored to the specific needs of each individual, whether they enjoy ice climbing in Alaska, want to retire by age 40, or plan to adopt 3 children (Google Jobs).

When you take a close look at these employee benefits Google provides, you will see a common thread that indicates how much Google sees their employees as a close-knit family. The thought, consideration and assistance they offer, with their employees' needs being the focus, is the glue that keeps their workers happy, healthy and financially taken care of.

10 Simple and Effective and Effective Employee Benefits You Can Learn from Google:

Here are some of the benefits, other than the standard good health care and retirement plans, that people who work at Google love. Maybe you can incorporate some of these ideas into your Employee Benefits Package:

1. 529 College Savings Plan. Now, this is an incredible benefit that provides a way for employees to save part of their paychecks for post-secondary education for themselves or their children.

This plan is another offering besides Google's Flex Spending Account and their matching 401(k) Plan options.

2. Maternity Leave. Google offers up to 18 weeks off at about 100% of an employee's regular pay. That's especially generous because many large corporations only give up to four weeks' paid.

Check this out: on top of the fantastic paid leave, new moms and dads are able to have take-out meals covered up to $500 during the first 3 months they are home with the new baby.

3. Parental Leave. This is a special benefit for non-primary caregivers. For example, if your sister wound up in the hospital and needed you to fly out to care for your nieces and nephews, you get up to 7 weeks off, paid at approximately 100%.

4. Employee Referral Program. Google's motto is, "Good people know other good people," and encourages recommendations of candidates for openings. If they hire your referral and remains employed at Google for at least two months, the referrer (you) gets a nice bonus.

5. Back-Up Child Care. If your babysitter doesn't show or your daycare suddenly closed its doors one morning, Google will provide five days of free childcare through Children's Creative Learning Center (CCLC), for ages 6 weeks to 12 years of age.

6. Gift-Matching Program. Let it never be said that Google doesn't contribute to charity and go the extra mile to encourage their employees to get more mileage out of their charitable dollars.

Google matches contribution of up to $3000 per year from eligible employees to non-profit organizations, says the Google site. "Bolstering employees contributions to worthy causes with matching gifts doesn't just mean helping hundreds of organizations, both locally and globally, it's also a tangible expression."

7. Adoption assistance. Google assists their employees by offering financial help in the adoption of a child.

Google will reimburse the adoptive parents up to $5,000 for legal expenses, adoption agencies, or any other professional adoption fees. On top of this, parental leave and take-out benefits also apply here.

8. Financial Planning Classes. Google provides their employees with objective and conflict-free financial education courses that are comprehensive and cover a wide variety of financial topics---free.

In addition to these courses, Google offers EAP, an Employee Assistance Program that provides services for employees and their dependents that include free short-term counseling, legal consultations, child care referrals, and even pet care referrals.

9. Great On-Site Services. Google headquarters in Mountain View, California provides their employees with an on-site oil change, car wash, massage therapy, dry cleaning, hair stylist, gym, fitness classes and bicycle repair.

In addition to these services, gourmet chefs create a wide variety of healthy and delicious---and free---lunches and dinners for Google's employees. Google also offers satisfying snacks in between meals.

10. On-Site Doctor. Also at Google's Mountain View headquarters, employees have the convenience of seeing a doctor for medical attention right on-site.

This perk could save having an employee leave the workplace in order to be seen by a medical professional.

Important Points to Remember when Adding Employee Benefits to your Business:

  • Make sure your benefits and rewards match the accomplishments. In other words, a reward does not need to cost a lot of money; what matters is that the benefits is of value to the employee.
  • Center your company benefits around your employees' needs.
  • Be fair with reward systems. Make sure that whatever benefit or reward system you set up can never be construed into “playing favorites.”
  • Don’t let your mood(s) dictate when to offer benefits or rewards to employees for jobs well-done. Employees can detect when an employer is sincere when showing appreciation.
  • Never use benefits or rewards as leverage to get what you want. Don’t put a reward in place for everyone and then use it against everyone---for lack of performance by one or two people---by taking it away. Again, be fair to all.
  • Learn to incorporate and give rewards to the right employees for the right reasons.

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7 Things To Evaluate In An Employee Evaluation

Source : A Touch of business.com

Why An Employee Evaluation is Important

Even if you own a small business, performing regular employee evaluations helps to keep employees on track with your goals for the company; reward good work performance, and help to give the employee direction.

Employee evaluations are also important to you, as the business owner, in order to determine if you employ the right people for the roles they play in the company and to use the evaluations in order to call attention to areas that need improvement.

Evaluations offer an excellent opportunity to review stages that employees are at and where and how they can grow to another level.

What Items should be Present in an Employee Evaluation?

While many companies are moving toward self-evaluations and software, the same elements are present as when using the old-fashioned form method:

  • Job performance.
  • Attitude.
  • Ability to listen.
  • Readily accepts responsibility(s) and is accountable for actions.
  • Commitment/dedication/ownership of his/her job.
  • How well the employee interacts with other employees and customers.
  • Desire to learn and grow with the business.

1. Employee Evaluation - Track Performance

  • Overall employee performance is the culmination of all evaluation criteria. Many supervisors use a scoring system and determine a level or percentage based upon the scoring of the other items in the evaluation.
  • For this reason, many business owners have opted to perform a 30-day evaluation and, from then on, perform scheduled evaluations every six months instead of yearly. Many businesses learned that a year was too long to “touch base” with the goals, achievements, and areas that needed improvement with their employees.
  • Additionally, performing 6-month evaluations add incentive for promotions and pay increases.

2. Employee Evaluations Determine Employee Attitude

  • To many people, attitude is everything.
  • An employee who has a positive nature and attitude is an asset to any business, large or small.
  • Employees who have a positive outlook will always see a glass half-full; not half empty. These people strive for a sense of accomplishment and pride in their work, not for a sense of preserving ego, but having their own sense of a job well done.
  • While having a positive attitude can be taught through examples of others, books, and seminars, those employees who are forward-thinkers and positive thinkers as a part of their personality are great assets to businesses.

3. Employee Evaluations Show an Employee’s Listening Skills

  • Hearing is much different from listening. While employees hear what you or supervisors say, have they listened?
  • Let’s use the analogy of parenthood. Parents know instinctively if their child has listened to directions---and not only heard the directions, but show he or she has listened by following through with the desired action.
  • The same theory applies to employees. While they are not children and should not be treated as such, listening skills are as important as any other aspect of their jobs and tasks.

4. Employee Evaluations Ascertain an Employee’s Level of Responsibility and Accountability

  • A responsible employee is an accountable employee.
  • This means that there should be no excuses and no finger-pointing if and when confronted as to why certain tasks were poorly performed---or not performed at all.
  • Caution should be exercised when determining an employee’s level of responsibility and accountability because, often, the business owner did not explain a process thoroughly or in a way that the employee understood well.
  • Additionally, bear in mind that if there is a problem involving tasks and their completion, the finger is most often pointed at the business ownership itself.

5. Employee Evaluations Show How Much an Employee is Committed to His or Her Job

  • Tardiness and many sick days is often an indicator that the employee is not committed or dedicated to his or her job. In other words, the employee is “there for a paycheck.”
  • Commitment and dedication to one’s job also leads right back to the business ownership and “employee cultivation.”
  • Does your business provide job incentives such as regular pay increases, bonuses, paid vacation, health insurance, and a reward system? Often, if a business has benefits that offer growth and tokens of appreciation or “rewards,” employees feel more attached to the business’ personality and benefits package and system.

6. Employee Evaluations Include an Employee’s Level of Social Skills

  • An employee who possesses a positive and professional set of social skills creates several advantages for a business.
  • If an employee not only works well with other employees, has a team-player spirit, these qualities spill over into having great customer service skills. This not only helps to maintain a smooth-flowing and cooperative work environment, established and new customer relationships can be developed and maintained using even ONE employee’s good social skills.
  • Letters of commendation from customers should be filed along with employee records, for instance, and included in an evaluation.

7. An Employee Evaluation can Help Determine the Longevity of an Employee

  • The longevity of an employee includes how much the employee is excited about the field of the business.
  • If your business does its job by incorporating bonuses, incentives, rewards, and evaluations, employees who love the field itself are most likely to stay and grow with the company.
  • In addition, employees who are excited to be working in a field they have a passion for are also seekers of additional knowledge and know-how, can be cultivated for managerial positions and motivate others, and are most easily cross-trained.

Important Points to Remember with Employee Evaluations:

  • Develop and write down goals, strategies, and measures for success to compare with those of employees.
  • Give consistent ‘credit where credit is due’ and do regular evaluations at smaller intervals of time such as every 6 months as opposed to yearly. This will add to employee performance and employee relations.
  • Be fair when assessing evaluations; sometimes the business itself needs fine-tuning in order to gain better employee performance.
  • Leave enough time to go over evaluations with employees. Many business owners take their employees to lunch when conducting an employee evaluation in order to “lighten up” the atmosphere.
  • Makes sure all assessments have data to support them such as letters of commendation as well as documented dates and times with mishaps of the employee so that an employee can never interpret their evaluations as part of favoritism or used as a personal attack.

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