Kamis, 29 Juli 2010

7 Quick Tips For Managing Your Friends At The Workplace

Managing employees at the workplace can be a challenging process in-and-of-itself. But what do you do when you're promoted and suddenly some of the employees you're managing are also your friends? Following are 7 quick tips that will help you maneuver your way around this potential minefield:

1. Lay down the ground rules right from the start. Speak to each one of your friends privately and inform them that friends or not, business is still business. Keep your tone pleasant but firm, and let them know in no uncertain terms that they're still required to follow the rules just like everybody else. Tell them know that you will not tolerate them taking advantage of your friendship in any way, shape, form or fashion.

2. Treat your friends the same as the other employees. No better, no worse. If you don't, the other employees will take notice that you're showing favoritism and you will quickly lose their respect.

3. Don't have lunch or take breaks with your friends, unless other employees are also included in the group. Remember, people are watching and appearances are everything.

4. When evaluating your friends for raises and/or promotions, make sure the aforementioned raises and promotions are warranted and based solely on job performance, not friendship.

5. Do not discuss other employees with your friends at any time.

6. Outside of the workplace do not discuss job-relatd issues with your friends.

7. At office parties, picnics, etc., be aware of seating assignments. Do not associate solely with your friends. Again, make sure other employees are included in the group.

As you can see, managing your friends can be quite a balancing act. But if you just remember to treat all employees equally, you should be able to manage it quite nicely.

Author Andrew Rondeau is an award-winning management specialist and the owner of the brand new management website http://GreatManagement.org

By Andrew Rondeau

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Get on Your Boss's Radar

by Sara Eckel, PayScale.com

In a perfect world, diligently doing a good job would be enough to ensure pay raises and career advancement. But the truth is that you also have to put yourself and your work on display for your boss and other managers. Shy, unassuming people are often overlooked. "You need to be seen, and your boss needs to be very clear about your contributions. Otherwise, how can you expect to be recognized for your work?" says Nancy Ancowitz, a business communication coach and the author of "Self-Promotion for Introverts."

Here's how to raise your profile in the office:

1. Speak up. A University of California, Berkeley, study found that people who speak up in meetings were seen as more competent than their quieter colleagues--even when they added nothing to the conversation. If you're having trouble getting a word in over chatty colleagues, Ancowitz suggests making eye contact with the person leading the meeting and raising your finger. "Or sometimes it pays to just lean forward and say, 'Yes, Joe, great point!' and then dive in," she says.

2. Be an expert. Contributing to your company's newsletter or its internal website can help establish you as an expert in your particular specialty. It's also a good idea to come to meetings armed with facts and figures. "Be seen as the knowledge bank repeatedly so that your name is connected with your area of expertise," says Ancowitz.

3. Eat in. By dining in the company lunchroom, you'll open yourself up to casual chats with your boss and other high-level executives. But don't squander these opportunities on discussions of the weather. "To utilize the lunchroom properly, one has to have information to share," says Paul Klein, director of Cleveland State University's Career Services Center. Read the periodicals and blogs that cover your field. Keep tabs on your competitors' doings and on new developments in your industry. "This will enable you to talk to your boss on a higher level, while projecting an image beyond what you're already doing," says Klein.

4. Enlist help. If you're generous about giving credit to others--and you should be--then ask for a little reciprocity. "There is nothing wrong with saying, 'I'm up for a promotion or a raise, and I would love it if you would acknowledge my contributions at the next department meeting,'" says Ancowitz.

5. Step away from the screen. The best way to be visible is to make sure your boss sees you, not just your screen name. "Don't assume that your brilliant emails are telling your story. Your boss is human, and human beings look for connection," says career coach Darcy Eikenberg. So make sure your Linkboss gets to see your face once in while. If you work remotely, schedule occasional meetings or lunches. "Face-to-face conversations are not passe in our high-tech businesses; they are still the gold standard for developing trust--which is essential for moving ahead," says Eikenberg.

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How to Handle Job-Identity Loss

What to do when you no longer have a job title
by Denene Brox, for Yahoo! HotJobs

It's a question that we all face when interacting with people: "So, what do you do?" And if you're unemployed or under-employed and looking for work, it may be a question you dread answering.

If your job title was a big part of your identity, normal feelings of shock and depression after a layoff may be intensified. But approached with the right attitude, losing your job can be a time to step back and redefine who you are in your life and career.

Debbie Mandel, the author of "Addicted to Stress," says about 70 percent of the people she works with define themselves by their job titles. "We tend to measure ourselves by our accomplishments--looking for external validation," says Mandel. "Much of this is rooted in our school days when we were graded for our work."

Need to put your job identity into perspective? Here are some tips to help.

Seek support
Even with unemployment at a 26-year high, many laid-off workers still feel alone and embarrassed. "They question if they fit in anymore," says Mandel. "A mild depression could set in, and a person becomes distracted and unable to focus--and worst of all, feels ashamed."

To combat feelings of depression and isolation, strive to be around people as much as possible. Depression and isolation are difficult to emerge from on your own, notes Philadelphia-based psychiatrist Joseph Garbely. Join a networking group or a support group in your area. Garbely also recommends seeking professional help in dealing with the loss. "Pre-emptive marriage counseling may be very helpful as the financial and emotional stress mounts daily. And creating a Plan B, for when you return to work, is an important guard against history repeating itself in the future."

Robin Ryan, career counselor and the author of "Over 40 & You're Hired: Secrets to Landing a Great Job," advises identifying the one or two people in your life who will cheer you on through this process. "Usually it is not your spouse, who is often too anxious over money issues [to help objectively]," she says.

Balance is key
In most cases, we define ourselves most by where we spend the majority of our time and energy. If most of your time was spent working, then losing your job can mean, in a very real sense, that you've lost your life. But now you can channel more energy into creating a more balanced life.

"My analogy is that life is a series of gardens that need to be tended to regularly. Each garden is vital to one's happiness. If you tend only your 'work garden,' your family, friends, health, and faith gardens will shrivel up and die," warns Garbely.

Reinvent yourself
Dominique Browning, the author of "Slow Love: How I Lost My Job, Put on My Pajamas, and Found Happiness," says she experienced depression, isolation, humiliation, fear, and anger after being laid off from her job at a magazine--an industry hit hard by the recession. "Then I experienced liberation," she says. "The best part of being laid off has been forcing myself into reinvention, and into a different kind of self-reliance."

Browning made a list of things she'd always wanted to do and began redefining her life and her career. "I've reinforced my identity by allowing myself to find strength in the activities I have always enjoyed, by discovering new ones, and by giving myself a new work identity," says Browning, who now works as a freelance writer and blogger.

Browning has also learned to never say no to anything. "Say yes to all interviews, yes to all consulting assignments, yes to helping friends find their way. I'll try anything once, and see where new paths open," she says.

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Moving Toward a Meaningful Career

6 ways to find meaning in your job--no matter what it is
by Margaret Steen, for Yahoo! HotJobs

Mention "meaningful work," and many people imagine working at a homeless shelter or working on research that could lead to a cure for cancer.

But most of us work for companies whose ultimate goal is to make money, even if they do make products or have programs that help people. And even in organizations with the loftiest goals, there are employees who work primarily on mundane tasks.

If you're doing a humdrum sort of job at a typical for-profit company, is it possible for your work to be "meaningful"? Experts say it absolutely is--though you may have to redefine that word.

Mark Guterman, principal of MeaningfulCareers.com, explains that what makes a job personally satisfying and rewarding is not necessarily its philanthropic aspect. "Each one of us creates our own definition of a meaningful career," he says "Moving toward that definition--that's what creates meaning." For example, a parent may find meaning in any job that allows her to save for her children's college education.

Sometimes people change careers to find deeper meaning or gratification in their work. But you probably don't have to do anything that drastic. Experts offer these tips for finding--or creating--meaning in the job you have:

Figure out what you want from work. What makes you happy to go to work in the morning? Some people who have successful business careers find meaning in leadership. Others may be motivated by money or status.

"We have a society that judges that if you do well, you can't possibly have meaning," Guterman says. But if it's important to you, it can create meaning in your work.

And when you figure out what you want from work, make sure to recognize when you receive it.

Take the initiative. If environmental issues are your passion, can you add them to your work, even if it's outside of your official responsibilities? For instance, perhaps you could set up a recycling program for your company, suggests career expert and strategist Mary Jeanne Vincent. Or maybe you could automate some processes so your company can save paper.

Remember why you're working. Perhaps your definition of "meaning" is as simple as providing for your family--if that's the case, focus on that goal. This "eye on the prize" can help make even the most mundane work seem important, Vincent says.

Change your attitude, not your job. "A lot of people think there has to be a perfect fit" between their values and their jobs, Guterman says. But "changing jobs or changing careers is a big deal for most people." Instead of leaving a job that doesn't seem meaningful, try to identify the personally enriching things you can get from it--for instance, opportunities to learn new things, travel, or work with people who inspire you.

Look outside of work for meaning. If you truly can't make your work meaningful, try finding meaningful volunteer work or hobbies. "There is a whole group of people who never get paid to do work that's really meaningful, but they can bring meaning into their lives otherwise," Vincent says. Spending an hour a week on an artistic endeavor, for instance, can make spending time on unfulfilling work tasks more palatable.

Keep your options open. Your interests may change over time. What's meaningful when you're raising your children may change once those children are grown, for instance. "This is a lifelong process," Guterman says.

And keep in mind that the answer to the question "Is this particular job meaningful?" is usually not as simple as yes or no.

"People think it's got to be meaningful or it's not, but it's not that pure," Guterman says. "Meaning doesn't come in the answer. Meaning comes in the process."

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Health Care Employment Heating Up

Staffing shortages, health care reform are predicted to cause dramatic growth.
by Mike O'Brien, Climber.com

One of the hottest sectors in employment right now is health care, as new health care legislation opens the door to entice even more candidates into this critical--and understaffed--field.

Employment by the numbers
According to the U.S. Bureau of Labor Statistics (BLS), unemployment held steady at 9.7 percent overall in March 2010, with the number of long-term unemployed reaching 6.5 million. More than 44 percent of all unemployed persons have been jobless for 27 weeks or more.

In the health care sector, however, employment is on the rise, with 27,000 new jobs filled in March, a 26.8 percent increase over February. There was a 9 percent increase in the number of nurses added to payrolls--and with new health care reform, those numbers will only grow.

What reform will mean for job seekers
The Patient Protection and Affordable Care Act, signed into law in March, will bring a windfall of funds to retain and attract health care professionals. By funding scholarships and loan-repayment programs, the act seeks to increase the number of primary-care physicians, nurses, physician assistants, mental-health providers, and dentists, particularly in underserved areas. Nursing has been targeted as a must-grow area, and the act also seeks to increase the supply of public-health professionals available to serve in the event of U.S. health emergencies.

For aspiring or current health care professionals, opportunities will abound. Expect to see improved benefits and incentives (such as funds for continuing education), particularly if you choose to work in a remote or high-risk area with a shortage of health care specialists. If you're a nurse, all indications are strong that your compensation will increase markedly, as the act seeks to "address financial barriers that nurses and nurse faculty face today." Nursing education, training, and retention programs will all be highlighted to receive funds and attention.

Although the act will go into effect over time, two critical provisions for health care professionals are set to launch in 2011:

  • Funding for community health centers will be increased to allow for nearly a doubling of patients seen by the centers over the next 5 years.
  • Funding for new investments in hospitals and health care facilities to increase the number of primary-care practitioners, including doctors, nurses, nurse practitioners, and physician assistants.

Positioning yourself for success
With health care employment opportunities putting you in the driver's seat, it pays to know what's important to you, because compensation alone may not be enough to justify a position at a new hospital or health care facility. By utilizing the services of a career-management site that allows you to create a unique career profile of your key employment characteristics, you can gain a better picture of what role--or employment opportunity--will suit you best. Other suggestions include:

Check out the benefits beyond the basics. What are the opportunities for continuing education, particularly education in new technologies?

Explore career-advancement and -expansion opportunities. What is a typical career path for your role in this particular facility, what is the typical turnover rate in the unit, and what unique growth opportunities do they offer?

Decide what you really want most. Is it pay, flexibility, the ability to make a difference, the chance to utilize the latest advancements in technology? Rank your preferences in order of importance and stick to your list to ensure long-term satisfaction.

And after you're hired? For health care professionals, the best advice is to keep yourself open to new opportunities as they become available. In this fast-moving profession, you can create your own career path to success.

Mike O'Brien is an innovative entrepreneur dedicated to helping others create breakthrough success, and is the founder and CEO of Climber.com, one of the nation's leading online career-management sites. (A key benefit of working with a career-management site is understanding employment trends--like health care--in time to take full advantage of them.) For more information about how it can help you find your perfect career, visit Climber.com or connect with Mike on LinkedIn.

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Avoid Internet Job Scams

by Rick Ellis, AIS Media

With unemployment at its highest rate since the early 1980s, record numbers of people are desperately searching for work. The Internet is the medium most job seekers turn to today--as do con artists, who use the Internet to prey on the unsuspecting. In today's economy, scam employment has become one of the fastest growing categories of fraud.

Fraud practitioners advertise on legitimate job-placement sites and message boards, or they send "job offers" by email. One typical guise is an international company that needs to hire U.S. citizens as agents to perform certain services. The scam is simple: the lure of a home-based job that requires very little work and pays big dividends draws victims, who end up losing money and, in many cases, becoming victims of identity theft (and sometimes even unwilling accomplices to crime).

Beware of requests to wire money
The too-good-to-be-true positions include payroll clerks, customer-service representatives, shipping managers, mystery shoppers, and craft assemblers--all promising hefty salaries, benefits, and huge commissions. The company obtains personal and banking information from the new hire, and checks are sent with instructions to wire a portion of the funds to a third party to cover expenses. In some cases, packages immediately arrive with instructions on re-shipping merchandise to international destinations. Once the checks are deposited and the packages are shipped, the dream job quickly becomes a nightmare. The checks the victims deposited are fake. The duped "employees" lose the money they wired and are often susceptible to theft and identity theft. And in many cases, they have also unknowingly re-packaged and shipped stolen merchandise, often purchased with stolen credit card information.

Beware of unsolicited emails
Spam has become the advertising tool of choice for many of the con artists. AIS Media, an Atlanta-based company that monitors Internet fraud, reports a dramatic increase in these scam emails--unsolicited emails featuring subject lines such as "Immediate Placement," "We Received Your Resume," "Business Request," and "We're Pleased to Offer You a Job." Thomas Harpointner, CEO of AIS Media, says, "Many of these scams are just newer twists on an old fraud. ... The scammers appeal to the desperation of the unemployed, who in many cases have been out of work for more than six months."

Beware of these red flags
Harpointner warns that if the posting appears too good to be true, it probably is. "Desperation should not cloud common sense," he says. "As job seekers scour the Internet and their email inboxes anxiously looking for ways to generate much-needed income, they should always maintain a wary eye for scams. Avoid responding to emails from unknown sources, and take the time to go online to research the company to see if credible information is available from legitimate news agencies. It should be obvious that companies are not paying big money for someone to do basically nothing from home. Red flags for job seekers include requests for personal information like social security numbers and mother's maiden names, and for cash payments from the applicant during an application process."

The FTC and the recruiting industry crack down
The Internet scams have caught the attention of the Federal Trade Commission (FTC), which launched a crackdown on con artists who prey on unemployed Americans. In "Operation Bottom Dollar," the FTC--in cooperation with other federal agencies such as the FBI, the Department of Justice, and the U.S. Postal Inspection Service--has begun targeting individuals and groups marketing deceptive and illegal jobs, as well as work-at-home and other Internet scams.

Con artists also place bogus employment ads on legitimate Internet job-placement sites, and the recruitment industry has stepped up its fight against them. Job portals and search engines have become proactive in attempting to reduce these scams by entLinkering into partnerships to display FTC consumer information that educates job seekers about job scams. Recruiting sites, message boards, and other Internet services are quick to remove the scams as they are discovered, but with the fast pace of the Internet, the ads are posted as quickly as they are taken down.

Job seekers' caution and prudence are still the primary defenses against job scams.

Rick Ellis has an MBA in e-commerce and is AIS Media's director of channel partner development. AIS Media is an Atlanta-based Internet interactive company dedicated to stamping out Internet scams and fraud.

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Great Work From Home Business Tips

Are you interested in working from home? If so then you should definitely check out these work from home tips. Working from home is very desirable, but it is not as easy as it sounds. That is because when you are at home you are in "home mode" and not "work mode". These distinctions are important to make because if you do not make them and figure out a way to create a "work mode" while at home you will not get much accomplished. The following work from home tips will help you create a work from home atmosphere that will work for you.

Tip #1. Work Hours

Everyone likes the idea of working from home because they can make their own hours. However, if you do not have set work hours on certain days then you will find that it is not as easy to accomplish work from home like you imagined. As a result, decide on some work hours each day and then stick to them. If you need to change them for any reason that is okay, just reschedule those work hours at another time. This may seem silly at first, but you have to control your schedule in order to complete your work.

Tip #2. Work Space

In order to successfully work from home you will need a set workspace. The reason this is important is that you need to know where your workspace is and that when you are in that area you are in work mode. In addition, if you use your entire house your office then you will misplace things and make working from home more difficult on yourself. You may not have space for an office so to speak but you can make a place where you only work from home.

Tip #3. Turn off the TV

When you are at home, you may always have the TV turned on. This is normal because people like to keep up with what is going on in the world as well as their favorite shows. However, the problem is that if you have the TV on you will not be able to accomplish as much work. That is because you will be distracted, constantly looking up for a few minutes here and there, and your work will suffer. If you really want to take advantage of the opportunity to work from home and make the most of your time then turn off the TV. You will get more work done and then can sit down and watch an entire show without feeling guilty about it!

There are of course many other work from home tips you can implement to help you accomplish more and make the most out of working at home. However, the three mentioned here are a really good start and if you implement these you will see immediate results. You can work from home, but you must be disciplined and focused or you will not get very far!

By Home Business Guy

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Booming Health Care Careers that Pay Over $50K

by Carol Tice, PayScale.com

Work in the health care field thrives despite economic bad times--and opportunities are not limited to working in a hospital. Far from it. In addition to a wide variety of roles, health care offers many work locations: there are health care professionals working in sleep clinics, at colleges, in mobile classrooms, in research laboratories, on cruise ships--and even in prisons.

In 2008, health care employed 14.3 million people, according to the U.S. Bureau of Labor Statistics (BLS), and the field is forecast to add 3.2 million more jobs by 2018, as our population ages. (It's possible that this estimate is low, as it was made before the passage of the national health care reform bill, which is expected to give millions more Americans health care coverage and increased access to health services by 2014.)

Here's a look at some less-well-known health care careers that are forecast to grow, along with their median annual salaries (according to online salary database PayScale.com):

Nurse anesthetist ($144,821)
The average nurse works only about five years before being ready for a change, says Michele Kunz, director of nursing education at Mercy Medical Center in Long Island, N.Y. Many move on to "advance practice" specialties, and this is among the best-paying, combining basic nursing skills with expertise in administering anesthetic. Registered nurses receive additional training and obtain a master's degree to take on this role.

Nursing informatics analyst ($80,596)
Nursing experience and a knowledge of electronic medical records get you into this field, where, according to Kunz, "There's tons of opportunity." Hospitals need medically trained professionals to help them evaluate options, select software providers, and implement new medical-records systems to comply with provisions in last year's stimulus bill.

Health information-management director ($73,308)
Even without a nursing degree, you could find a place in the booming medical-records arena if you have strong information-technology expertise, "This is a giant field," says Kunz. "You could work for a hospital, for a vendor building programs, or in sales."

Nurse educator ($71,292)
Experienced nurses often move into educating their peers, says Kunz. As the ranks of doctors and nurses grow, the need for required refresher and certification courses also increases, she notes. Some educators travel around delivering courses at clinics and hospitals, while others set up independent or mobile classrooms.

Clinical laboratory scientist ($63,756)
Research funding in health care got a boost from last year's stimulus bill, so medical-lab positions are growing fast. Medical-research institutions are hiring as they receive federal grants and take on new projects, says Dr. Ming Tai-Seale of the Palo Alto Medical Foundation. Most clinical lab scientists have a four-year degree in medical technology or clinical laboratory science.

Clinical research coordinator ($50,881)

Also known as medical-research coordinator, this role involves overseeing research projects in the lab or the field to make sure they stay on track. A bachelor's degree in a science field or a nursing credential is a typical prerequisite. Tai-Seale reports that her foundation recently hired in this area to support new research projects funded by the National Institute of Mental Health.

Respiratory therapist ($50,521)
Helping patients with breathing problems is the main task of respiratory therapists. An associate's degree gets you into the field, and the BLS expects 21 percent growth.

Business reporter Carol Tice (www.caroltice.com) contributes to several national and regional business publications.

Source: All salary data is from PayScale.com. The salaries listed are median annual salaries for full-time workers with 5 to 8 years of experience and include any bonuses, commissions, or profit sharing.

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5 Ways to Earn Big Bucks Without a Big Degree

Train for a new career in less time than you might think.
by Mary Fineday, FindtheRightSchool.com

From health care careers that don't require a doctoral degree to professional jobs that offer responsibility and challenge without requiring years of education, these smart jobs may be waiting for you after less prep time than you might think. Check out five ways you can earn a healthy salary without spending hundreds of hours in a classroom (though you can earn advanced degrees in some of these professions as well).

Hotel managers
Roll out the red carpet for travelers and earn a hefty paycheck with this surprising management job. If you're organized, professional, and happy to interact with lots of diverse people, a career as a hotel manager can reward you for your skills. Hotel managers across the country saw mean annual wages of $52,550 in 2008, according to the U.S. Bureau of Labor Statistics (BLS).

Smaller hotel chains often require only an associate's degree or a certificate in hotel, restaurant, or hospitality management. Move up the career ladder with more experience or a bachelor's degree in business administration or hospitality management.

Environmental-engineering technicians
Do your part to help the environment with this eco-friendly career. As an environmental-engineering technician, you'll work closely with engineers on developing the tools and technologies that will help reduce air pollution and maintain pollution controls.

Environmental-engineering technicians earned mean annual wages of $44,440 in 2008, according to the BLS. What's more, the career is one of the fastest-growing in the United States, with a projected 27.5 percent growth between 2008 and 2018. You need only an associate's degree to work as a technician, and you may choose to earn more education and become a fully licensed engineer down the line.

Dental hygienists
Care for your patients' teeth, make them feel comfortable in the dentist's chair, and earn a healthy living as a dental hygienist. This is a growing profession--nearly 63,000 new careers are expected to enter the field between 2008 and 2018. Best of all, you need only an associate's degree to work as a hygienist.

Dental hygienists earned mean annual wages of $66,950 in 2008, according to the BLS. That's an hourly wage of over $32. What's more, hygienists often work part-time--flexible schedules are common in this field.

Registered nurses
The BLS reports that registered nurses earned mean annual wages of $65,130 in 2008. This is another great health care career; nurses can be found in a wide variety of places, from hospitals and doctors' offices to public clinics, nursing homes, and schools.

An associate's degree is a popular way into the profession. Later on in your career, you may choose to specialize, earning up to a master's degree and increasing your earnings. With the demand you'll find in the nursing profession, the career moves you make are up to you.

Pharmacy technicians
Dispense medication, interact with patients, and work under the direction of a pharmacist as a pharmacy technician. Earn a certificate or an associate's degree in a pharmacy-technician program; these programs generally take between six months and two years.

Pharmacy technicians earned mean annual wages of $28,500 in 2008, the BLS reports. Then you can build up your experience and skills and move into a supervisory or specialized technician position, or go back to school and become a fully licensed pharmacist.

Professional careers without a professional degree
Career-training courses can typically be completed in less time than a bachelor's degree requires, and they are popular among working adults who need to keep a full-time career while completing their education. Consider the careers above as just a few options on the list of respected, professional jobs that require less education than you might think.

Mary Fineday is a freelance writer based in Austin, Texas.

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Online Home Business Budget Stretching Ideas And Tips

It is highly recommended that one of the first things you should do when you start an online home business is join an internet home business marketing forum where you will find a wealth of free information, budget saving tips and money saving ideas available to all members.

Forum members will vary from newcomers to internet marketing gurus and the tips and advice that accumulates in the forum postings from these members is invaluable and most times you will find the answer to any online home business questions you may have. If you do a search in the forum you will be sure to find a number of postings offering solutions.

It is important to treat this forum almost as a home base and make daily visits and contributions. Help others out if you can offer advice to their queries and become known in the forum. You will become acquainted with gurus in your field and find it easy to pick out the strengths of different members.

Instead of wasting precious time searching the internet for solutions or answers often it is a great time saver to post your question in the forum and usually within a few hours you will have a number of replies to your posting offering advice, tips and solutions.

The other great thing about forums is that if you are running your online home business on a tight budget they can save you a lot of money.

For example you may still be in the early stages of learning html or are having problems fixing something on your site and yet despite helpful and informative postings from other members you are still unable to solve the problem.

In this case instead of paying someone to fix the problem for you, you could approach the other members either by a public posting in the forum or by sending a private message (PM) offering them a link on your home page, or offer to run an advert for them in your newsletter or offer to send a broadcast to your opt-in list in exchange for fixing your problem.

We all know that unique content is a very valuable asset on the internet so another form of payment that you could offer is to write an article or two exclusively for the webmaster with his chosen theme and keywords in exchange for helping you out. You could still add your resource box with a link to your online home business website to benefit from the back links.

Another form of payment you could offer is placing a small classified advert or banner on your online home business website for a certain length of time.

Apart from saving time and money by networking in the forums you will gain so much really valuable information that will contribute to the growth of your online home business that would be hard to find anywhere else. You are dealing with people who have walked the road before you and are speaking from experience.

It is also a good idea to post in the forum prior to joining an affiliate program, purchasing a program or buying traffic to seek the advice of the other members – this could save you a lot of money or on the other hand give you the confidence to move forward.

Forums not only provide information that will be so valuable to the growth of your online home business but they are great places to make friends and form joint ventures.

The longer you belong and participate in a forum the more at home you will become and you and your online home business will benefit greatly from the budget saving tips and money saving ideas found in the goldmine of helpful information available.

By Cynthia Minnaar

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No Power? No Problem

How to lead from any level--and get ahead
by Mike O'Brien, Climber.com

One of the most frequent complaints that entry-level and midlevel professionals share with recruiters is that their current positions don't provide them with enough authority to lead. But for true leaders, the ability to influence others is much more powerful than officially vested authority.

So if you want to make the kind of difference that will set you apart from other job seekers and elevate your profile on career-management sites, you have to learn to lead from any level. Here's how:

1. Brand yourself as a leader
Whether you realize it or not, you have an employment brand that's made up of how you present yourself and your work within your company. What does your brand say about you? Is it professional, upwardly mobile, and open to opportunities? Or ferociously independent, highly creative, and strongly opinionated? Or technical, antisocial, and quiet? Just reading those descriptions probably conjured up images of people you've worked with. Now ask yourself how others would describe you.

Choosing and expressing an appropriate brand is critical to establishing your position in the minds of your audience. So if your focus is on being a leader, identify what a leader looks like to you--and then start presenting yourself accordingly.

2. Influence key workplace decision-makers
Regardless of conventional wisdom, most people base decisions--even complex technical and financial ones--on emotional factors. So if you can connect with people emotionally, you'll have an advantage when it comes to influencing them to follow your lead. Pay attention to the emotional cues you receive when you're speaking with others--whether they're engaged or distracted, intent or upset. Understand what drives your audience, and then communicate in ways that feed that drive: for example, an appreciation of rules and structure may drive your company's staff lawyer; for your designer, it could be a focus on personal freedom.

3. Tell your story with passion
At the heart of any successful sale lies a story, one that builds a connection between a product, person, or service and a target audience. In your case, your story should focus on your primary passion--whether that is leadership, execution, strategy, or performance. By presenting yourself effectively with a specific message in nearly every conversation, and speaking or writing with intention, you can build a reputation of both focus and power. This tip extends to your job-search materials as well. Whether you're speaking with recruiters or posting your resume on a career-management site, every contact is a chance for you to share your story with excitement and intensity.

Because if you believe in it, others will, too. And once you've engaged them in that story, they'll be much more likely to follow where you lead.

Mike O'Brien is an innovative entrepreneur dedicated to helping others create breakthrough success, and is the founder and CEO of Climber.com, one of the nation's leading online career-management sites. For more information about how to find your perfect career, visit www.Climber.com, or connect with Mike on LinkedIn.

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Work At Home Online Business Tips

When starting a work at home online business and going through the training there always appears to be so much to do and of course we want to get everything set up as quickly as possible in order to start making money online.

However, you may find that a lot of the information that you are provided with is totally new to you and so before being able to implement the tasks you may need to learn some additional skills and so you need to try and avoid suffering from information overload.

By trying to get as much done as possible in the few hours available without having a total understanding of what you are doing will only lead to confusion and frustration. It can become overwhelming, so you need to focus on one task at a time and try and stay organized and work as efficiently as possible. Making use of To-Do Lists helps – you could have an urgent list, important list, daily, weekly and monthly lists.

It is highly likely that you will want to implement some changes to your website but at this stage your knowledge of html is really minimal, so you first may need to spend some time learning html before you move on to the stage of being able to successfully make changes to your website.

You will also be eager to start driving traffic to your work at home online business website and may want to implement a pay-per-click advertising campaign but your experience in this area of advertising is also lacking. Again you would need to spend time learning the ins and outs of pay-per-click before starting a campaign otherwise it could end up costing you dearly.

There are many internet marketing methods that you would no doubt be introduced to during your work at home online business training, such as article marketing, email marketing, forum marketing, blogging, traffic exchanges, safelists, pay per click, classified ads, ezine advertising, social bookmarking, etc. Avoid trying to implement them all at once. Choose one and focus on it until you are having success then move on until you have 2 or 3 methods that you are skilled at.

You may like to initially focus on building your list by getting subscribers to sign up for your work at home online business ideas newsletter. You can do this by buying leads, placing classified ads with your autoresponder email address in it rather than your website address, put an exit pop up on your home page, put a newsletter sign up form on all of your web pages, etc. Each new subscriber you get to your newsletter means that you are making progress.

You could for example then move on to learning how to write and distribute articles which is a great way to drive targeted traffic to your website as you will be building back links to your website which will result in higher positions in the search engine results

Building a work at home online business is a step-by-step process and takes time. It is rather like building a house, you cannot put the roof on until the walls are built and you cannot build the walls until the foundations are laid and so building an online home business needs to follow a similar logical process.

Don’t rush, take your time and get to grips with the information provided in order to build a solid foundation to your online home business. Choose the internet marketing methods that are most effective for you and build your work at home online business one step at a time instead of trying to implement everything all at once.

By Cynthia Minnaar

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Tips to set up your Internet Home Based Business

Setting up an Internet home based business is like starting an actual business. Some people may think that since a business is operated online and from home, it is a smaller-scale venture compared to real businesses. This, however, is a misconception. Some Internet home based business are even bigger and are experiencing more growth than real ones. Starting and operating an online business venture may be a bit challenging when you are new to the field and is used to the conventional business and marketing world. However, there are also many resources on the Internet that you can get your hands on in the actual setting. The difference lies on how you take advantage of these unique Internet resources and make them work for you. Here are some tips on how you can successfully set up your Internet home based business.

As in any business venture, the key to a successful Internet home based business is to plan. Set goals; determine what you want your business to achieve, and prepare concrete action plans on how you will achieve your business goals. Plan what you are going to need, in terms of investment and tools. In terms of investment, you might need to upgrade your computer for a better one, or you might need to purchase another computer to sustain your business operations. The investment requirements will differ based on the nature of your Internet home based business. In terms of tools, since there are a lot of resources available to you on the Internet, plan which resources can help your business. Do you need to set up a blog site, or join forums to advertise your site? If so, in what way should you advertise? These are just some of the things you should already lay out in detail before you even get started.

Once your Internet home based business is under way, the next thing you need to do is to advertise! There are plenty of ways to advertise on the Internet. You can set up a blog and write articles about your products. You can join forums and post website ads in various sites that your target customers often visit. You can exchange links with other sites to drive traffic to yours. You can post pictures and videos of your products on your site, your blog, and in forums. Also, master the art of search engine optimization to lure people to your website, and thus, to your product. The more visitors you get, the more potential customers you have!

Just as any actual business will not succeed without a loyal customer base, you also have to build a customer base for your Internet home based business. It is important to build a relationship with those who transact business from you. Chances are that they can even bring in more customers because of their contacts. Social networking is yet another concept that is very popular on the Web, and it will pay to take advantage of the social networking sites and communities online. There are a lot of social networking sites on the Web, such as Facebook and Myspace, which can help increase your customer base. When you have a loyal customer base, coupled with a social network that continues to bring in more and more customers, your Internet home based business will be unstoppable!

The arena where your Internet home based business will perform in may be different from the conventional marketing world, but the same rules applies. No business will be successful without careful planning, focused goals, a loyal customer base, and a source of customers. Don’t make the mistake of thinking that once you put your business on the Internet, it will grow on its own. The Internet is as wide as the world we live in, and your Internet home based business will only be successful if you’re ready for a challenge.

Want to set up your Internet business? Find out you can do that at Internet Home Based Business
By Alan Lim

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Internet Home Based Business: 5 Tips To Make Your Website Grow Your Business

Your website can help you succeed with your internet home business, or it can cause you to fail if it is not optimally set up.

In order for your internet home business to be successful, your website must well set up so that it attracts the traffic you need, and so that the visitors who will come to your website will make you some money.

What hints must you heed in order to make sure that your website will effectively promote your products or services and encourage visitors to actually buy from you?

A professional-looking and well presented website

A tidy and professional looking website is very important if you want your internet home business to succeed. Your website is your store front, and you need to create very good first impressions, otherwise you lose potential customers.

A website that is easy to navigate and accessible Whatever your internet home business, you have a lot of competitors; there are thousands of other businesses and websites from which customers can choose from. Website surfers and customers expect an efficient and easy to navigate website where they can easily get what they are looking for. It is therefore important that you have a website which is easy navigate.

This means that your website must clearly show what you are selling; information and images of the products you are offering must be easy to find in your shopping section of your website; and they must be very clear to view. It is also important that your pages load quickly. Various customers prefer various options for completing an order form and paying for the products or services; so it is important that you offer these options of your website for your customers, otherwise you will lose customers and potential sales

A website which encourages browsing and impulse buys Your website is there to make you money, so use various techniques that encourage visitors to buy. It is therefore important that you present your website in such a way that every visitor or customer is presented with an opportunity to browse your site and to buy more. More sales means your internet home business will succeed.

One way to entice visitors to buy is to include product reviews or satisfied customers’ feedback on your products, which tends to encourage visitors to buy. It is also important that you draw attention to the products’ key benefits. If you sell a wide range of products, next to any main product, include some other complementary products which the buyer may need. This will encourage your visitors to but more that one product from your website, which means your internet home business will make your more money.

A website must have your contact details and you must be available to handle any queries Customers need to feel secure while they do online business transactions or purchases. It is therefore important to have your contact details on your website if you want your internet home business to succeed. After-purchase service is very important, especially for online transactions. It is therefore critical that customers know who you are and how to contact you after they've made a purchase, or if they need further information about your product or service before they decide to purchase. Your contact information should be clearly visible on your site. The success of your internet home business depends on your credibility – and the first step in building your credibility is to be easily available for your customers.

It is also critical that you check your website’s emails regularly in case there is a customer needing some help. You will need to be available as needed so that you keep your business running smoothly and your customers satisfied, which potentially creates repeat business for you.

Have a feedback form

For your internet home business to be successful, it is important that you constantly improve your website or products/services, and you can achieve this by having a feedback form on your website. For your internet home business to succeed in the long term, you must be constantly improving your service and products, and stay in tune with your customers’ needs.

By making sure that your website has the 5 features outlined above, your internet home business will be successful and profitable.

By Jeff Casmer

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7 Great Jobs for Working with Your Hands

by Carol Tice, PayScale.com

Does your knee bounce when you're stuck at a desk? Do you need to be able to move around? For people who aren't cut out for cubicle life, there are plenty of great gigs that let you work with your hands.

And working with your hands doesn't mean you'll get a small paycheck. If you're interested in a hands-on job, here are seven lucrative options in a range of industries:

Mechanical engineer ($72,884)
Do you enjoy tinkering with malfunctioning machinery? You could turn that knack into a well-paid career developing or repairing everything from steam turbines to internal combustion engines. With electronics increasingly part of machines, from electric generators to air-conditioners, this field has even better-paying opportunities for specialists who can combine mechanical skills with an aptitude for electronics, says John Gaal, a vice president at the Association for Career and Technical Education. According to the U.S. Bureau of Labor Statistic (BLS) most, but not all, mechanical engineers have four-year degrees.

Elevator mechanic ($62,204)
Most of the work with elevators is on the repair side right now, as building owners keep older elevators running to avoid making new purchases, according to Gaal. But look for installation work to pick up when the economy improves. Most workers enter the field through a four-year apprenticeship program.

Power-plant operator ($61,014)
Though there aren't a lot of new electric power plants being built, the BLS reports that many workers are nearing retirement age, so the job outlook is still good. Workers repair and operate boilers, turbines, generators, and other plant equipment. Some enter the field straight out of high school, according to the BLS, but most applicants have a two-year vocational degree. Several years of on-the-job training are required to become fully qualified.

Pipefitter ($57,277)
Usually better paid than plumbers, pipefitters wrestle with high-pressure pipe systems such as those used in large buildings' heating and cooling systems. Apprenticeship is the most common route into the job, says Gaal.

Sheet-metal worker ($52,829)
Gaal says there's work for sheet-metal workers because of the need for metalwork in clean-energy power-generation machines such as wind turbines. Federal stimulus funding is keeping these projects going straight through the economic downturn. Job descriptions in fields including sheet-metal work, carpentry, electrical work, and plumbing are being redefined as new products and techniques are developed to meet demand for more energy efficient buildings.

"Trades in green building are where the higher-paying jobs are now, and where the work is," Gaal says.

Wind-turbine technician ($48,990)
Speaking of the green revolution, there are many opportunities in manufacturing, installing, and maintaining clean-energy devices such as towering wind turbines. Two-year vocational degrees in the field are being offered by a growing number of institutions.

"Wind energy is big, especially if you're in California," says Amit Singh, director of operations at the national temporary-labor placement chain Labor Finders.

Auto painting ($47,666)
Add a little specialized skill to the painting trade, and you get a job that can be creative and fun, especially if you like cars, says Singh. For many people, this occupation has been elevated to a well-respected art form in recent years thanks to reality show "Pimp My Ride." Vocational training gets workers into the field, and that's usually followed by two years of work experience leading to certification by the National Institute of Automotive Service Excellence.

Business writer Carol Tice is a regular contributor to Entrepreneur, The Seattle Times and other major publications.

Source: All salary data is from PayScale.com. The salaries listed are median, annual salaries for full-time workers with five to eight years of experience and include any bonuses, commissions or profit sharing.

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8 Mistakes to Avoid in Your First "Real" Job

What not to do when entering the professional workforce, for new grads (and everyone else)
by Margaret Steen, for Yahoo! HotJobs

You've graduated from college and landed a job in a tough economy. Congratulations! But now the real work begins.

To make your first job a stepping stone and not a dead end, try to avoid these pitfalls:

1. Being impatient
You want to start making a meaningful contribution on your very first day--but there's a fine line between taking the initiative and appearing presumptuous.

"The first thing I would suggest is not to go in guns a-blazing and insist on making your mark right away," says Alexandra Levit, the author of "They Don't Teach Corporate in College." "Pay attention to how things are done, how other people bring up ideas."

Once you have a feel for how the business works, give your boss some ideas for improvement and ask for feedback.

2. Being too patient
Just as you shouldn't arrive at your first department meeting with a list of suggested changes, neither should you spend your first month sitting in your cubicle and waiting for your new coworkers to introduce themselves.

Instead, get to know your coworkers and their jobs. "Don't get a bad attitude because people aren't paying attention to you," Levit says.

3. Using technology inappropriately
Whether it's OK to text during a business meeting or post to Facebook from your desk will depend on the company culture.

Levit advises paying attention to what everyone else is doing. Do colleagues use email or instant messages? Is it OK to use your laptop during a meeting? Or to listen to your iPod while you work? "Every workplace is different," she says.

4. Making a bad first impression
From your dress to your handshake, people will form opinions of you early on. "Be very mindful of how you act when you meet people for the first time," Levit says.

Make a special effort to remember people's names and something about them. Don't take two-hour lunch breaks, even if you don't have much work to do yet. And watch your colleagues for signs that it's quitting time. "You should never be the first one out the door or the last one," Levit says.

5. Not discussing your goals with your boss
You should find out what your boss is hoping you'll accomplish in your first 90 days. "Touch base with your manager on a regular basis," says Peter Jacobs, a career consultant and coach. "Make sure everybody is still on the same page."

6. Not understanding your boss
Your boss may not like to communicate the same way you do--and it's important for you to match your boss's preferences. Jacobs says you should ask yourself, "How does the person like to receive information? How often?"

7. Going it alone
Your boss is a great resource, but to build a strong career you'll need advice from more than one source. "Look for people who might be good mentors and sounding boards as you progress and develop," Jacobs says.

8. Not appreciating it
Your job may not be "the be-all and end-all of career stardom," Levit says, but you can view it as an opportunity to gain new skills, learn about the business world, and make valuable networking contacts.

"You might as well enjoy the time to take care of yourself and learn as much as possible, because you won't have that time forever," she adds.

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It's Never Too Late to Start a Fast-Growing Career

Exploring education options that make sense for people at any stage in life.
by Jessica Hanley, FindtheRightSchool.com

Do you feel pangs of regret as another group of students prepares to graduate from college in just a few weeks, wishing you were up there onstage receiving your associate's or bachelor's degree as well? With the right career training, it's never too late to transition into an in-demand career. The U.S. Bureau of Labor Statistics (BLS) expects the following careers to continue growing much faster than average through 2018, so there's plenty of time to earn a degree and enter a growing industry.

1. Paralegal
Paralegals and legal assistants help attorneys prepare for cases by drafting documents, doing research, and preparing written reports. Because paralegals now perform some of the tasks that were previously reserved for lawyers, the BLS expects employment of paralegals to grow by 28 percent from 2008 to 2018. In 2008, paralegals earned a median income of $46,120.

The most common way to become a paralegal is to earn an associate's degree in paralegal studies through a local college or online degree program. If you already have a bachelor's degree, a certificate in paralegal studies can help you transition into an in-demand legal career.

2. Computer Software Engineer
Computer software engineers use computer science and mathematics to develop software applications and systems. From video games to operating systems, computer software engineers design, create, and test software that responds to users' needs. According to the BLS, computer-applications software engineers earned a median salary of $85,430 in 2008, and their employment is expected to increase by 34 percent from 2008 to 2018.

Most employers prefer to hire software engineers with at least a bachelor's degree in computer science, software engineering, or mathematics. In addition to formal career training, computer software engineers must stay abreast of new technology and trends in the computing world, and many go on to earn a master's degree in computer science.

3. Computer Programmer
After a computer software engineer designs an application, a computer programmer writes the code that makes the program function. Computer programmers use several computing languages to write programs. In 2008, computer programmers earned a median salary of $69,620, according to the BLS.

Most computer programmers hold a bachelor's degree in computer science or information systems, but some employers will accept programmers with an associate's degree in computer science or a related field. Online degree programs in computer science and information systems can help you make the transition into a programming career without leaving your current job.

4. Network Systems and Data Communications Analyst
Network systems and data communications analysts design and evaluate network systems like the Internet, local area networks, and intranets for corporations and other organizations. In 2008, they earned a median income of $71,100, and the BLS expects their employment to grow by 53 percent from 2008 to 2018.

Most network systems and data communications analysts hold a bachelor's degree or an associate's degree in information systems, computer science, or a related field. Online degree programs in computer science and information systems can help you gain the education you need to make the transition.

5. Registered Nurse
Registered nurses work alongside doctors in hospitals, care centers, and doctor's offices, and they play a key role diagnosing and treating patients. The BLS expects employment of nurses to increase by 22 percent from 2008 to 2018. In 2008, registered nurses earned a median salary of $62,450.

Nurses can train by earning a bachelor's degree in nursing, an associate's degree in nursing, or a diploma from an accredited nursing program. Associate's degree programs generally take two to three years to complete, whereas the bachelor's degree takes four years and involves more comprehensive coursework.

6. Accountant
Accountants maintain the financial records of companies, government agencies, and individuals, and their duties often include budget analysis, tax preparation, auditing, and investment planning. Accountants earned a median income of $59,430 in 2008, and the BLS expects their employment to increase by 22 percent from 2008 to 2018.

The first step to becoming an accountant is earning a bachelor's degree in accounting or a related field. Most bachelor's degree programs take four years to complete, and online degree programs in accounting are available. After earning a bachelor's degree, many successful accountants go on to become Certified Public Accountants through a series of tests.

Entering a Growing Field
Whatever your current occupation, career training and online degree programs can help you transition into one of the decade's fastest-growing jobs. Employment opportunities for the above occupations are expected to be excellent through 2018, so you have plenty of time to meet your educational goals--and don that cap and gown.

Source: 2008 mean annual salary figures reported by the U.S. Bureau of Labor Statistics.

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6 Careers That End Early

Some people strike it rich, others are forced to retire early in these careers with short life spans.
by Fleur Bradley, Investopedia.com

Are you dreaming of retiring young? Not all careers are designed to last until the golden age of 65--some people get rich and bow out early, while others are forced to pack it in while they're under forty. Whether by choice or not, here are six careers that end young.

1. Investment Banking
Government bailouts, frowned-upon employee bonuses--the financial industry doesn't exactly have the best public image, but the earnings are still substantial. The risk of failure is great, but so are the rewards if you make the right move at the right time: investment bankers make an average of $73,000 a year--a respectable number, but remember that the earning potential has a high ceiling.

Take 31-year-old Fabrice Pierre Tourre (dubbed Fabulous Fab), who saw the housing bust coming and hedged against it. Though questions are now being raised about the legality and morality of these actions, right now he could retire at 31 off his prediction that the housing bubble was about to bust.

2. Acting
You may have heard how top-earning actress Angelina Jolie makes $27 million a year, and that Jennifer Aniston comes in at second place at $25 million--according to Forbes. These paychecks sound great, but Hollywood is a tough employer. Those high earnings are the exception to the rule, and careers can flunk overnight.

Actresses are at particular risk of forced early retirement, since the industry likes its female talent under 40 and wrinkle-free. Still, if you make it big like Ms. Jolie and Ms. Aniston, you'll be able to retire comfortably in your Malibu mansion and let the younger crowd take over while you take in the California sun.

3. Military
The training is brutal; the hours, long; and the deployments, wrenching. But a career in the military can be a great way to ensure an early retirement. Say you joined at 18--you can draw a (modest) retirement when you've served 20 years, at the age of 38.

Medical and education benefits add to the perks. Many military careerists go on to well-paying jobs working for contractors, or continue to build their retirement payout by working as government employees. When you add job security and tax perks, those combat boots start to look pretty tempting.

4. Sports
If you've ever watched a football quarterback take a brutal hit, or watched a baseball player hit that perfect home run, you know the skill to take the heat on the field is rare. Athletes can be paid millions for their talent, like the Indianapolis Colts' Peyton Manning's rumored $50 million long-term deal, once his current contract expires.

These kinds of paychecks require great commitment, however, and end when the athlete's body no longer performs at optimum--which is most certainly a few decades before the standard retirement age of 65.

5. Modeling
Their beauty is dazzling, but it also fades faster than any other job attribute. To gain success, models often start working during their teens, and are considered at the peak of their careers before they're even legally allowed to drink. Pay can be high for those in couture or with a famous supermodel image, like top-earning Gisele Bundchen, who--according to Forbes--makes $25 million a year.

To earn these types of salaries, models have to snag endorsement deals or branch out into television, like Heidi Klum, number two on the list of top-earning models. Many older models go on to work in fashion or design, or find lucrative endorsement deals, like Cindy Crawford and Christie Brinkley.

6. Dancing
Being a ballet dancer sounds so romantic, but to dance professionally does mean to be young. Often said to be harder than any sport, dancing requires that you be in top physical condition (and keep your weight down), practice, travel and generally be devoted to your profession beyond your average career. To be successful, dancers must start training at a young age, with first professional auditions at the age of 17.

Pay is generally low, with top-earning performers making just over $15 an hour. Dancers often stop performing by their late 30s; some go on to work as choreographers or teachers.

The end of the employment road?
Although these careers have short runs, many who retire from these jobs go on to branch out as consultants or teachers or to do contract work. Some, like famous actors, top athletes, and investment bankers, jusLinkt strike it rich and can spend their young years spending their fortune--giving us doing the 9-to-5 something to dream about.

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How to Ask Tough Questions at Work

by Caroline M.L. Potter, Yahoo! HotJobs

Sometimes getting what you want (or need) is as simple as asking. But when it comes to work matters, asking isn't always that simple. More than courage, career strategist Cynthia Shapiro believes that you must first build trust at the office--with your boss--before you make any of these requests. "You cannot ask for a raise, a promotion, a better desk or shift, or sometimes even help, without a solid foundation in place. The way you build that foundation is by putting your boss's priorities ahead of your own. Finding out what is most important to him or her and embracing those things are paramount to your success."

Asking for a raise
If you want a raise, you'll likely have to ask for it. But Shapiro advises that you be mindful of exactly why you're asking. "People will ask for a raise because of something that's happened in their personal life. Wrong! Or they'll ask for a raise because they 'deserve it'--also wrong! You need to prove you're worth more to the company."

Shapiro, the author of the bestseller "Corporate Confidential: 50 Secrets Your Company Doesn't Want You to Know," suggests doing homework before you ask. Build your case by justifying the added expense of an increase in payroll. Take note of your accomplishments, your increased workload, and when you've increased revenues or cut expenses. Make sure your request is within salary parameters for your region and your level of expertise.

Then, Shapiro says, "Pick your timing. Wait until the company is feeling flush--when it just got a big new contract or client, or when you just did something wonderful that the company recognized you for."

When you do ask, be direct and stay on your message. Shapiro adds, "You are asking for a raise because you are worth more to the company, not because you want one or generally feel you deserve one."

Asking for a promotion
Asking for a promotion is similar to asking for a raise--but unlike a raise, which you have to ask for, promotions should rarely be directly asked for! Assuming that you've built trust with your boss (that is, the gatekeeper to your success), he or she will view you as an ally, according to Shapiro. And, she says, "Only allies move up. Make it known to your boss that you may be interested in other opportunities that come up."

And even if you have a lot to do, make it look easy: "No one will recommend you for advancement if it looks like you can't handle the work you currently have," Shapiro explains. Volunteering for new duties can also send a signal that you're ready to move to the next level.

Asking for a layoff
If you've heeded Shapiro's advice and established a healthy, respectful bond with your boss, you can probably ask for a layoff and get it. However, she says, "This is the only request that does not require a solid foundation with your gatekeeper. If you really hate your job and have a problem with your boss, you can ask for a layoff, and the boss will most likely give it to you just to get rid of you."

If this is the situation you're in, she recommends, "Let your boss know, confidentially, that you've enjoyed working for the company and the department, but due to a variety of circLinkumstances, you would like to be considered for a layoff if one were to occur."

Leave out the real reasons you want to leave, so you can ensure that your exit occurs on good terms. If you know layoffs are definitely looming, Shapiro says, "You should always let the organization know that you'd volunteer. It will help them make the right decision and may save someone's job."

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