Too often, companies emphasize hard work over experience, when instead they should put smart work ahead of hard work. Ever felt that kind of disdain? Then this list is for you.
Cute dog
1. Start by deciding what you want to do next. Emily Allen, manager of the Workforce Initiative Program at AARP: for older workers, it’s often “the first time in life that they can consider what they want to do rather than what they need to do.”
From via YourHRGuy via Waypoint:
2. Midlife job seekers need a resume that looks forward, not backward. To quote from the article- “a résumé shouldn’t read like the testimonial at your retirement dinner.” Rather- “Change the perspective from “look at everything I have done,” to “look at everything I can do for you.””
3. Don’t be defensive and don’t omit dates. You’ve worked hard to get where you are, so be proud of what you’ve accomplished along the way and be even more enthusiastic about what you have yet to accomplish.
From BBC News:
4. Age stereotypes exist no matter how old you are, so get over it. According to the article, “the worst thing a job seeker could do is try and emphasize the positive qualities which employers associate” with your age.
5. Play up any qualities you have that are usually associated with younger people.
6. Resist being put off by younger-sounding ads that use terms like fast-paced and multi-tasking. Growing a family requires tremendous multi-tasking skills, so know that you can compete with anyone.
7. Learn new skills and technologies. Prove that you can teach an old dog new tricks. Everyone knows how difficult it is to keep up with an evolving field, all the more impressive when you’ve been doing it for a long time. The latest tool for job search is Twitter, and my free e-book The Ultimate Twitter Job Search Guide will teach you everything you need to know about it.
8. Be open to new careers. Think about the skills you have that are transferable to another industry or profession; it’s never too late to find a dream job.
9. Join a group of people like yourself for support, advice and networking purposes. Be part of the JobMob Community, other Internet groups, or perhaps a local job seekers club.
10. Go employ yourself. With a lot of experience, it may be straightforward enough for you to enter consulting, doing the work you know but charging higher prices than former colleagues.
11. Stay healthy by exercising and eating a balanced diet. This is always important, more so when you’re in a difficult transition period between jobs.
12. Make time for friends and family. Job hunting is similar to actors auditioning for a role; there can be many rejections before a break comes and you will need every bit of encouragement that they can give you.
13. Volunteering is a great way to “keep a work-based routine and keeps you involved in the community” which also translates into many networking opportunities.
From Job-Hunt.Org:
14. Update your knowledge before sending out resumes. Even if you’ve been keeping up with new skills and technologies, you may have missed the latest industry jargon and trends.
15. Limit your resume to two pages, and focus on the past positions that are most relevant and impressive with regards to the job you are applying for.
16. If you are interviewed by a younger manager, make a point of describing situations where you worked well with younger people, especially if they were younger leaders.
From Quintessential Careers:
17. Downsized? “If you’ve been downsized, look for work as soon as you can. The longer you’re out of work, the harder it will be to find a new position.”
18. Aim for companies that embrace older workers. SimplyHired 50+ and Jobs4.0 are two job search engines specializing in this domain (both are US-only, unfortunately).
19. If your children have already moved away, offer to put in hours that are difficult for younger people who have family obligations to manage.
20. Registering with a temp agency is a good way to update your skills or learn new ones, especially if you are someone who prefers ‘learning by doing’.
More from Quintessential Careers, on resumes:
21. List about 15 years’ worth of jobs on a resume, and only mention others if you have a compelling reason.
22. Consider a chrono-functional resume style to emphasize relevant skills.
23. Soften the job titles on your CV as necessary to avoid appearing overqualified.
24. Be sure to specify any recent professional training courses you attended in order to demonstrate your willingness and ability to stay up-to-date.
25. Looking for your first salary after a long time as a homemaker or volunteer? Learn to portray your skills as transferable to your next job.
Quintessential Careers on interviews:
26. “Realize that you will probably be interviewed by someone younger than you, and don’t be unnerved by that situation.”
27. “Be prepared for interview questions that are inappropriate, borderline illegal or downright unlawful.” on resumes:
28. “Check for arcane acronyms.” Avoid appearing outdated.
29. “If you have good computer skills, be sure they are highlighted to help overcome the perception that older people are less computer savvy.”
30. “If you are looking for career continuation… use a more traditional resume. If you are planning to change significantly… summarize your long work career in a single paragraph. Then focus… on skills you have developed and accomplishments… that are applicable to your new career focus.”
I’ll add…
31. Look in the mirror, or perhaps have someone do it with you.
32. Prevent yourself from feeling that you missed an opportunity solely because of your age. Most of the time it simply isn’t the case, so avoid clouding your understanding of what the issue really was and focus on any potential improvements for the next interview.
33. Follow job blogs like JobMob and the others listed above. Jobs4.0 in particular likes to hear about older workers’ new job experiences.
34. Do a startup. People tend to associate startups with young go-getters and will be more likely to remember a standout older person taking those risks. Leverage that recognition along with your experience and contacts as you move forward. Plus – with a longer credit history, banks are more likely to help you with financing than a student who only recently opened a first account.
35. Do a startup where your exit strategy is a job offer at another company. As you make progress with your new business, job opportunities will arise through your new network of contacts around the startup.
36. Do a startup of a third kind – take the initiative to form a local support group or job club if you can’t find one in your area.
37. Network, network, network. Many contacts accompany much experience over a long career, and you should use that broad reach to find the people that can help you most.
38. A career coach may be able to guide you towards your objective. Prices can be high, so first try being your own career coach instead.
39. Consider boomeranging- returning to work for a former employer. You may still know people on the inside who can vouch for you.
40. Don’t try to act young in your eyes, you will just look old in their eyes. Always be yourself- it has gotten you this far already.
This article is part of LifeTwo’s Carnival of Careers in Middle Age.
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--Jacob Share