Senin, 04 Oktober 2010

How to Job Search at Work (Without Getting Caught)

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It’s hard enough to keep up with a demanding boss and your never-ending to-do list, but finding a new job on top of everything else is enough to make even the most organized and on-top-of-it gal feel a little crazed. If you’re as guilt-prone as I am, then you may feel a little like you’re cheating on your company by sneaking around behind your coworkers’ backs. The long lunches, the extra lipstick stashed in your purse, the secret phone calls behind closed doors…you get the idea. Here are a few tips to keeping your search on the DL.

Nix the guilt: Gone are the days when people would work for the same company for 30 years and get a gold watch at their retirement dinner. Job hunting is a fact of life. Your boss or coworkers may be doing the same thing, so don’t feel like you’re being disloyal. Remind yourself that a new job will give you a better quality of life and help advance your career. Be sure to make it a routine to check online job engines once a day for new opportunities. Monster’s new search-and-match technology will save you time job hunting by returning only a handful of great options that are the most tailored to what you’re looking for, rather than returning hundreds of “so-so” options.

Schedule accordingly: Many interviewers understand that you’re currently employed and are willing to accommodate a request for an early-morning or late-afternoon interview to minimize interference with your current job responsibilities. If someone insists that you meet with them from 1 p.m. to 4 p.m. on a Monday afternoon and that is wildly inconvenient for you, consider whether you really want to work for someone who is so inflexible!

Give yourself time to breathe: In an ideal world, you’d take the day off to go to several interviews scheduled a few hours apart and allow yourself plenty of time to prepare mentally and physically. (Plus, you’d avoid giving lame excuses to your coworkers.) In reality, you’re probably sneaking out during lunch and praying your boss doesn’t notice that you’ve already had two “dentist appointments” in the past month. I normally take the subway to work, but if I’m unsure of where an interview is or I’m concerned I might be late, I’ll splurge on a cab so I can arrive unruffled and on time. Time permitting, you could scope out the address a few days in advance so you’ll know where you’re going.

Get personal business cards printed: Some companies are totally chill about you fielding calls from recruiters, but my past employers were not. I used VistaPrint to order custom business cards with my cellphone number and gmail address printed on them. That way, I could give potential contacts my digits without scrawling them on a napkin. Personally, I think my cards are a lot better-looking and better reflect my professional brand than my company’s logo.

Excel at your current job: If you’re kicking butt at the office, who can fault you for taking an hour off here and there? Delegate when you need to, but keep plugging along so you’ll earn a solid reference from your boss. Though she’ll be sad to see you go, she’ll be happy that you’re off to bigger and better things.

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Is Your Body Language Holding You Back?

By staff

Whether you’re sitting in a conference room for a job interview or a coffee shop on a date, your body language speaks volumes before you even open your mouth. Are you nervous and impatient? Or engaged and interested? You spent so much time perfecting your resume, be sure to put your best foot forward in person, too.

We’ve all heard reminders from well-meaning parents and professors to “sit up straight!" or “don’t fidget!” But there are a couple of body language blunders that may surprise you. We got the scoop from body language expert Janine Driver. Here are the moves to avoid whether you’re on an interview or a date.

1. Gesturing wildly: Some of us naturally talk with our hands (guilty), and while this can sometimes convey enthusiasm, it can also backfire. “You want to keep your hand gestures within the frame of your body," says Driver. “If it goes outside your shoulder length, you’re giving the impression that you’re out of control. Hand gestures should also match the level of your audience. Your gestures should be big on a big presentation. On a date, you should keep your gestures small, and don’t go outside your body.” As someone who’s prone to knocking over drinks in a bar, I’d have to agree with her!

2. Touching your face: Job seekers should avoid fidgeting (which can come off as anxious), but especially near the face. “There’s a myth out there that if you touch your face you’re lying,” explains Driver. “A lot of hiring managers believe that it’s true, so be careful of touching your face.” Also, looking at someone’s lips rather than their eyes can feel sexual, according to Driver, so steer clear of the lips unless you’re in a bar or similar setting.

3. Sitting up a little too straight: Is there such a thing as too-perfect posture? Yes, according to Driver. “You actually want to relax a little bit, because otherwise you’ll give the impression that you’re inflexible. Don’t look like Bill Murray slouched on a seat or appear too stiff like Lilith from ‘Cheers’.” So how do you find the happy medium? Picture yourself before the actual interview or date. “The best athletes literally visualize themselves being successful,” explains Driver. “The faking-it will seem more natural.”

4. Folding the hands: This is a polite, demure pose that many of us learned from our mothers. But Driver advises against it, especially in an interview setting. “That’s how people sit on ‘The Apprentice’ before they’re fired,” she points out. “It’s a begging pose and it’s very passive. [Employers] are looking for people who are charismatic. Hands should be relaxed on the table or desk or lap. You may want the other person to be able to see your hands, because it’s like putting all your cards on the table.”

5. Leaning back in your chair: When you lean forward, you convey interest. Conversely, leaning back expresses indifference or disinterest. Of course, you can also use this information when you’re sizing up an interviewer or date. “After you give them an answer, do they learn forward or back? If all of a sudden they lean backwards, you need to reevaluate or clarify,” suggests Driver. Finally, a way to figure out what they’re really thinking!

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Boss, Do You Lead Meetings That It Effective?

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Boss, you must have held the meeting, one of the important activities are generally carried out in a corporation or organization. Meetings are held on a regular basis as well as incidental is an opportunity for you as a leader to communicate all the latest developments in the company, monitor the latest developments in your team's performance and discuss the solutions for problems that arise in a team. In theory, meetings can also be a place to create creative ideas, a place to resolve conflicts that can not be negotiated via email, phone or memos, and effective way to convey a sense of meaning and purpose because 55% is shown with facial expressions and non-signal verbal (Research Dr. Albert Mehrabian).

But the benefits and positive things can only be obtained if you are planning, directing and follow up the meeting effectively. Meetings that are unable to decide or to produce anything are activities that waste time and will not motivate your team members.

There are tips that can help you to lead and follow up effectively for meeting the goals and objectives can be achieved:

1. Invite employees really interested. Make sure every participant is an employee whose work has links with the objective and meeting agenda.

2. Inform the meeting agenda. When inviting members of the team, to convey a clear agenda for the meeting so they can prepare themselves well. Thus the participants were ready with material meeting so that time spent in meetings could be more effective.

3. Write on whiteboard or read the meeting agenda. Written it would be better because there are 'markers' that can be seen all the people who remind you and the participants at the meeting started out from the original plan. This is to direct the participants and you to stay on the 'path' which is true to the meeting discussion.

4. Open meetings to evaluate the goals, achievements and activities that have been done so far. This will remind every member of your team's achievement and the 'promises' that have not achieved their targets. Praise and remind those who have reached the target for maintaining their performance. Briefly remind employees who miss deadlines or targets for more boost their performance. If you need to schedule a meeting immediately to discuss problems and solutions such deadlines.

5. Try to keep it short. Meeting will not be effective if it lasts too long. Because that's important to stay keep the discussion remains on its agenda. You do not have to always be serious and put the face of 'tense', but when you throw expense, make sure it is not protracted.

6. Involve everyone. Do not let any of you lead the meeting participants was so bored or fall asleep waiting for presentation to nodding off. Encourage lively discussions and allow each participant to express ideas about information, ideas or responses other meeting participants. Let the differences of opinion present in the meeting.

7. Write down any ideas or input from each participant at the meeting whiteboard. This will give the impression that as leaders meeting every opinion you value your employees. Seeing the writing on the board their opinions and views of others also will encourage other participants to take part in brainstorming ideas or suggestions. It is highly expected especially if you lead the meeting is expected to give birth brainstorming fresh ideas.

8. Do not forget to prepare the minutes. Each meeting in the office should be created for the minutes or minute meeting. In addition to functioning as documentation, minutes of the evidence to follow up the resolution of these meetings in future. Keep the short form and results-oriented as agreed by the meeting participants, not a conversation that everyone in the meeting.


Meeting rooms are often become the arena for you to train your leadership, so faithful.

Boss, Build Your Team Now Now

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Very often we hear jargon or quote that gives inspiration to build teamwork or team work.
The team is solid and productive, of course, dream of all leaders. Members of this team understands that every task and responsibility that they entailed is to improve and maintain productivity and performance of team work to achieve the target set by the company.

Building a team's performance has its own challenges and not the job can be done easily, then hope the results can be obtained with the instant. Building a team means to develop character and upgrade the skills of each team member is a gradual and continuous. Meanwhile, often building blocks to do this is coming from the company itself. For example, the system rewards given for achievement or achievements of individual employees, instead of the result of team work, companies also often provide an appraisal of the work or the progress of employees in private as compared with the achievements obtained by the group. These things also have to 'consider' before you prepare and plan a strategy to more actively build your team.

There are several ways you can help and inspire you to build a solid team, productive and could continue to grow.

1. Equalized perceptions, goals, targets and work ethic, and socialized to every member of the team. At the beginning of the formation of a team or when you start to get into a team as a leader, to convey to all members of the targets, objectives and work ethic that you want to apply in the team. Then give your team members an opportunity to give their opinions about things you have to say. Deliver them to discuss and express objections, approval or even their ideas. In the end, every employee will feel that they have a stake in any decision made by the team. Thus will arise a feeling obliged to account for every decision made itself.

2. Make sure each team member knows their responsibilities and job desk .Of course you as a leader not only in charge of managing the task you are a member, also have to understand each activity and the difficulties they face. Because each type of work in a team associated with each other, then the procedure that you specify must also make their jobs more efficiently.

3. Does each member of your team understand what impact any results of their work for the productivity of the team? Every member you should know that whatever contribution they will give results for the company if executed in accordance with its mission, goals, principles and vision of the company. That each of them is an important part that must exist to support the survival and development company. Feelings of being Important is one effective way to build morale.

4. Remind about the initial commitment. When the spirit of teamwork and performance began to decrease, you must boost their morale back with the reminder that they have a part in decisions on targets, goals and ethos of teamwork culture, so that each team member is committed to continue the things that they already decide for yourself.

5. Whether your team members feel appreciated? Did you know that by updating their skills through training or seminars funded by the office, is one effective way of showing that you appreciate the employee? The advantage would be obtained either by companies or the employees themselves; their skills is to increase office productivity, and they have the spirit because it was given the opportunity to grow.

6. Challenges, excitement and opportunity. Routines can sometimes be monotonous. The work that had challenged the skill and creativity can be so boring after a long time so that it can weaken morale. Make sure you provide opportunities for members of your team to re-experience the challenges, the spark in the works. There are many ways you can do; job rotation, freeing them to use new work systems are considered more effective, or giving new responsibilities.


TEAM is Together Everyone Achieve More!

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