Minggu, 26 September 2010

When Clients Attack!

By Rana Qubain

Clients are one of the most important assets of a company. However, some of your most profitable clients can be the most annoying as well. Like any other relationship, client relationships can be peppered with moments of confusion and frustration. Yet, with a good strategy in place you can bring harmony to your relationship and can help you create long term partnerships with them. Most employees who have direct contact with clients regularly face many types of clients; therefore, they should be able to handle different kinds of clients effectively. 5 types of clients that you might meet at work and the best way to deal with each one of them.

The Bargain Hunter

Most Bargain Hunters are successful entrepreneurs who struggled their way to build successful businesses and gather their wealth. Therefore, they are not willing to spend a penny if they feel there is a way out of it. Those clients act as if the price you first offered is just the starting point for negotiations. The best way to handle Bargain Hunters is to give them a taste of their own medicine. This means to start with relatively high prices and then lowering them down to a point that is acceptable for both parties. If your company offers fixed prices, stress your service features while comparing your prices with those of your competitors.

The Urgent Client

Everything is an emergency for Urgent Clients. All their emails are of high priority. They may even stress that in the title of the email, the body and whenever they call you. They are workaholics by nature, working at night and on the weekends, and they expect everyone else they work with to do the same. Although they know that they are not your only client, they still act as if they are. The best way to deal with an Urgent Client is to make it clear from the beginning that some of their requests are unreasonable and that you need more time to be able to perfect the outcome.

The Absent Client

The Absent Client is the most stressful type of clients to deal with; they make you chase them around with phone calls and emails with no response whatsoever. An Absent Client may disappear for many days which might drive you to wonder if he is still in business. They will reappear eventually, without any warning asking about the progress of the project. Remember one important thing; your best clients are the busy ones as they are the ones who are constantly in need of your services. Therefore, you should be able to keep them pleased by finalizing the work with minimum hassle and with the limited input you were provided with initially.

The Angry Client

The Angry Client is continuously and aggressively attacking your work, asking for changes and accusing you of not doing your job right. One important advice to take into consideration when dealing with this type of clients is to understand that they are not attacking you personally and that they are only expressing their frustration with the company as a whole. Therefore, remain calm and try to listen more than you talk. Stay patient and show them that you care by asking them more questions about the problem while assuring them that you will be handling the problem to their satisfaction.

The Appreciative Client

The Appreciative Client always praises your work and makes you feel special. They make your life easier by choosing the first prototype of every task that you finish. Appreciative Clients always refer your company to other people and might also recommend you personally to other companies. Therefore, reward goodness with goodness by giving them continuous attention and making them feel like a VIP. You can initiate a kind gesture by sending a thoughtful gift upon successfully closing the deal, as this will place your company name into his heart and mind.

Dealing with clients can sometimes be similar to dealing with children at their terrible twos. Clients can be whiny, demanding, impatient, moody and complaining which might result in ruining your whole day and adding more stress to your busy life. However, remember that you are dealing with a human being who is probably under a lot of pressure from a boss, a budget or a deadline. Know your clients and manage your relationship with them in order to keep them coming back for more. Keep in mind that good client servicing does not only result in building repeat business but also in acquiring referrals and generating positive word of mouth for years to come.

Rana Qubain is the Marketing Coordinator of Akhtaboot - the career network, the Middle East's leading online recruitment website. Rana currently works on different projects covering competition analysis and new product development of career related service.

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Work For Myself Or Work For The Man?

By Johnny Wall

Bold headline? Well it's true, but I'm not here to sell you on anything, just to educate you on some things that are going on in our economy that you might not know about. So, if you have an open mind and are ready for some real change in your life, please read on.

Most people know how the internet has revolutionized the way we communicate on this planet but have have grasped the massive wealth transfer that is occurring online. According to Paul Zane Pilzer, economist, author, and economic adviser in two presidential administrations, over 10 million new millionaires will be created over the next 10 years in the home-based business industry.

There are millions of people turning to the internet everyday searching for ways to make money from home, at the same time that unemployment rates are skyrocketing. See a trend here? If you can position yourself in front of these people with real, new economic solutions, you could stand to make a lot of money.

Home-based businesses have always done well in times of recession, but in the 21st century coupled with the power of the internet, we're talking about MASSIVE wealth creation. This may be the largest transfer of wealth the world has ever seen.

I'm going to cut to the chase here. Of course there is a lot of crap on the internet, hyped up business opportunities, magic bullet marketing systems, and the list goes on. I have nothing against multi-level marketing (MLM) companies, it is a legitimate business model and provides a great option for people to build a company, and a skill-set over time, but if you're like me, you don't have 2-5 years to create a serious income.

I like the GPT business model, or Get Paid Today business model. I don't like to mess around. That's why the most exciting of these new online business models is high-ticket direct sales. It's highly leveraged like MLM, you benefit off of the efforts of your team, but it pays immediate high ticket commissions.

There are three companies right now that will gladly pay you $3k, $5k, and $10k PER SALE for your marketing and advertising efforts. All three of these companies use highly converting online systems to do the prospecting, selling, and training for you on complete auto-pilot, giving you time to focus on advertising, marketing, and building relationships.

One word of advice before I close. DO YOUR HOMEWORK. Only join people in business who are qualified to train, mentor, and support you in your business. If all three aren't there, walk away and find someone else.

And be ready to take ACTION and make fast decisions, things are changing fast and you don't want to miss out.

Johnny Wall is a home based business builder, Internet marketer, and trainer with a passion for showing others how to create real and lasting freedom for themselves through entrepreneurship and a practical approach toward personal growth. Johnny works with a group of inspired entrepreneurs who are committed to contributing to the new economy and to empower as many as possible to achieve personal and financial success in their lives.

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Boost Your Career by 2011

by Susan Johnston, PayScale.com

Year-end reviews may seem like light years away, but it pays to plan ahead and prepare. That's what Lindsey Sparks did while working for a staffing company in Oklahoma. "I keep both a hard copy and an electronic folder with achievements and compliments I've received," she says. "When review time comes, I pull those out and incorporate them into my self-review, and bring some of the best compliments and successes to my review."

Those strategies have served her well. In fact, her preparation and initiative have made her one of the youngest people in her company's history to be promoted to management. Whether you yearn for that corner office or simply hope to survive your first review at a new job, we've compiled expert tips on how to ace your annual review.

Solicit feedback before your review.

The last thing you want during a review is to be blind-sided by negative feedback. To avoid this scenario, seek out your boss for periodic check-ins. "This gives you a chance not only to report on things but also to get his or her input," says Shawn Graham, the author of "Courting Your Career." "It doesn't have to be formal. It could mean sending an email. Running into them in the hallway can be just as helpful. In those cases, you can transition into the conversation with 'If you have a second, I'd like to get your input.'" Then implement whatever suggestions you get, to ensure that you're on the right track come review time.

Document your achievements.

As mentioned above, Sparks keeps a list of her accomplishments and achievements, and you should, too. "Look for ways you can say how you saved money or increased revenue," suggests Alexandra Levit, a workplace consultant and the author of "New Job, New You." "This requires a couple of weeks of thought. The goal of this is to be able to go into your review with a clear sense of how the organization is better off because you worked there."

Set realistic expectations.

People often go into a review expecting a promotion or a fat bonus. In this economic climate, though, that may not be realistic. However, Levit says you can look at the company's organizational structure to see what the logical next step might be in your own career progression. "You want to make sure you understand how [promotions] work at your company," she explains. If you're hoping for a raise, she adds, you can look at salary statistics from PayScale.com or similar sites to see what's reasonable for someone with your job title and level of experience. Your list of achievements also comes in handy here, because it helps show why you're worth more than your current salary.

Prepare yourself for negative comments.

Unfortunately, even with the right preparation, sometimes negative feedback is simply part of the review process. According to Graham, "It's safe to say there's going to be some negative feedback at some point in your career. Stay calm and don't get defensive. If you tend to get overly emotional, it [may be] hard for you to do that, so visualize possible feedback in advance. Your boss looks for cues about how you're able to incorporate and address the feedback, and the worst thing you can do is receive feedback and shrug it off." Instead, see it as a growth opportunity and look for ways to demonstrate improvement at your next review.

Boston-based freelance writer Susan Johnston has covered career and business topics for The Boston Globe, Hispanic Executive Quarterly, WomenEntrepreneur.com, and other publications.

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6 Ways to Stand Out in the Seasonal Employment Pool

by Lydia Dishman, PayScale.com

It's a competitive job market out there--the unemployment rate is still unpleasantly close to 10 percent, according to the U.S. Bureau of Labor Statistics, and you can bet that the seasonal employment pool will be well stocked with qualified candidates during this year's holidays. Here's how can you set yourself apart from other applicants.

Stick to the basics.
Robert Hosking, executive director of the staffing service OfficeTeam, reports that a recent survey by the company found applicants willing to wield any weapon in their arsenal to stand out--from spritzing resumes with perfume to parking them inside toy trucks.

But Hosking says these methods are not the best approach: "While unconventional methods can be hit or miss," he says, "one surefire way to stand out is by going the extra mile to showcase your skill set, professionalism, and enthusiasm for the position."

He said the executives surveyed responded most to the candidates who offered excellent references and could demonstrate actual achievements. "No matter how relevant or impressive your skill set, employers want to see how your expertise and efforts will affect the company's bottom line."

Do your homework.
Even though the job is seasonal (and temporary), you need to prepare for the interview, advises Dianne Shaddock Austin, principal at Easy Small Business HR. "Do your research on the company or the industry and be prepared to provide actual or hypothetical work-related examples that highlight your understanding of the job or the industry," she recommends.

Conduct market research.
Kim N. Carswell, founder of Persona Affairs, LLC, advocates preparing your own personal brand statement or elevator pitch to fit each company's brand message. "It shouldn't include 'I just need a job,'" she says, but should highlight your commitment--for example, "I'm open to full-time employment once my competency has been demonstrated." Carswell also suggests branding each of your resumes based on accomplishments, credentials, and overall potential to make it employer-friendly. "Tweak resumes for each company and include social media marketing ability if applicable," she says.

Polish your appearance.
Carswell says it's important to dress appropriately, even if you are interviewing at a retail store. And your presentation doesn't end there, she says: "Have your resume printed on bonded paper to leave with a manager even if they have an online application." She also suggests asking for a business card and following up by sending your resume via email within 72 hours. "Don't forget to make a mental note of the operations--mood, customer service, product line, and so on--so you can comment on your visit in your note," says Carswell.

Show commitment.
Even though the job may be seasonal, Austin cautions applicants not to say they're interested only in a temporary position until something else in their field comes along. "Every hiring manager wants to know that you're excited about their job, no matter how mundane the role may be. They don't want to feel like you're only interested until something better comes along," she explains.

Go the extra mile.
Personal gestures can go a long way, whether you're just beginning to network or after you've been interviewed. Taking time to find out more about the potential employer's business, names of top executives, and who competitors are can be useful in setting yourself apart during initial conversations--especially if you've reached out via social media. Hosking says one executive really liked when the job seeker turned the table and wanted to know all about him. "The tactic worked," he admitted.

After you've snagged an interview, Hosking advises sending a thank-you note or a pertinent news article to follow up. "It can make a lasting, positive impression," he says.

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Adapting to a New Work Environment

By Rana Qubain

Have you ever been in a situation where your family had to move away and you were forced to change schools? Moving to a new job can have quite the same feeling. You will be going to a new position not knowing the kind of boss or colleagues you might face or the type of environment you might have to work in. Some companies may use the interview to brief potential candidates about their corporate culture, their policies and their work environment. However, you will not be able to fully understand the whole picture until you are actually put in the situation. The most difficult thing in getting a new job is the stress you might feel as a result of seeking a new support system within the new company while trying to fully comprehend the new rules and regulations.

It is very important to remember that it takes time to adjust to your new surroundings. The time span depends mostly on the people who comprise the organization; they might actually help you get accustomed to the new environment or may try to make it hard for you to cope. Here are a number of helpful tips to help you adapt to your new environment.

Prepare Yourself for Your First Day

Your first day will always leave an unforgettable and lasting impression on your coworkers and your boss. Start by getting a good night's sleep in order to be well rested for the next day. Arrive to work ahead of time to show that you are organized and punctual. Moreover, dress professionally as people often judge you based on the way look. No matter how professional and experienced you think you are, many people will think less of you when you do not dress professionally.

Concentrate on Your Work

A great way to adapt to your new environment is by doing what you do best; work. Your colleagues will come to respect and admire you when they acknowledge that you are a well experienced, skillful person, they may even come to you for help in some areas where you are more knowledgeable than they are. Nevertheless, no one expects you to know everything, therefore, do not hesitate to ask questions when you feel there is a need to it. People usually like to help others and it generally makes them feel good about themselves.

Listen and Observe

Each organization differs in the way co-workers interact with one another and the way employees communicate with their managers. Therefore, spend the first few weeks observing and listening to your colleagues and managers in order to figure out the best way to function. By doing this, you may save yourself from making a public mistake. Do not try to impose new ideas and suggestions until you feel that the company has accepted you and that you fully understand the way they work. Otherwise, any comment from your side would be perceived negatively.

Make Friends

Making friends might not always be easy; it actually depends on the culture of the organization and on your own personality. If you have a shy personality, then you need to sharpen your people skills to actually get along. Be friendly, smile as much as you can even to people who you don't know and initiate discussions about interesting topics. If you find resistance then stop trying too hard. Give it a break and mind your own business until your colleagues approach you.

Stay Away from Gossip

Gossip is very risky as it is almost always based on unverifiable information. You may gain a few friends through gossiping but you definitely do not want to start your career with a reputation for being a gossip. Remember that we live in a very small world where your reputation may follow you for many years. Therefore, you should ask yourself the question "Am I willing to trade my reputation for a few friends who might end up gossiping about me?" If not, make sure that you stay away from gossiping and do not give your feedback on something you are not sure about. Pretending to be busy with work when gossiping starts is a great way to survive a situation like this.

People prefer to stay in their comfort zone by staying in one company for many years and building upon their experience and seniority. Yet, if you feel unhappy, bored or unchallenged in your current job then you should realize that it is about time to start thinking about changing it. No matter how challenging the transition period may be, do not allow it to stop you from seizing new opportunities. Believe in yourself and follow the above tips in order to be able to start a new and exciting chapter in your life.

Rana Qubain is the Marketing Coordinator of Akhtaboot - the career network, the Middle East's leading online recruitment website. Rana currently works on different projects covering competition analysis and new product development of career related service.

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Recharge Your Motivation at Work

By Rana Qubain

5 tips that can help you motivate yourself at work and fire up your productivity

Overcoming the emotional hurdle of going to work every morning and doing the same thing over aand over again isn't always easy. There is no single, straightforward solution for the lack of motivation at work. Even after beating it, the problem reappears at the first sign of failure. What separates the highly successful from the ordinary is the ability to fight this problem and move forward. Lack of motivation can be a major performance barrier; therefore, employees should try to increase their motivational levels to live a happier and healthier life. With the proper inner drive, everything can seamlessly fall into place. But how can you motivate yourself at the office on a daily basis?

Create Early Momentum

Getting out of bed knowing that your day is going to be like any other long working day makes you want to hit the snooze button in the morning and go back to sleep. If that is how you start your day, then you are most likely to be stressed out and anxious all the way until the afternoon. When you wake up in the morning, you need to be mentally prepared for the day ahead through positive thinking. Do not start debating with yourself whether you should get up now or stay a few more minutes in the comfort of your bed. Wake up immediately and start thinking of how you will be using your day effectively to achieve your ultimate career goals.

Another motivation killer is lack of focus. Most people focus their thoughts on minor things that they do not want in their job rather than what they actually want. Employees tend to concentrate on negative work-related attributes such as high workload and long working hours instead of positively focusing on achieving well defined goals. Whether your goal is the money that you get at the end of each month or a new position that you're hoping to get, focus all of your energy on that goal. When you set your ultimate goal and have a day-to-day strategy to achieve it, you become motivated to take action.

Establish a Clear Game Plan to Achieve Your Goals
Once you have clarified your vision and goals, prepare a comprehensive plan for getting there and chart your progress on a daily basis. Start everyday by setting a number of tasks that would help you move one step forward towards achieving your goal. Most employees overwhelm themselves with too many tasks that they cannot handle which can make them fall into a fit of insecurity and loss of confidence and motivation. When writing your tasks for the day, minimize your workload by leaving some time for unexpected requests or external disruption.

Find Yourself a Friend That you Can Laugh With

Few would disagree that having a fun coworker can enrich your working life, add a smile to your face and enhance your motivation. Having friends at work will help you go through the ups and downs of the job and will also provide you with the support necessary to keep yourself motivated. Give yourself two short breaks each day to have a nice chat with a fun colleague who makes you laugh. Working hours can be so long and exhausting to the point that an employee can lose contact with the outside world. However, having a friend at work can give you a temporary energy boost that would lift up your spirit.

Reward Yourself

The final piece of the motivational puzzle is reward. Reward is a treat that everyone likes as it is a pleasant and effective tool to keep employees motivated throughout the week. Rewards do not need to be outlandish. They should be realistic, within your budget and out of the ordinary. Once you accomplish your tasks for the week, reward yourself by going out to a nice place on the weekend with your friends or family. You can even do something unusual such as going on a short trip to the sea. This way you will have something to look forward to everyday.

It's inevitable that all employees will encounter periods of low energy, dissatisfaction and even an occasional failure. If you don't control your mind and attitude, these minor speed bumps can turn into mental monsters. Even the most motivated employees occasionally experience a slump and need a boost to return to their normal motivational levels. Keep in mind that desire is the key to motivation, but the determination and commitment to an unrelenting pursuit of your goals will enable you to attain the success you seek at work.

Rana Qubain is the Marketing Coordinator of Akhtaboot - the career network, the Middle East's leading online recruitment website. Rana currently works on different projects covering competition analysis and new product development of career related service.

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