Minggu, 27 Juni 2010

Overcome Stress with De-Stress

By: Beritanet.com

No doubt about it that makes you stressful workload. Especially toward the end of the year, must work even harder to meet the target. Then, what to do when stress hit? The simple message is do not push yourself. Stop for a moment.

Anthony Dio Martin author Freshen Up Again with the De-stress, suggested to deal with stress as de-stress. What is it? The principle of de-stress is to take a deep breath, enough food, enough sleep, listening to music, relax, exercise, social activities and massage of the head.

1. Take a deep breath
Do it when you feel whole or saturated. Stop for a moment. Inhale deeply and exhale slowly. This is to let more oxygen to the brain. A few simple breathing exercises can provide positive energy for our bodies.

2. Eating enough
Many people try to reduce stress by drinking coffee, cigarettes or food high in sugar content. It's not right. Anthony suggested to reduce the sugar content in our foods. The trick, replace the snacks with fresh fruit pieces. In fact, Limit stimulants such as coffee, tea, or chocolate, because the caffeine content in it. Stress relief vitamins and minerals are Vitamin B1, B2, B3, B5, B6, B12, folic acid, choline, co-enzyme Q10, vitamin C, calcium, magnesium, iron, zinc and chromium.

3. Enough sleep
Results of research from the BBC news agency, people who slept seven hours on average, have more chance of long age. However, prolonged sleep also causes the body under conditions of low mood and energy conditions in which people are lazy to do anything. So, about seven hours of sleep is optimal enough, according to this research. Indeed, sleep is needed by the body in addition to the detoxification process, as well as to produce certain substances such as melatonin. Therefore, in situations of stress, take a break by doing cat nap, sleep 30-10 minutes break is a good idea to try. But, remember not to run!

4. Listen to music

Listen to relaxing music. Relaxing music can make the body and mind become more fresh. To reduce stress, avoid music with songs. Pick a soft musical instrument, so that the mind and imagination, we become more loose and free. Focus on feeling the music as such.

5. Relax

In times of stress, it's good if occasionally we do a 'deposition' minds by looking back all the things that we experience with the perspective of a more 'big'. Pray, then look at all the problems and make the process of 'association' to all these problems. Sometimes, by looking from different angles makes the problem not as complicated as we imagine.

6. Sport

Sports activities so help us to reduce stress. Morning jogging, treadmill, aerobic exercise or a light that makes our body sweaty

7. Head massage
At the time of stress comes, try massaging his head lightly. As he closed his eyes, enjoy the feeling when every time your fingers touch the head comfortably. This is one technique to de-stress the better.

8. Social Activities
Finally, try this technique. When your stress, forget for a moment of your job. Mingle with friends or other people. Share with friends and friends may have helped relieve stress. Relationships with many people, will provide a sense of relief, comfortable and happy.

Now, if you are currently being stressful, try to de-stress techniques of Anthony is to refresh (rejuvenating) yourself. Do not let you fall headfirst in a stressful situation that makes you no longer productive.

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Bored? Only Revolution!

By : Beritanet.com

It's many years working in the same place, but still just a career path in place. Maybe it's time for revolution careers.

If we see the success of your college friends, who had a brilliant career, it's a job that you're living now is not nothing. Things are going with the routine, no events can be exciting experiences. Bad again, you feel no longer eager for work. Bored. As a result, not a career that increase, but decreasing performance. If this happens constantly, you might threatened layoffs!
Then what is the solution? Revolution your career! The right time for revolution is when there is no challenge in the work, which makes you extraordinary saturated. By revolutionizing the energy work will be filled again. It was not hard, making massive changes in a short time.

1. Must Dare
Do not imagine that such governmental reshuffle of his Cabinet. Start with small things, such as changing negative habits. If you have no intention of changing yourself, you must be brave. At least the courage to start "living" the new. Make yourself different from the first. And that takes courage.

2. Change Appearance
This method is quite effective. To see the new show, most easily by changing the appearance. If you had long hair, now there's nothing wrong crew cut. More neat, cool again! Or change the conventional way of dressing. Use bright colors to make it more viable. Follow the latest fashion in accordance with your style.

3. Change Negative Habits
If you used the famous rooster late, from now on try to arrive on time. Even if you can even earlier! Changing one habit, will bring the change that is very good. Could be other bad habits will also disappear.

4. Atmosphere Change
How is your desk? Messy? Many files that pile-pile? Even you can no longer find the file easily. It's time to tidy up everything. If necessary, get additional keeper shelf or document so that data can be stored neatly. There should also rebuild the archive on your computer. In addition to good views, you can also work more efficiently and effectively.

5. Fix Relationship
During the time you called quiet in the office? Nothing wrong with being more talkative. Start with the first rebuke. It is easy to relate to, anyway, and should. Especially if your work requires collaboration with other departments. Better yet, if could be more familiar with the boss.

6. Swap Places
If not ready to move jobs to another company, you can ask assigned to another section. First instance if you work behind a desk, field work will probably interest you. Or ask your employer to engage in new projects. Surely you will meet many new things that challenge. And of course, increase your morale.

7. Confidence
To be able to successfully conduct the sixth of the above, the last recipe is confident. You must make sure that you are capable and can show a better performance. Supay abisa How confident? From now on, fix your self-image, self-identify strengths and advantages, develop your potential and remain optimistic.

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5 Reasons Rejecting Job Offers

Do not just accept a job offer without first finding out how the company's prospects. There are a number of reasons why you should reject a job offer, or at least think a thousand times more to take it, for some reason a lot of sense, which may not be disclosed for the interviewer. Get to know, so do not fall!

1. An active search for information
Find out, if the company is listed on the stock (public company) whether the company's shares dived down the middle or rock? Or the middle in a position even acquired the merger? Both of these could indicate a mass layoffs, and the position offered to you today might not exist anymore in the next few months. To calculate your risk, talk to family and trusted people. If you still wanted the position, ask for a contract that guarantees if anything happens with the company, your position will be secure.

2 Recognize patterns of 'out' employees
Employees come and go in a company is a normal thing. But when dkatakan normal and when to say it was a troubled company? Menuurt American statistics bureau, employee turnover in the U.S. in 2006 reached 23.4%. However, noteworthy is the high number of tunrover or employees coming and going should be a red light for potential employees. Better to do small-scale research on the company before deciding to join. Who knew it was no better company than the place you work now.

3 Money is not everything
If money is a major factor in your decision to accept a new job, think twice before you decide. In fact, experts suggest to think, four, five to one hundred times longer. Depending how the financial condition and how much resulted from the work in the new office, the money may not be able to buy happiness or professional fulfillment that you desire. In fact, it could be in the new office is not promising career improvement. Experts suggest, calculate your finances again. Map a long term goal. If the company is now 'stuck' possible bid from another company may be considered. But again, do not think just because the money factor.

4 Not able to enjoy life
New office will probably offer more attractive compensation package, but what if the return on the back you have to work nearly 14 hours over five days and still have to come to work overtime or on weekends? If you're new into the world of work and family is not coincidence, this condition may even be a interesting challenge. But if you're already a family man and is in a 'somewhat well-established' does not seem wise to take a job that requires you to stay in the office 80 hours a week. Consider the consequences which will arise in the immediate family affected. Direct interaction with families and children is very important. Money is not everything, even to buy everything the needed money.

5 Bad Reputation
Moving to work at a company notorious or scandalous is not a wise thing because it just would 'pollute' your CV. It's not just about money, but also a kind of honor gained from the predicates where you work and self-actualizing.

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Okay As Shown Interview

The first impression is so tempting. This argument is true, if the first impression created is good, you should expect a better relationship next time. Conversely, once seen as being OK at first meeting, it's hard to expect a better relationship.

Their opinions are apparently also applies to job interviews. In this case the external appearance will give a first impression on your self assessment. Overall you have to look nice and professional. If you have only the appearance of unattractive, lazy people will see much less speak with you. Therefore, the appearance of your most important concerns when you want to interview job. The following are important things you should consider in your appearance when you want a job interview.

* Use a clean and tidy clothes. Before you leave, the iron used clothing that will wear. Do not use clothes that are torn, for example tear at the base of the arm or collar. And also do not use the buttons clothing retsletingnya incomplete or damaged. Do not be forced to replace with a pin. These little things will make you look strange and very unprofessional.
* For women you can also wear a loose-cut shirt with a feminine model, and long enough so that your underwear is not visible when you sit. For men enter into a shirt and long pants to wear belts look more tidy. Never did not include a shirt. Because it will impress you 'cool', do not care and messy.
* Use the shoes with a closed front. Women can use the right shoes with no more than 5 cm. While men choose loafers with a model commonly used in men to the office. Do not wear shoes the boot model, metal, shoes, sandals, let alone use only sandals. Do not leave your shoes look dirty and dull. Clean your shoes before you leave. For women, if using skirt, can wear transparent stockings to enhance your appearance.
* Comb your hair neatly with model and natural hair color. Do not paint your hair with bold colors that appear at the interview. And do not let the hair covering part of your faces.
* Ensure that your face is clean. Do not let your eyes and there's dirt in my teeth slipped leftovers. To make sure that your appearance once again by paying attention to your face in the mirror. For women use the 'makeup' with soft colors and natural. Do not be too thick, because it is not suitable for the appearance of a job interview. And ensure that 'makeup' you are all wrong, do not let you use lipstick on your nose or eyebrows off.
* Use of accessories mediocre. Do not use excessive accessories like earrings, bracelets or necklaces are great. To women use complementary accessories that do not interfere, for example, small earrings and watches. While men simply wear watches.
* Use a soft-scented perfumes and do not sting. With excessive perfume smell will only disturb the people you meet.
* Make sure that the nails of the hand you're clean and short. Do not let your nails look long, black and nasty. Because these small things will affect your overall appearance. For women do not wear brightly colored nail polish such as purple, dark red, dark blue or black. If you want to wear it, choose soft colors like light brown or translucent colors.

Appearance of birth was given its own value at the time of your job interview. But of course, be supported by the 'inner beauty' you. Courtesy and manners when dealing with others becomes an absolute thing you should note in job interviews. Another no less important is the 'brains' you. Because it's useless if physical appearance is okay but is not supported with adequate knowledge.

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Banyak para professional dan eksekutif yang sebenarnya memiliki banyak ide-ide atau usulan-usulan yang brilian, namun saat diajukan ke atasan, seringkali ditolak. Akar masalahnya adalah banyak para professional yang tidak tahu cara mengkomunikasikan ide atau usulan tersebut dengan cara yang benar. Dibawah ini adalah langkah-langkah bagaimana menjual ide-ide Anda sehingga mendapatkan jawaban YES dari atasan.

1. Harus menjawab kebutuhan atasan
Beberapa pertanyaan yang harus diajukan dalam usulan anda adalah :

a. Apakah usulan Anda mendukung langsung tujuan atasan Anda? Atasan Anda akan sangat tertarik terhadap berbagai usulan dengan ciri-ciri sbb :
- yang menambah keuntungan buat tujuannya
- yang mendukung anggaran yang telah ia susun ( kurangi biaya dan menambah income )
- yang paralel dengan visi misinya
- yang meningkatkan produktivitas untuk bagian atau departemen yang ia pimpin
b. Apakah usulan Anda lebih “beraroma” demi kepentingan Anda, demi kelancaran Anda ?( misalnya supaya pekerjaan lebih ringan, supaya Anda tidak susah, supaya Anda tidak repot. dsb. Ingat! sifat manusia pada umumnya tidak peduli dengan kepentingan orang lain, tetapi sangat berminat kalau membawa keuntungan buat dia. Demikian pula atasan Anda!!!

2. Lakukan PR Anda
Sebelum ajukan atau presentasikan pada atasan, lakukan berbagai persiapan. Arena peperangan Anda adalah saat Anda berhadapan dengan atasan dan presentasikan ide-ide. Oleh karena itu, lakukanlah berbagai persiapan sebelum pergi berperang, siapkan berbagai amunisi Anda.

Format usulan yang memukau atasan Anda adalah sebagai berikut:

a. Rekomendasi
- Mulai dengan kesimpulan atau highlight dari proposal Anda. Buatlah highlight yang “eyecatching”, yang menarik perhatian atasan.
- Misalnya : “Proposal penghematan Rp. 5 juta / bulan dengan investasi hanya sebesar Rp. 1 juta perbulan”

b. Latar belakang - Penjelasan singkat tentang kenapa usulan ini diperlukan

c. Untung Rugi
- Penjelasan apa untungnya buat atasan apabila usulan Anda dijalankan
- Dan apa ruginya untuk atasan ( bukan untuk Anda dan team Anda ) bila usulan ini disetujui

d. Timetable.
- Jelaskan kapan rencana ini sebaiknya harus mulai dijalankan

e. Dampak keuangan
- Berapa biaya yang harus dikeluarkan
- Hal-hal lain yang dijalankan untuk mempraktekan usulan-Anda, misalnya : tambahan prosedur, tambahan orang, tambahan tingkat control

3. Siapkan peluru
- Siapkan berbagai jawaban apabila atasan menolak ( biasanya atasan menolak, karena presentasi anda tidak komprehensif )
- Pikirkan berbagai jawaban atas pertanyaan dengan format “what-when-why-who-where-why-how”

4. Cari waktu yang tepat untuk presentasikan ide-ide Anda
- Jangan sembarangan waktu menyajikan usulan Anda , misalnya waktu pas-pasan dikoridor dengan atasan atau sedang makan siang bersama. Anda berada diposisi yang lemah, apabila atasan menanyakan pertanyaan yang menjebak.
- Sekali persiapkan waktu Anda dengan baik dan minta jadwal yang tepat untuk datang kepada atasan.

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20 Tips to Become More Productive and Happy at Work - Bagian 2

Pada bagian pertama , telah dibahas 10 tips praktis bagaimana Anda bisa tetap produktif ditempat kerja, sekaligus menikmati tugas-tugas Anda. Pada tulisan ini kembali kami sajikan 10 tips praktis yang selanjutnya.

11. Tetap fokus , ketika konflik terjadi.

Tetap fokus pada pencapaian target Anda. Tetap melangkah maju! Jangan pusingkan “siapa yang benar, siapa yang salah, siapa yang menang, siapa yang kalah”. Tinggalkan semua “sampah” ini, tetap bergerak maju. Jangan ijinkan “timbunan sampah” ini mengganjal perjalanan Anda.

12. Secara rutin, ambil waktu untuk ”meliburkan” diri Anda.

Lakukan sesuatu yang sehat yang belum pernah Anda lakukan. Pergi ke tempat yang belum Anda kunjungi. Cicipi makanan yang belum pernah Anda coba. Alami sesuatu yang berbeda sama sekali. Warnai hidup Anda dengan berbagai warna. Jangan gunakan warna kehidupan yang itu-itu saja! Semua ini akan menyegarkan kembali jiwa dan pikiran Anda.

13. Minta masukan positif.

Datangi atasan Anda, atau rekan kerja Anda atau bahkan bawahan Anda. Tanyakan kepada dia, hal-hal positif apa saja yang telah lakukan. Kemajuan-kemajuan apa saja yang telah Anda kerjakan. Jangan pusingkan negative feedback dulu. Positive feedback akan memberikan kepada Anda rasa percaya diri yang lebih tinggi dan pada akhirnya munculkan rasa kepuasan terhadap prestasi Anda.

14. Proaktif untuk kerja sama.

Jangan takut untuk berinisiatif kerja sama dengan rekan kerja lainnya. Jangan menunggu diperintah atasan untuk “connect” dengan orang lain. Kreatifitas seringkali akan muncul saat kita kolaborasi dengan orang lain. Dan hal ini akan memunculkan semangat.

15. Prinsip potong buah nangka

Untuk menikmati buah nangka, Anda harus belah-belah buah nangka besar yang utuh ,menjadi potongan-potongan yang lebih kecil, dan baru kemudian Anda bisa mengambil buahnya untuk dinikmati. Sama halnya, bila Anda mendapatkan masalah, pilah-pilah masalah itu menjadi potongan masalah yang kecil-kecil, lalu selesaikan satu persatu

16. Minta waktu

Bila Anda ditanya suatu pertanyaan berat yang tidak bisa Anda jawab, mintalah waktu untuk mencari jawabannya. Cari waktu untuk bertanya, riset di internet, tanya ahlinya. Praktisnya, katakan,”Saya akan kembali nanti dengan jawabannya”. Hal ini akan menghindari Anda terjerumus kepada jawaban yang Anda akan sesali.

17. Latihan untuk buang kebiasaan negatif

Seminggu sekali, pikirkan secara khusus, satu kebiasaan buruk yang Anda mau buang pada minggu ini dan seterusnya. Misalnya Anda mau latihan membuang kebiasaan menunda. Tuliskan ”STOP MENUNDA” di post-it-note. Tempelkan di tempat yang sering Anda lihat, sebagai alat pengingat, Buat komitmen untuk laksanakan hari itu juga.

18. Belajar sesuatu dari kritikan orang lain.

Bila Anda mendapatkan kritikan dari orang lain, sekalipun orang yang paling Anda benci, jangan cepat-cepat menangkis (defense), Seringkali isi kritikan itu adalah sesuatu yang benar tentang diri Anda. Dengarkan – simak dengan baik – putuskan langkah positif apa yang perlu dilakukan untuk memperbaiki diri

19. Selalu beradaptasi terhadap perubahan

Daya beradaptasi adalah ”survival skill” paling utama didalam kehidupan. Orang yang tidak beradaptasi pada berbagai perubahan, akan mudah stress dan tertinggal. Bersikap terbuka dan selalu mau belajar pada hal-hal baru. Lihatlah perubahan sebagai hal yang menyenangkan dan sebagai obat rasa jenuh terhadap rutinitas yang sama

20. Milikilah target untuk meningkatkan ketrampilan terus menerus.

Jangan lupa, tidak peduli Anda kerja pada orang lain atau bisnis Anda sendiri, harga Anda tergantung pada kualitas keterampilan yang Anda jual. Semakin tinggi kualitas ketrampilan Anda, semakin ”mahal” harga Anda. Oleh karena itu, tingkatkan terus menerus ”barang dagangan Anda

Freddy Liong, MBA, CBA - Success@Work book writer & Coach

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Presentations Coming to Overcome Nerves

By : Hanyawanita.com

Show full confidence ahead of the presentation will produce a good result and memuaskan.Jangan until you bring the company image be damaged just because you are too nervous ahead of the preparation and presentation.

Follow the steps below so that you have adequate preparation and does not appear to disappoint!

Materials prepared
Discussion material presentation you prepared to be as complete and sedetil possible. Make sure what you mentioned there are all based on facts and data that can strengthen your display during the presentation.

Prepare Equipment
Make sure you are or where you will be doing presentations have all the equipment required. Make sure also how many of each tool is necessary so that on the day you no longer need to bother looking for all the equipment needed for a previously prepared.

Recognize Medan
Before the presentation, find out what terrain you will encounter. Make sure what the characteristics of your audience, so that you can get the shadow of the style language such as what and what material event that suitable and signed with the audience, so that you can prsentasi well received.

Remember the phrase practice makes perfect? Obviously in this case also applies to you. Two days before the start presenntasi train yourself to speak in front of the mirror and ask others to evaluate and provide feedback on your performance. That way any errors can be minimized and in the day you will appear more confident.

Food and Beverage Fair
Make sure your stomach is not empty. A hungry stomach will make the concentration to be broken and otherwise overly full stomach will make you sleepy. Eat and drink in large enough portions, so you'll look fit and fresh.

Pull the Long Breath
Pull a long breath believed to shake the feeling nervous. Also pray that you bring a presentation that will run smoothly, so you'll look more relaxed and confident.

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20 Tips to Become More Productive and Happy at Work - Bagian 1

Apakah Anda terjebak pada pola kerja yang sangat membosankan, yang membuat Anda menjadi jenuh dan tidak bahagia dengan pekerjaan Anda saat ini? Apakah Anda ingin lebih produktif dan mendapat kepuasan dalam pekerjaan Anda?

Berikut ini adalah beberapa tips untuk memperbaiki pola pikir, rutinitas dan gaya kerja Anda. Ikuti berbagai tips ini, dan Anda akan melihat perubahan yang terjadi!

1. Buatlah perencanaan

Mulailah hari Anda dengan memberikan ekstra waktu 15 menit setiap hari untuk menyusun perencanaan. Tuliskan 1 s/d 3 hal-hal yang terpenting yang harus Anda lakukan hari ini. Pikirkan 3 prioritas hari ini yang menunjang kearah target Anda. Dan jangan lupa, orang yang mudah jenuh dan bosan adalah orang yang tidak memiliki "peta kehidupan" yang jelas. Jadi buatlah "goal setting" Anda, baik jangka pendek maupun jangka panjang.

2. Buatlah "Power Question"

Tuliskan di sebuah "post-it-note" atau diselembar kertas, tulisan "Apakah saya sudah gunakan waktu saya dengan maksimal hari ini?" Tulisan pertanyaan ini akan menolong pikiran Anda untuk bertindak produktif dan keluar dari lingkaran malas-malasan.

3. Jangan jadi "Perfeksionis"

Seorang perfeksionis tidak akan pernah puas dengan apa yang dilakukan hari ini. Selalu saja ada kesalahan, ada problem dan ada hal yang tidak beres dengan tugas hari ini. Anda tidak bisa bertindak seperti Tuhan yang bisa menyelesaikan segala sesuatu dengan sempurna. Terimalah kekurangan yang terjadi. Yang penting, hal-hal utama sudah bisa terselesaikan.

4. Jangan langsung cek email

Kecuali apabila memang tugas Anda mengharuskan mengecek email dari menit ke menit, maka letakan urusan email setelah tugas yang paling penting bisa diselesaikan. Sadarkah Anda, berapa banyak orang yang terjebak dengan email dan berlama-lama didepan komputer dan melakukan hal-hal yang bukan prioritas utama?

5. Take a break

Setiap 1 - 2 jam berkonsentrasi didepan komputer atau tenggelam dengan segala macam analisa, ada baiknya bila Anda istirahat sejenak barang 10 - 15 menit. Hal ini akan memulihkan konsentrasi dan fisik Anda kembali .

6. Delegasi atau hapus

Delegasikan segala tugas-tugas yang "remeh" kepada staff Anda ( bila ada ). Fokus & prioritas pada tugas-tugas utama dan yang lebih penting. Bila perlu hapus segala kegiatan yang tidak menunjang target Anda hari ini, misalnya ngegosip, menjawab telpon tawaran kartu kredit, dsb.

7. Putuskan untuk selalu "happy", antusias, selalu mengucap syukur dan berpikiran positif

Menjadi sosok professional yang produktif dan kompetitif, tidak berarti Anda harus serius setiap saat. Buat keputusan untuk "happy all the time" dan latihan berespon positif walau sedang "puyeng 7 keliling". Hindari percakapan negatif yang akan meruntuhkan semangat Anda.

8. Menerima & memahami rekan kerja yang negatif

Orang yang bersikap dan berpikiran negatif, biasanya sedang mengalami masalah atau memiliki latar belakang yang kurang menyenangkan. Belajar untuk memahami mereka. Ketika Anda menjumpai orang yang menyebalkan, Anda hanya memiliki 2 pilihan, yaitu menjadi emosi dan tertular negatif atau tetapkan dalam pikiran Anda,"Dia pasti sedang mengalami masalah berat, saya akan coba untuk memotivasi dia". Intinya, Anda mau tersedot sikap negatif dia, atau Anda mau menebar aura positif kepada dia. Anda yang pilih!

9. Setahap demi setahap , bila Anda sedang banyak masalah

"Go slow!" Jangan terburu nafsu. Selesaikan satu persatu. Seperti melerai benang kusut, lakukan setahap demi setahap. Cari seseorang ( yang berpikiran positif ) untuk bisa bagi cerita masalah Anda. Sekali lagi, jauhi si "negative thinker" dan tukang gossip.

10. Jangan coba menggeser "gunung"

Pernah alami hal seperti ini ? Deadline ketat, boss yang "menyebalkan", pelanggan yang kasar, rekan kerja yang egois, computer yang "lemot" ( lambat ). Hadapi saja semua nya dengan mengucap syukur, jangan coba-coba punya keinginan untuk mengubah "gunung" yang tidak bisa digeser. Cari jalan lain, putar, u-turn, intinya, tujuan tetap harus tercapai. Jangan merengek dan mengeluh dikaki "gunung" dan buang-buang waktu!

Freddy Liong, MBA, CBA - Success@Work book writer & Coach

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7 Tips Mengelola Kebosanan di Tempat Kerja

Salah satu pembunuh produktivitas karyawan di tempat kerja adalah kebosanan. Kebosanan yang berlarut-larut pada akhirnya akan merugikan si pemimpin dan perusahaan itu sendiri. Dibawah ini ada beberapa tips praktis bagi Leader dalam mengelola kebosanan karyawannya.

1. Morning Power
Lakukan di setiap pagi hari dengan bawahan langsung Anda. Morning power bertujuan untuk energizing team Anda. Lakukan maksimal 10 menit dengan menekankan pada komunikasi 2 arah. Dianjurkan untuk melakukannya secara informal, tidak duduk di kursi, tetapi sambil berdiri, sehingga tidak menimbulkan kesan tegang atau terlalu resmi. Saat ini bisa jadi kesempatan untuk bertanya tentang kesulitan yang tidak bisa diatasi karyawan, membangun komunikai dua arah dan menjelaskan prioritas kerja di hari atau minggu ini.

2. Suggestion System
Ciptakan nuansa kerja yang kreatif sehingga tiap karyawan memiliki wadah untuk aktualisasi dirinya. Caranya dengan melalui sistem usulan, wadah tempat para karyawan bisa memberikan ide, aspirasi. Misalnya minta agar tiap karyawan memberikan ide kreatif, membuat suggestioan board atau sistem usulan yang mendapat imbalan.

3. Site-Tour
Secara periodik ajaklah karyawan bagian keuangan untuk mengunjungi departemen produksi untuk memahami tugas-tugas di bagian produksi. Tujuannya selain para karyawan semakin memahami tugas-tugas di departemen lain, kegiatan ini juga bermanfaat untuk meningkatkan kerja sama antar team serta menekankan kejenuhan rutinitas tugas-tugas.

4. Internal Trainer
Beri kesempatan karyawan yang senior yang memiliki masa kerja yang sudah lama untuk berbagi pengalaman kepada para karyawan yang relatif masih muda dan baru. Beri dia kehormatan untuk menjadi internal trainer. Umumkan di newsletter perusahaan tentang penunjukan ini. Hal ini akan membuat karyawan yang bersangkutan merasa dihargai oleh perusahaan, dan membuat mereka antusias kembali. Apabila si karyawan yang ditunjuk tidak menguasai cara-cara memberikan latihan kepada karyawan, maka ia bisa diberikan pelatihan khusus "Training For The Trainer"

5. Kontes Produktivitas
Rangsang karyawan untuk berlomba-lomba berkreasi untuk meningkatkan produktivitas perusahaan. Lombakan secara periodik dan beri reward dalam forum resmi perusahaan. Selain akan membawa rasa bangga, si karyawan juga akan tertantang untuk berprestasi terus. Contoh kontes produktifitas antara lain : Cost Saving Contest, Kontes mengurangi tingkat defect produksi, dan lainnya.

6. Musik
Bila memungkinkan, putar musik-musik instrumen dilingkungan kerja. Musik instrumen bermanfaat untuk mengaktifkan otak kanan ( imajinasi & kreativitas ). Musik juga berfungsi untuk relaksasi otak dari rutinitas dan kebosanan. Jangan sampai salah pilih musik yang akan diputar, yang terbaik adalah musik tanpa narasi.

7. Motivational Session
Jadwalkan pemberi motivasi secara korporat setiap minggunya. Misalnya dilakukan setiap hari Rabu jam 8 pagi selama 30 menit. Isi sesi ini dengan berbagai kegiatan yang intinya adalah membangkitkan semangat kerja, contohnya dengan menonton film motivasi yang berdurasi 10 menit, diskusi kelompok.

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Client Facing sucks Tips

By : Kompas.com

Client is king.
This slogan seems to already be thinking that they were obliged to work at the vanguard of the sales or customer service. However, it still ticks when there is "king", which is annoying. Need own tricks to make The King was pleased, and even current affairs.

Science is science to serve clients that require strategies and tactics that are not underestimated. Just like going to face the battle, you also must know whom you are dealing with. Understandably, various client character. Moreover, the incoming pain in the ass category. But still, everything can be made on your knees. Here, several types of clients that are considered 'miraculous', plus deal with the solution.

- The long-winded
You've explained at length about the product or service offered, when prompted to ask, he even confused himself with the question. A wants to ask, but what outward instead of questions B.

Solution: You should hold on to standardize the answers you have prepared the company. Instead, focus on the issues in question. When he was asked several questions, pull the red thread of the question. Avoid answering questions not asked.

- The Grumpy
This type can be detected early on, eg very unfriendly attitude. Her face is often seen bent eight. Difficult cooperative. Just a small mistake can trigger anger. And, when angry, he did not hesitate blurted out her anger spilled on you while in front of people.

Solution: whatever he is upset, you dituntunt patient. Do not interrupt her, because that would make him more explosive. Wait until there was a pause, just talking. Talk out your defense diplomatically. Use a simple sentence that he understands, lower the tone of your voice. Once you explain the problem sits, give him a solution. Avoid using the word I but we. This is so you're not too hurt by the client's anger was not directed at you personally.

- The Seeker Mistakes
This type of happy clients comparing. Nobody looks good in his eyes. For some reason, they can always find an opening to see your mistakes. And mistakes can be your trump card to push you.

Solution: Accuracy is very necessary to deal with clients like this. Be very careful in explaining your product or program to him. Learn in depth product knowledge, and its weaknesses and strengths. Lyrics are also other products for comparison. The more you know your product, you have powerful weapons to win the argument with them. So you do not seem hesitant to make him free to press you.

- The Super nag
Sepertin client wants this lot. Given a second request, given a discount of ten asked for twenty. Everything is too trivial to be his concern. Worse, he can mess up your work because it was considered not fit his taste.

Solution: Dealing with fussy clients like this jurusnya only one patient. Position yourself as the best advisors that will slowly create an emotional attachment. This will make the client more easily controlled. Deal with client requests wisely. Do not rush to be rejected. Instead, he hustled to indulge. Give them alsan to say yes, for example by bringing forward the benefits they would get if they think you are.

- The Seeker support
This type of client will usually be all around a lot "dwarfs" who contribute in making a decision. As a result, he never settled decision. The decision will be constantly changing depending on who among the loudest kurcacinya 'sing'.

Solution: Set up more time for him. Make him 'listen' to you. If necessary, do the wrong approach, a close friend who he used to hear his opinion. Maybe he can be your funnel to 'heat-manasinya.' If he had taken the decision, immediately make an agreement or commitment on paper before changing his mind again. There pamungkasyang ways you can use to pave roads. Make him a friend. Use a personal way to approach them. Sometimes personal persuasion is more wear on certain people.

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5 Tips Untuk Dipromosi Lebih Cepat

Sukses dengan cepat, dipromosi lebih cepat atau dipercaya lebih banyak adalah dambaan setiap professional. Dibawah ini adalah beberapa tip yang bisa berfungsi sebagai "booster" karir Anda.

Tips 1. Network yang luas

Kembangkan "network" seluas-luasnya dengan orang-orang di dalam perusahaan (terutama mereka yang memegang key positions ). Caranya :

  1. Bersikap sopan kepada siapapun juga. Ramah dan hargai orang lain.
  2. Sapa setiap orang yang Anda jumpai (say hello, basa-basi, pembicaraan informal, dsb )
  3. Punyalah hati yang siap menolong orang lain setiap saat. Bantu kepusingan atasan dengan memberikan ide-ide yang positif. Tolong rekan Anda yang sedang overload dengan pekerjaan.
  4. Secara berkala, kirim mereka email tentang berbagai artikel yang bermanfaat mendukung prestasi kerja mereka.
  5. Bangun hubungan dengan SMS yang berisikan kata-kata motivasi.

Tips 2. Aktif melibatkan diri

Beberapa cara untuk melibatkan diri Anda aktif lebih jauh lagi, yaitu :

  1. Terlibat dengan berbagai kepanitiaan yang ada ( misalnya jadi panitia gathering tahunan, panitia Natal, panitia acara 17 Agustus ).
  2. Ajukan diri Anda menjadi ketua penggalangan dana untuk korban gempa bumi ( misalnya ), dsb. Intinya, dorong dan buatlah diri Anda dikenal hingga Top Management dengan berbagai keterlibatan ini .

Tips 3. Gaungkan kepintaran Anda

Saat Anda menggaungkan "gong" kepandaian Anda, orang akan "melirik" pada kecerdasan yang Anda tebar. Dan ini akan menarik atensi para middle / top management perusahaan. Beberapa cara untuk lakukan hal ini :

  1. Banyak menyumbangkan ide atau saran saat mengikuti berbagai rapat. Jangan berdiam diri saja dan menjadi pendengar yang manis, tetapi bersikaplah kritis, berikan saran-saran yang membangun, ajukan berbagai alternatif solusi
  2. Rajin memasukan saran kedalam "kotak saran" atau "suggestion system" (kalau ada didalam perusahaan Anda
  3. Rajin menulis kiat-kiat atau berbagai tips yang bermanfaat, kirimkan ke email perusahaan atau tempel di "majalah dinding" perusahaan atau bahkan terbitkan didalam "newsletter perusahaan"

Tips 4. Tingkatkan kemampuan komunikasi Anda

Kemampuan berkomunikasi adalah media bagi orang lain menilai "siapa diri Anda". Tingkatkan kemampuan Anda didalam :

  1. Tehnik melakukan presentasi kepada atasan
  2. Cara meyakinkan atasan dan rekan kerja dari departemen lain
  3. Tehnik menjual ide kepada orang lain
  4. Tehnik bernegosiasi dengan bawahan, atasan dan rekan kerja

Semakin Anda menguasai berbagai ketrampilan diatas, semakin positif orang didalam mengenal kualitas Anda.

Tips 5. Pastikan Anda "Berprestasi dalam tugas"

Buktikan pada diri Anda, bahwa Anda mampu melaksanakan setiap tugas yang diberikan. Ciri-ciri orang yang berprestasi dan "capable" adalah :

  1. Mampu menyelesaikan tugas-tugas tepat pada waktunya dan memberikan kualitas sesuai dengan permintaan
  2. Mampu menyelesaikan berbagai masalah dan kesulitan yang muncul didalam penugasan ( problem solver )

Jangan lupa, tidak ada kesuksesan yang diperoleh secara gratis. Semuanya perlu usaha yang keras dan cerdas. Kapan lagi Anda mau mulai mempraktekannya? Bangkit dan langkahkan kaki Anda sekarang juga!.

Oleh : Freddy Liong, MBA,CBA - Success Working Habits Coach

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Want to Increase Salaries? Learn How To

By : Hanyawanita.com

Rewarded according to what was done to the right of every worker. Especially if you have worked in the long term and supported with a proud achievement of course you rightly rewarded commensurate with your accomplishments. The following are the things that are considered by every employer to grant the request of the employee salary increases:

* Excellent performance
Of course this can not be debated again. Anyone who works with both and can solve all your job well and correctly will stand out and be a priority within the company.

* Disciplinary regulations
Regulation here means not limited to the rules that are formally dressed in a polite way, but also the rules that impressed trivial as the office hours. Discipline of time is characteristic of people who can be encouraged to work hard. Where there may be companies that want to raise the salaries of its employees had never come to the office on time?

* Create achievements
Let the achievements that tell you about who you are. Do not be too much bragging and gossiping as you will be assessed as being unreliable and empty-brained. Continue to be creative and create as many achievements, the rest let your bosses that assess everything.

* Avoid conflict
Interlace is a good relationship with every employee of the company, even to the janitor though. A good network will facilitate your move to be able to continue to work well in a good environment too.

* Grow spirit of competition
Healthy competition among employees can be a trigger to work even harder. Find pairs of benchmarks and targets to be achieved now. But remember, yes, here is a healthy competition so do not let you quickly carried away.

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Six Quick Easy Ways To Make Money Online

By: Steven Walters

Everyone seems to be talking about making money online these days and why not? Creating an online income now can protect you in the future if you get laid off. And it can even allow you to voluntary leave the ranks of corporate workers once you achieve a decent level of success.

There are many different ways to make money online. Here are 6 ideas to get you started thinking about ways you can start making money online today and protect yourself for the future.

1. Blog for Money
Blogging is a great way to make money. It's easy, fun and you can get started for free with a service like Blogger.com or Wordpress.org. Or if you're already a bit tech savvy go ahead and host your own domain. There are plusses and minuses to each way of blogging.

If you choose blogging as a route to making money online be warned that in addition to content creation you'll also need to learn at least the basics or marketing and search engine optimization. This may seem difficult, but it can be very rewarding and will be a definite asset to your knowledge. The more you learn the faster you'll be able to make more money.

If you prefer not to learn about the marketing of your own site you can still make money blogging for other sites. Services like Triond are a good place to start out and make a name for yourself. Later you can try to get full time work blogging for a network such as Weblogs Inc.

2. Affiliate Marketing
As an affiliate marketer you'll promote the products and/or services of other companies and they will pay you a commission for the sale or leads. Think of it like an online sales job.

Affiliate marketing is a huge arena and there are tens of thousands of products you can potentially promote. To get an idea check out two of the largest affiliate networks, Commission Junction or Clickbank. Both have huge numbers of products you can sell online.

You'll be amazed at the amount of money you can make through affiliate marketing, it is only limited by your own imagination and hard work. There are many successful online entrepreneurs making fortunes every month through affiliate marketing.

3. Starting An Online Business
Starting your own business online isn't as hard as you might think. If you've got in depth knowledge of an industry and some good contacts within that industry you can very likely start a business providing a product or service related to that industry.

Starting your own online business allows you to sell your own products or services. Successful online businesses include web design, software development, copywriting and digital products such as eBooks or video courses.

You'll want to make sure that you do some research before jumping in and make sure that your chosen business is viable and that you can handle the extra demands that business owners have. You can find a great deal of information at Entrepreneur.com on how to start an online business.

4. Domaining Your Way to Riches
Domaining is quite simply buying and then reselling websites and domains for profit. Domainers buy up web properties and then sell them immediately for a net gain or take the time to fix them up first and sell them for even larger profits. It is very similar to offline real estate investing without the huge capital requirements.

Often domaining is referred to as domain flipping and it can be very profitable for those that can identify good niches and develop attractive money making sites. To get some idea of how much websites can sell for take a look at the SitePoint Marketplace, you may be surprised.

5. Take Paid Surveys Online or Try Get Paid To Sites
Paid surveys and get paid to sites are two long standing and easy ways to make money online. You can find dozens of websites that are willing to pay you either for your opinion or to complete trial offers.

One of the great benefits of these types of sites is that you don't need any technical skills or even a website to participate. Paid surveys are fun, easy and they are fairly risk free.

If you want to participate with the get paid to websites you should investigate first to see if they are reliable in sending checks. Once you do find a reliable site you can easily makes hundreds of dollars a month signing up for trial offers.

Paid Survey Success has a large list of paying survey companies as well as get paid to companies that do pay.

6. Freelance and Make Money Online
There are thousands of freelancers making money online and you can be one of them. If you've got skills in web design, programming or writing you can easily join the ranks of the online freelancers. Other freelancing opportunities other than the ones listed above exist in proofreading, transcription and translation.

Don't expect to make thousands as soon as you start however. It will take you some time to build a client base and get to the point where you can command top dollar for your work. But it can be done with hard work and persistence.

When beginning your freelance career you'll likely be taking low paying jobs from places like Elance, however as you gain experience and gather a client list you'll slowly be able to move away from this and increase your rates.

I can tell you that writers especially have plenty of places to begin. In addition to the freelancing websites there are also web communities that will pay you to write for them. Associated Content is one such site. Another is Hub Pages where you get paid on a revenue sharing basis. This means you'll get a percentage of the money made from your articles on Hub Pages.

Honestly the important thing is just to get started. You can use any of the methods listed above and there are likely dozens more ways to make money online that I haven't covered. Don't make the mistake of waiting and over analyzing, pick something you think you'll like and get started today. That's the best way to make money online!

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