Kamis, 12 Agustus 2010

Retail business tips: how to design attractive shelving display

The only thing worse than walking into a store and not being able to find what you're looking for, is to walk into a store and find a complete mess.

Shelving is the most important factor in keeping your store neat and orderly. Not enough shelving space creates overcrowding and makes things difficult to find, while too much shelving can lead to wasted space.

It is very important to have the right amount of shelving space for the amount of product you have.

The type of shelves you use also create atmosphere for your store. Glass lends to an expensive, classy atmosphere, and wood to a homey atmosphere, while plastic or metal lends to a more economical or warehouse type atmosphere.

Picking a necklace out of a glass case is more appealing that picking one off a plastic rack.

You can create the feeling of high quality, expensive items at reasonable prices just by the way they are displayed.

The $20 necklace in a glass case seems a better buy to the customer than the same $20 necklace on the plastic rack which suddenly feels overpriced.

Shelving displays are a marketing tool and there are some factors to keep in mind before setting up your shelving units.

Marketing research shows the majority of people turn to the right when entering a store - use this to your advantage. Higher priced items can be placed to the right with lower priced items to the left. Or if you have an over abundance of an item you are trying to get rid of, set up a display on the right side of the store.

Marketing research also shows that people tend to look more at eye level than up above or down below. High top shelves and low bottom shelves can be used to neatly organize overstock. Keep your main product supply where the customer can easily see it.

There are some shelving no-no's I often see committed and can't believe places are still doing these.

1) Clothing should not be folded on tables or shelves - they should be hung up.

a) Folded clothes are dug through to find the right size (even if the sizes are marked on a sign).

b) Folded clothes do not get refolded the way they were originally folded, created a messy look.

c) Folded clothes don't get put back where they came from - this is especially true when the sizes are separated by shelves - the clothes usually get put back on the closest shelf - one it did not originally come from.

d) Folded clothes require more time to keep them neat and orderly due to refolding.

e) Folded clothes are reminiscent of garage sales; however in the store prices will be higher, making a customer feel they are not getting as good a deal.

2) Shelves should not be empty.

3) Shelves should not be over crowded.

4) Shelves should not be broken in any way - this is a safety hazard and you would be liable for any accidents or damages.

Shelves should be at equal heights, although they may be staggered to create a different look. Don't put shelves to close on top of one another to make removing and placing product difficult.

You can create pretty displays on your shelves by the way you arrange the product, be creative! Show how items can go together by putting them together. Use tissue paper, ribbon, confetti and other items to decorate the shelves giving them a more appealing look. This works incredibly well with glass shelves.

Use decorations in your shelving displays that go along with the seasons of the year, holidays or other events related to the area you live in. For example, at homecoming, use the school colors to decorate.

The most important rule to remember when creating shelf displays is to use your space wisely - don't leave too much empty space and don't overcrowd. Use your best judgment. What looks good to you will probably look appealing to others as well.

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Police interview tips

Congratulations. In your hand is a Civil Service application for the local Law Enforcement test.

You will notice that some candidates seem to have a gift for testing and getting hired. Many strong candidates test and eventually become discouraged because they are not hired. There are a few secrets that will increase the odds of you receiving the phone call asking you to report for duty.

#1. Take every Law Enforcement test that you can find. It does not matter if the test is for Corrections or Patrol, the value is in gaining the experience. Some areas of the test will come very natural for you, however there will be areas that experience will benefit you.

#2. Observe Officers in the Department in which you are testing. If they wear their hair short, then it would be wise to get a hair cut. If they have highly shined shoes, then shine your shoes for your interview. If you look like a member of that Department, then it will be natural for the Civil Service Board to offer you the position.

#3. Purchase the published study guides. If you chose a study guide that has sample tests in it, you will learn which areas you need to focus your time and energy. Do not waste your study time focusing on areas in which you excel.

#4. Avoid Cussing. This sounds strange and most Police Officers do use profanity, however it is unprofessional and does not portrait you in a positive light. You would be surprised how many people are offended by profanity.

#5. Be Positive. If you talk about your last employer in a negative manner, the interview board will develop some strong concerns. Remember, the interview board is going to rely on their instincts and experience, do not give them the impression that you are trying to find another job before you get fired from your current job. The more tests you take, the more comfortable you will be during the interview stage. When you are nervous, your answers will sound forced and unnatural. When you are relaxed and confident, you will be able to focus more on the questions and your instincts than on being self conscious. Knowledge breeds confidence. You will get knowledge by expereince so get to testing!

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How to Write A Great Resume

  1. Step 1
    Determining your objective before you began. You should know exactly what sort of a job you want, and know what kinds of skills and experiences are needed to do well in that job.
  2. Step 2
    In the resume use bullet points with short sentences instead of long paragraphs that way your qualities will stand out. Highlight your strengths you want to stand out above all other persons applying.
    The font size should be 10pt-12pt and no longer than 1-2pages.
  3. Step 3
    List the best the best jobs first where you gained the most experience. Don't included places you were laid off if it was for a really bad reason. Give the phone numbers of employees that you worked well with as references.

careers, Jobs Indonesia, Indonesia Vacancy
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How to Write a Resume

  1. Step 1
    Write a cover letter. This is not a synopsis of your resume. Simply introduce yourself and say why you are the best candidate for the job.
  2. Step 2
    Know what type of job you are applying for and what the qualifications are for employment.
  3. Step 3
    Choose a design for your resume. You can search for samples that are specific to the job you are applying for, although it is more important to have an outline that best suits the job and fill in the blanks with your personal information. The outline could include objective, work experience, qualifications and references.
  4. Step 4
    Put in the resume your objective, fitting the job description. This can determine whether you get the 10 to 30 seconds and if the reviewer will send your resume to the next round.
  5. Step 5
    Use bullet points to convey information and strive to be clear and concise when writing the rest of the resume. Study the job qualifications and highlight any skills that meet those requirements. It is also best to use action words like prepared, directed, managed, developed, monitored, implemented, coordinated and presented. If you lack experience, focus on how your education has prepared you for the position for which you are applying.
  6. Step 6
    Include symbols like %, $, and #. These symbols will save space, allowing you to include more information on your resume. A symbol like a dollar sign can also draw the HR manager's attention to a significant financial achievement. For example, "directed and closed first year with two million in revenue" should be changed to "directed and closed first year with $2M in revenue."
  7. Step 7
    Highlight your strengths by putting the most relevant points first where they can be viewed quickly. Remain positive and avoid negatives such as reasons for leaving an employer and history gaps in employment. These can be discussed in person if necessary.

careers, Jobs Indonesia, Indonesia Vacancy
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Job-Hunting on the Sly

How to Tap Your Network Without Tipping off Your Boss
by Caroline M.L. Potter, Yahoo! HotJobs

Even if you have a job, you may be in the market for another one.

Your current employer may be in dire straits, or you may simply be seeking new challenges. But in a challenging economy, there are a lot of eager professionals gunning for any position -- including your present one. And because most employment is at-will, you may be fired for looking for a new job.

Use these tips to alert your network about a job search without alarming your employer.

Don't Go into Broadcast Mode

Even though you want your network to know you're looking for work, Liz Ryan, founder of AskLizRyan.com and author of "Happy About Online Networking: The Virtual-ly Simple Way to Build Professional Relationships," urges job seekers, "Do not use LinkedIn, Facebook, or Twitter to indicate that you're job hunting!"

The same goes for mass emails. She states, "People process information differently and they may think they're being helpful by forwarding a message when, in fact, they're being indiscreet." Someone could reach out, inadvertently, to someone connected to your boss and blow your cover.

"Remember, too, that gossip is a valuable currency today," she says. If news of your search falls into too many hands, you cannot control how it is spread. "You can't put such a currency in people's hands and expect them not to spend it."

If you ask for a helping hand, ask your associates to run possible leads and introductions by you before pursuing them. The same goes for recruiters. You don't want anyone acting on your behalf without your approval, as you risk exposing your search to your current employer.

Stay Top of Mind All the Time

Because your network is your most powerful resource for finding another job, you must make sure everyone in it understands what you do and what types of opportunities you're pursuing. Says Ryan, a former human resources executive, "The best possible thing you can do for a search is enroll your job-search army! Meet with them. Talk with them. Ask about their lives. Find out how you can help them. This will get them thinking about you in an up-to-date way."

And if your network isn't big enough, she says that growing it is easiest when you have a job. She notes, "Employed job seekers have a HUGE advantage over unemployed people because they can reach out to anyone in their industry, invite them to coffee, and get to know them without asking for anything." These people may not respond to you when you're unemployed. The same is true for those already in your network.

"If you let a connection lapse, you may encounter apathy when you ask for help," Ryan adds.

Be Ready with References

If you're looking for a job while you have one, you probably don't want to use your boss or a current colleague as a reference. This is particularly vexing if you've held the same position for a number of years. Ryan, an expert on the new millennium workplace, advises, "We have to cultivate references all the time. Look to people who have left the company. Former clients. Even vendors. You may think a vendor wouldn't roll over on a client they serve, but they're pragmatic. You may be a good contact for them down the road." Individuals you know through volunteer activities and professional associations can also act as references.

Another great opportunity for references from your current boss and coworkers are LinkedIn endorsements. "Approach your boss in an 'up' moment, when you've gone the extra mile or saved something, and ask, 'Do you use LinkedIn? May I ask you for an endorsement? It would be fantastic because I'm thinking of becoming an officer in a professional association.' Or something to that effect." Once you have the endorsement, it's there for potential employers to see.

Job Info , Jobs Sources , Career Opportunity

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How to Prepare for a Teacher Interview

  1. Step 1
    First begin by reading sample teacher interview questions. Since most teacher interviews ask similar questions, you can this about your answers beforehand. You can find questions by doing a Google search for "Teacher Interview Questions". You can also find 50 questions and answers in "Guide to Getting the Teaching Job of Your Dreams" at www.iwantateachingjob.com.

    A few of questions that are common at teacher interviews include things like:
    - Describe your classroom management philosophy.
    - How much homework do you give each night?
    - Why do you want to teach at this particular school?
    - What are your weaknesses as a teacher?
    - How do you communicate with parents?
    - Describe how you use differentiation in your classroom.
  2. Step 2
    Read each interview question you think they might ask and think about how you might answer each question. You don't want to memorize your answers, but know how to develop an appropriate response for each question.

    Some people prefer to write down sample answers or "study" sample interview questions with a partner. Whether you're practicing alone, on paper, or with a partner, the real purpose of the activity should be to prepare yourself for every type of question that might be asked and allow you to think of possible answers.
  3. Step 3
    Next, familiarize yourself with educational jargon. Use the Internet to find a list of words, acronyms, and phrases that may be mentioned in the interview and be sure you know what they mean.

    For example, be sure you know and understand how to talk about topics like: differentiation, ESL, IEPs, state standards (if you're in the USA), NCLB, block scheduling, team teaching, and multiple intelligences.

    When you're asked a question with a bit of educational jargon in it, you don't want to be the candidate that says, "Huh?".
  4. Step 4
    Prepare a good teaching portfolio! Many teachers DO get jobs without a portfolio, but having one can give you a definite edge oer the other candidates. A portfolio allows you to show off what you have done in the past. It proves that you have actually done the things you're talking about.

    Be sure you stuff your portfolio with lots of student work samples, assessments you've made up yourself, pictures of students engaged in hands-on learning, parent newsletters, photos of the bulleting boards in your classroom, your teaching philosophy, and your classroom discipline plan.

    When you're asked about these things at the interview, you can simple reach into your portfolio and SHOW them what a great teacher you are.

careers, Jobs Indonesia, Indonesia Vacancy
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