Jumat, 17 September 2010

Jobs for Writers - Good Tips

All the thanks should go to the advancement of computer technology and also to the business foresight that has made the computer and Internet combination easy on the pocket. Writer vacancy offers are crowding the websites. Writing has a different meaning to each one of us. For some it is writing for the media. For others it is all about academic work. There are many others who lap up business writing work.

If you want the magic of writer job to really work then you must diversify yourself and get acquainted with different branches. Specialization in only one or two subjects might sometimes lead to the closure of the door of jobs for writers. So keep yourself posted with other streams also. Writing may mean work connected with direct marketing brochures to resumes dealing with university essays. So the trick is to develop the comprehensive writing portfolio.

Where to hunt for writing vacancies? There is literally a plethora of web sites, blogs, forums and books together with writing groups to help you get your introduction into this magic word of writing. You can become part of a writing community and make new friends. During the last decade there has been a tremendous change in the concept of personal websites. Now ordinary folks can create a decent website without being a genius.

You are in the job offers market. It is better to find out beforehand what the writing rates are. This will give the sophisticated polished touch to your application. Learn up all the new language and jargon connected with the web world. Then in the race for writing job you will not fall back. It is the website that will teach you to be suave and experienced. Your writing skill can become a package-deal paying career. If you play your cards well your writing skills can lead you to become a consultant, speaking and training gigs. You have to learn how to market yourself as a package deal. The hope is that from the staff writer of an independent youth journal you might become an expert in youth matters and get big deals in the publishing business.

Jobs for writers in today's world mean high paying rate for freelancers. There are low, medium and high paying positions. You post your resume analyzing your own merit and qualifications. The ultimate test is actually what you produce. So a sample work is very important. Writing offers may be full time job offers or may be royalty based. It is up to you to rifle through the myriad sites and take your pick. On the other side of the river those who are looking for writer will also scan the same sites to find the exact expertise for his or her own specific type of job. Writers may even be engaged to support speaking programmes.

Dave Modie

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Cruise Ship Vacancies - 3 Top Tips For Getting Your Application Noticed

It's important to ensure that your application is unique when applying for cruise ship vacancies. The competition in this industry is fierce, so a dull, boring cover letter and resume won't get the attention you need.

If you don't take some time to make your application get noticed, then chances are yours will end up being thrown away before it's even read.

It's vital that your application actually gets to the right person. Unless it does, it's very unlikely it will be passed on, as cruise ship staff are extremely busy, so make sure you address it correctly to the person who does the hiring.

Learning some simple yet effective techniques can make all the difference and ensure your application not only reaches the right person but also gets opened and read.

All these will only increase your chances of being hired for any cruise ship vacancies you apply for!

Follow these 3 top tips to ensure your application gets noticed!

1. Give your resume/CV a creative title

If you're sending your resume by email don't give the document a bland title like 'yourname.doc' or 'resume.doc.'

This won't capture the attention of the recruiter and certainly won't stand out from the crowd.

Instead name your document creatively, using a title such as 'Steve Jones - IT Specialist.doc,' or 'Jane Smith - Experienced Beauty Consultant.doc.'

Alternatively, try using the cruise ship vacancy you are applying for in the title of your resume. 'Mike Green - Gift Shop Sales Assistant.doc,' or 'Catherine James - Internet Café Manager.doc.'

Use your creativity, consider what words will grab attention and use these to give a title to your resume/CV document.

You will immediately stand out from the other applicants, before your resume is even read, increasing your chances of getting hired for the cruise ship vacancy!

2. Send your resume by recorded delivery

All this involves is going to the Post Office and asking for it to be sent certified or recorded delivery.

When it reaches the recipient, they must sign a form to certify they have received it, guaranteeing your application has already been noticed!

Ensure it is addressed to the cruise line hiring manager, so it is him or her personally that must sign for it.

This gives you a big advantage because all mail for this department gets screened by several gate keepers before it actually reaches the hiring manager, so your application is guaranteed to reach it's intended destination and get opened and read before any of your competitors!

This technique will involve spending a couple of dollar but it will be a good investment!

3. Use the Post-It note technique

It's a little bit sneaky this one but is practically guaranteed to work!

Most mail received by cruise line companies is opened by an office assistant or a secretary, who is responsible for binning junk mail and screening the applications for candidates who don't meet the necessary requirements.

In order to grab attention, attach a Post-It note to the front of your resume saying something like 'This one is good! - J.'

Who cares who J is - the important thing is that it will get attention! A Post-It note with a message like this attached will mean the hiring manager will immediately take note and read your resume thoroughly instead of just giving it a brief glance.

You're not deceiving anybody, so don't let that concern you - it's not. It's simply an innovative and effective method of self-promotion!

Use these tips when you apply for any cruise ship vacancies to ensure your application is noticed, giving you an advantage over the other job seekers!

Neil Maxwell

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Eight Tough Interview Questions and the Answers that Land Jobs

The really difficult job interview questions you're likely to be asked during an interview are often very simple open-ended questions without right or wrong answers.

These tough interview questions require thoughtful responses. How you answer says a great deal about who you are, so it's important to think about these likely questions before your job interview.

Tough Interview Questions and Great Answers

1. Tell me about yourself

Talk about personal characteristics and skills that reflect your career strengths. The hiring manager wants you to tell him or her why you are the best person to hire. Talk about what you have done to make yourself the best candidate for this job. Three minutes max.

Opening questions about you are common so check out these other answers to job interview questions about YOU.

2. What are your greatest strengths?

Talk about qualities you have that all employers value, such as commitment, drive, initiative, flexibility, communication skills, motivation, pleasant personality, etc. Focus on ones that directly match the job requirements.

3. What is your greatest weakness?

A generation ago interviewees were urged to present a strength as a weakness - "My greatest weakness is that I work too hard." That's deceptive and won't work anymore. What you need to do is talk about a work-related weakness that you are actively trying to overcome. For example, you get nervous before important meetings so you are learning relaxation techniques you can use at work.

Tough interview questions nos. 2 and 3 cause many candidates the most worry. If you're one of them, check out our guide to answering job interview strength and weakness questions.

4. Where do you plan to be in your career in five years?

Employers like employees who set goals and work toward achieving them. If you're asked this tough interview question talk about achievable objectives and the steps you are taking to reach them. Put them in terms of the Company. For example, "in five years I would like to be the best sales manager in your Company. To reach that point I'm taking a management skills course at the local college."

And here are 3 more answers to tough interview questions about your ambitions.

5. Why do you want to work for this Company?

If you researched the Company while preparing for your interview, this is where it pays off. Identify something specific about the Company, such as its products, services or management style that turns you on.

6. Why should we hire you over other strong candidates?

The top tough interview question! Don't be afraid to say they should hire you because you are the best person for the job. Then back up your statement with specifics. What do you have that is special?

7. What motivates you?

Answer honestly, but don't say money. Most workers are motivated by challenging or interesting work, the opportunity to make a difference, contributing to a team effort - things like that.

8. What are your salary requirements?

Interview experts recommend not bringing up salary at a first job interview. But if the interviewer brings it up, you have to be ready to answer. Try to be vague - say that salary isn't your primary consideration and you'd be open to any reasonable offer. Leave the next step in this dance to the interviewer.

If he or she presses with this tough interview question, give an answer based on your research on the job market. Giving a salary range is fine, but set the minimum slightly higher than the lowest salary you'd accept, since it might be the lower figure they offer. If you feel confident, give an actual figure based on what you think you are worth.

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Career Search - Tips to Well-Organize Yourself

After you finish education, you have to find out the perfect job. Searching the best-suited job is really a Herculean task. Well planned search and organized efforts can help you to sort out your dream destination. This article will help you to find out such opportunities.

Searching the vacancies is the initial step of your job-hunt. Local newspapers, internet search, your personal contacts may help you in that case. Campus interviews are the best sources to get a perfect job. You can register yourself in career consultation organization too to get the perfect job according to your criterion. Online registration is also a helpful tool to know the vacancies. References prove beneficial to grab good opportunities too, so, inform your teachers and guides about your job hunt, so, they can inform you about openings at various firms.

Communication is next important step towards your job hunt. Once you know about the vacancy you have to contact them. Updated C.V., application letter, well organized portfolio are some ways to present you as an applicant. Updated version of resume, follow up of an application are some good habits to establish good business relationship.

While searching for a perfect job, you have to manage various interactions. For example, application letters, interview dates, written examinations, business cards, presentation dates, offer letters, cover letter and such stuff. Managing all those interactions smartly is a skill which you can easily handle with the help of self help tools like calendars, bookmarked pages, date book etc. Add reminders about your important meetings; keep all testimonials ready with proper filing. If you are supposed to make a presentation, make sure that your CD's, projectors, P.C. etc. are in good position.

Take a note of contact manager's name, contact number and card and keep it safe. It may help you in further interaction. You can arrange a notepad for those contacts. Dictate crucial points in your conversation too. Those may help you to take further steps.

Using your laptop and palmtop smartly is also a key to save you from confusion. You can save all important documents there in different folders. Name them appropriately to get the right one at right time. For example, you can save your versions of CSV's under different titles like "C.V. sent to L and T co." "Updated according to career consultant's instructions etc." it may help you to keep yourself well organized.

Another important point is, to save all important e-mails at your folders at the time you get them. So, you can find them out easily at the time of next conversation. Keep all records of one company under the same folder serially.

Carrying hard copies with you is really the worst part of the process. Best way to have a folder to keep those papers. Choose a folder which can provide place for keeping pen, photographs, notepad etc. The folder should be handy and presentable. Keep your recent passport size photographs, true copies of your important documents and neatly drafted application letter inside the folder.

These tips will help you to be well organized in your job hunt. So, search out with proper channels, grab the perfect one and prove your skills in it!!


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Five Resume Mistakes to Avoid


Tired of sending out resume after resume with no results? You may be making some major resume mistakes and not even know it. For every 10 resumes that you send out, you should be getting at least one interview. Not happening for you? You probably need to learn what mistakes to avoid. Here are the top five resume "uh oh's" that many jobseekers make:

1. It's nothing special
Not knocking your skills here, but rather the appearance of your resume. Recruiters and employers see A LOT of resumes and if yours looks like the rest of them, they're probably just going to skip it before their eyes glaze over again. BUT, if you use a less common resume color (not hot pink or bright green, something muted and professional!) then you'll make them curious and they'll want to read more. Try a light purple or yellow, even a very light gray can be eye catching. If your resume is nothing special to look at, you're probably not either- so show them how unique and different you are by changing it up a little.

2. You're using snail mail
Regular mail gets your resume where it needs to be, but in this day and age most people email. BUT, if you really want to stand out, you've got to step it up and demand some attention be paid to your resume. Try sending your resume to a few places that you truly want to work as certified mail. Usually, when an important package arrives, it doesn't go through the normal avenues and you won't be grouped in with a bunch of other resumes. You'll probably ensure that your resume goes straight to the hiring manager.

3. You're not networking enough or using your connections
Think about who you know in the industry that you're trying to get a job in. Do you know anyone on the inside? If not, you better start making friends. Join groups on social networking websites like Facebook to meet people who do what you want to- and who ultimately might be able to get you a job. Already know someone? Ask them if they can put in a good word for you and give them a copy of your resume. You should still send it to the hiring manager, but knowing someone in the business or company always helps.

4. You're not being creative enough
Resume.... Blah blah blah... resume... Blah blah blah... Oh, a pizza with a resume taped to the top of the box! How many times do you think an employer comes across something like this? Odds are, not too often, so getting a little creative with your resume delivery, perhaps in the form of a gift, is going to get you noticed and make you memorable. So be creative and send a little gift with your resume that is going to make them not only remember you, but actually read your resume and hopefully call you!

5. You're not singing yourself praises, discreetly
Of course your resume and possible cover letter are supposed to do this. But that's in your face advertising about what kind of skills you have and the usual 411. And it's coming from you. Trying something a little sneaky, like tacking a post-it that says something positive like "What a great find!" onto the front of your resume could help you stand out. Because most resumes travel through a few different hands before landing in the right ones, it will most likely look like someone saw your goodies and was compelled to point you out to the rest.

If you're guilty of making these common resume mistakes, don't beat yourself up too much. Just change your approach and put these tips into action. Then, rather than wondering what went wrong, you will know what you did right!

Landon Long is the founder of InterviewMastermind.com and a recognized expert on the topic of psychology-based job interview tips for job seekers all over the world. If you are jobless and want to learn more about writing a good resume, here are 3 Savvy Tricks Most Candidates Miss!

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The Bright Side of Getting Fired

Written by Tim Bryce, JobsArticle.com

People get fired from their jobs for a lot of reasons, such as a company struggling in today's economy, poor job performance, corporate politics, or even petty jealousies. Being fired is a real shot to the ego regardless of the reason. The first question one asks is, "Why?" Unfortunately, we don't always get the answer, maybe because companies are afraid of possible litigation resulting from the dismissal or they believe they are trying to let the worker down easily. Consequently, employees are dumbfounded as to why they were fired or are left with a fabricated excuse, which, to me, can be more damaging than the actual firing itself.

Years ago, my father had to fire someone who had risen above his level of competency (aka "The Peter Principle"). He pulled the man aside, explained what he had done wrong and let him go. Years later, my father bumped into the man who was now working at another company. My father wasn't sure how the man would react to their meeting. Actually, the man was quite warm to my father and confided to him that getting fired was the best thing that happened to him as he realized he was on a collision course with disaster in his old job and my father's advice helped point him in the right direction. In other words, the firing had ultimately benefited the man in the long run and proved the point that keeping a poor performer does a disservice to both the company and the person.

Aside from economic downturns, employees typically get fired for a variety of reasons: incompetence, inability to grow and assume responsibility, failure to adapt to the corporate culture, excessive tardiness and absenteeism, bad attitude towards work, illegal acts, etc. In this situation, it is about you, the employee, and highlights a character flaw you may or may not be conscious of. In this situation, you should resist the temptation to become bitter, and try to learn from it instead. It must be something you have done (or not done), or the perception of what you have done. Either way, try to find the truth. If it is something concrete, that's easy, but if it is a problem of perception, try to determine what the cause of the perception is and try to correct it. For example, maybe you were the victim of gossip or something misreported. Then again, maybe there is something in your character that causes people to perceive you as something that you are not. In other words, it's time for some retrospection and soul searching. Regardless, do not dismiss the firing as just the ravings of a nut job. Remember, it is either something you have done, or the perception of what you have done.

This is why I'm a big believer of regularly scheduled employee performance reviews, which many people avoid as they feel uncomfortable talking about a person's character. These reviews should not be taken lightly by either the manager or the employee. They are invaluable for pointing out the strengths and weaknesses of the employee, clearing up misconceptions, and formulating a course of action to improve the employee. Some companies have a policy of performing such a review 30 days from the first day of work, others wait 60 or 90 days. They are then reviewed either on an annual or semiannual basis. The point is, don't take your evaluation lightly, try to understand what the manager is telling you and ask questions. Otherwise you might find yourself totally surprised when the boss fires you.

Hopefully, the person doing the firing will do it professionally. I have seen too many people stumble clumsily through it thereby turning it into an ugly affair, benefiting no one. This is why I wrote the paper "Firing Employees isn't for Sissies" some time ago.

Bottom-line: Don't be bitter about firings and reviews. You might not like them, but you should definitely learn from them.

ryce. All rights reserved.

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Finding a mentor

Written by Clarke Simmons, JobsArticle.com

Few people know what they want to do with their life when they are at school, in fact even when you have left school or gone to college it’s very difficult to decide what you want to do with the rest of your life.

The problem is that most people don’t want to make a decision now that will affect them for the rest of their lives. Many people are quite content just meandering along in dead end jobs. However if you really want to make something of yourself then you will need to spend time coming up with a good plan to land a good career.

Planning your career

Whether you’re just starting your very first full time job, or whether you’re in university or college, or even if you already have a job you should consider finding a mentor to help you with your career. Career advisors are experienced people who have specialist experience of your industry. They are in a position to share this information with you so that you can avoid making the same mistakes that they did. If you find the right mentor then it can work wonders with your career, before you can find a mentor however you have to do some planning and make sure that you’re ready.

Spend some time deciding exactly what it is you want to do for a living, of course this isn’t cast in stone and you can change it later on if you like.

Finding a great mentor

Traditionally finding a mentor was a very difficult affair, but thanks to brilliant sites like CareerSavant you can easily find trustworthy mentors to guide you through your chosen career path.

CareerSavant can be found at www.careersavant.com.au and is a site devoted to matching mentors and people together. You can search the site for mentors that are experienced with your chosen industry so that you can get relevant advice.

Of course you can ask people for help, but the chances of rejection are much higher. By using CareerSavant you stand a much better chance of landing a great mentor that will be able to do you proud. This may seem expensive, however when you bear in mind that it’s more of an investment than a cost then it should be slightly easier to manage.

The site covers most of the big cities throughout Australia which should make it fairly easy to find a mentor close to you. If not then you can always phone up and talk over the phone. Talking with your mentor over the phone will work much better than through email because he will be able to reassure you much better.

CareerSavant also has experts in most of the popular industries in Australia including Telecom, Financial Services, Airline and also government. There are experts that can show everyone what it is they need to do to improve.

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Army Officer Careers - Tips For National Guard Officers

There are many different career paths an Army National Guard officer can follow.

Each state is different. Some states are predominately combat arms, whereas other states are combat support or combat service support oriented.

If you want to have a successful career in the Army National Guard, you must develop a game plan.

Here are some tips you can follow to help you progress your career.

1. Finish Your Military Education Quickly: As a company grade officer, finish your schools such as the Basic Officer Leadership Course and Captain's Career Course quickly. Try to finish your CCC as a senior First Lieutenant or Junior Captain.

2. Get a Company Command: As a junior to mid-level Captain, find a company command position. Spend 18-30 months in command. Learn new things. Challenge yourself.

3. After Command: For most officers, this is about the time they decide whether they want to stay in the Army National Guard or resign their commission. If you decide to resign, consider transferring to the Inactive Ready Reserve (IRR) in case you change your mind at a later date.

If you decide to stay in, you should determine which career path to follow. Sit down with your Battalion S1 and look at the state's Officer Manning Roster. Find out how many positions (MAJ and above) are available for someone with your branch.

For example, if you are an Infantry Officer and there are tons of Infantry Officer positions, you can continue following that career path, if you want to. On the contrary, if you are Infantry, but your state has mostly Combat Support and Combat Service Support positions, you might want to get an additional branch.

4. Consider an Additional Career Field: Consider Public Affairs, Information Operations, Acquisition, Instructor or another career field depending on the positions available in your state.

5. Strive for Vacancy Promotions: Whenever possible, don't wait around for your Department of the Army promotion board. That can take forever. Instead, look for vacancies that you are qualified for. Try to find vacancies 3-6 months before you are eligible for promotion. That way, you can submit your promotion packet at the earliest time in grade.

6. Take Tough Jobs: Always take tough jobs and be a superstar in every job that you have.

7. Go to School: Learn new things. Finish your military education requirements as soon as possible. Look in ATTRS to find courses and classes that will teach you new skills.

Remember, it's your career. And, it's your job to manage your own career. Stay proactive. Try to find a way to stand out amongst your peers.

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The Top Notch Executive Assistant Manages Her Team Well

Written by Adrian Jefferson-Cho
The art of communication is the language of leadership Author, James Humes

An effective communicator is vital for a Top-Notch Executive Assistant. She must be a good listener, an exceptional speaker, and discerning of the emotional language, which is often spoken louder than words. She will provide clear and concise instruction to her staff and lucidly report information to the Executive sometimes with brevity due to the hectic pace of the Executive’s office and schedule commitments.

The Executive Assistant knows she is accountable to the Executive, she in turn, delegates responsibility unto her staff but all parties should possess the quality of ownership or accountability for personal mistakes. As Executive Assistant, your staff will report their progress to you and you will make them aware of what other team members are doing to increase accountability to the group. Accountability helps to keep control in the office.
The Top-Notch Executive is assertive, self-confident, and driven but she is not egotistical or narcissistic. Her objective is to make the Executive shine and keep the office running smoothly. If she has staff to manage she should be generous with praise and if possible, with Executive’s favor, dole out rewards for those staff’s contributions and achievements. The Top-Notch Executive is an exceptional Office Manager and keen observer, therefore she knows her staff’s interests and encourages them to develop and pursue professional goals. She gives them positive feedback with specific points that will encourage and motivate. She will be N.I.C.E.:
Neutral: A Top-Notch Executive Assistant does not indulge in office gossip, however her ears and eyes are perpetually open but her mouth stays shut! She keeps an open-door policy (a candy dish filled with sweets wouldn’t hurt either) and greets with a warm smile. She upholds(and readily defends) her reputation of discretion and prudence.

Influence: She will use the finely tuned art of persuasion and encouragement to influence her staff to reach greater goals and meet the needs of the Company.

Cultivate: She will nurture relationships by assessing the skills and talents of her staff and assist in the development of their professional careers.

Enhance: Ameliorate the Company by evaluating the unique skills of the best and brightest on your staff and seek ways to promote their professional careers within the Company.

The Top-Notch Executive Assistant shares the vision of the Executive, in turn, she shares the vision with her staff. She must present to them not only the long-term vision, but she must possess the ability to see how the fine details of the workday come together to form the bigger picture and be able to relate that to the staff if needed. This is especially needed when a staff member(s) may be experiencing low morale due to a shifting economy.

Remember, to stay positive and help to keep a pleasant work environment.

The 5 steps in teaching an employee new skills are preparation, explanation,demonstration, observation, and supervision. - Author, Bruce Bonds


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