Kamis, 08 Juli 2010

How To Master Telephone Interviews

By Nathan Newberger

Don't be afraid to pick up the phone! The telephone interview is by far becoming more and more popular. Many job hunters still get that adrenalin rush even with the phone interviews. But following the tips and advice in this article will help you master the phone interview and get you to the next step - the face to face interview.

Often, the first step in the hiring process is the telephone interview.

Companies and the recruiters they employ use the telephone interview to develop a pool of candidates to look at closer, and to pare down the number of applicants for a job opening.

The advantages to the company are:

• the cost is less.

• the list of questions can be standardized.

• the interview can be delegated to a lower level (cheaper) employee.

• it can be done quickly.

The aims on both sides of the telephone are limited. The caller wants a selection of qualified candidates, and the process screens out many candidates. If the call is a straightforward screening call, the caller will likely ask about your experience, availability and salary requirements. Your strategy is to provide facts that support your resume, with some context about your performance. Try using numbers and facts to be effective, however, you don't want to volunteer anything that could disqualify you . Make every effort to sound professional but not personal, as this call is not to establish rapport.

Since you are unlikely to win the job from a telephone interview, your goal is to secure an in-person interview with the person who has the authority to hire. Approach the call with that attitude.

Managing the Telephone Interview

Try to reschedule surprise interviews. Say that you have a conflict and suggest a time you can call back. When you call back, be prepared for the call just as you would for a full-dress interview.

Have ready

• pen and paper, a calculator

• the job ad and the resume and cover letter which you sent in response to the ad.

• a list of your accomplishments which relate to the job you are discussing.

• research you have done on the company.

• a short list of questions about the job.

• your calendar.

The Techniques of a Pro

• Smile - it comes through in your voice.

• Speak directly into the phone.

• Don't smoke, chew gum, eat or drink anything. It all telegraphs to your listener.

• Stand up. Your voice sounds stronger.

• Avoid ah, er, hum. This habit is especially noticeable on the telephone. This takes
practice. So practice.

For a winning performance

• Confirm the caller's name and company. Get the caller's telephone number.

• Be aware that the caller can't see you - can't see your hand gestures, can't see you
taking notes.

• Pace the call. Let the caller do most of the talking, without interruptions.

• Do use the technique of repeating or re-phrasing questions. It tells the caller that you
listened carefully, and gives you time to think about your answer.

• Avoid the simple yes or no; add selling points at every opportunity.

• If you need time to think, say so - as in radio, silence during a telephone conversation is
dead air time.

• Compensation issues come at the end of the interviewing cycle, never at the telephone
stage. You can truthfully say you don't know enough about the job to state a salary figure.
And, of course, you would need a personal interview to really talk with the company.
Which is another way to go for the personal interview. Re-affirm your qualifications,
express your interest in the job and the company. Say you would appreciate the
opportunity to talk about the job further - in person.

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Dress For Success

By Nathan Newberger

Its true - You Are What You Wear! Especially when it comes to the job interview.

Believe it or not, you are examined from head to toe in all interviews. Not only is your experience and personality sized up...but also your appearance. The dress code for men and women differ substantially so this article is broken up into seperate sections for each gender.

Before you go on that job interview, make sure you read these dressing tips! Many people take for granted the appearance aspect of the job hunting process. The better you are dressed, the more confident you will feel and exude.

There's no impression like the first impression. Initial decisions made about you in the first three minutes of the job interview are nearly irreversible.

The purpose of your clothing is to project an image of professionalism. Consider:

• Your clothes should subtly add to your appearance. More importantly, clothing shouldn't
detract from your business persona.

• Much as you may want to stand out, wearing the business "uniform" communicates
instantly that you are a mature, stable professional and a member of the team.

• Even if the internal dress code is very casual, your interviewing attire should adhere to a
conservative standard.

• Dress up - the best you would ever dress when actually employed there.

Here's how to dress for the best possible outcome:

• Research the prospective employer - companies and even industries have definable
corporate cultures. Find out what the corporate uniform is - and wear it.

• Select an outfit you have worn before and are comfortable wearing.

• Try on the outfit a few days before - enough time to have drying-cleaning and repairs

• Check the ensemble for missing buttons, frayed cuffs and other needed repairs.

• Everything must be clean, neat and ironed.

• No bulging pockets or sagging coat lining.

• Hair and nails must be clean and groomed.

• Scent should be low-key or absent.

• The favorite color of most Americans is blue - it conveys trust, calm and confidence.
Blue is a very good interview color.

The Fine Points

• Shoes should be comfortable and polished. Shoes that are well cared-for signal "Good
attention to detail."

• Be parsimonious with scent - many people are allergic and too much perfume is an
instant interview killer.

• Jewelry - real jewelry, if you have it. No jewelry is better than fake. No rhinestones
cufflinks, no cloth watchbands, no novelty tie tacks.

• Clean and polish your briefcase or purse; organize the inside.

• A winter coat must be cleaned and pressed, particularly since a coat may be the main
item your interviewer first sees.

• Your umbrella should be in conservative colors (black, tan, navy, gray) and in working
order. Do not leave it to drip on the company carpet.

• Bring a pen and paper; check that the pen works and doesn't leak. Store them in the
inside jacket pocket, where you can easily find them.

• Allow time to dress with care and deal with emergencies. Examine the results, front and
back, in a mirror.

Men - Consider These Tips/Advice

• tailored suits in navy, gray, beige. (black is a funeral color, avoid it.)

• dark suit, light shirt

• natural fabrics - wool/wool blend for the suit, cotton for the shirt, silk for the tie

• business shoes and over -the-calf dark socks

• matching silk tie in low-key colors

Women - Consider These Tips/Advice

• simple, tailored suit

• tailored dress

• dress & jacket combination

• simple blouse

• natural fabrics - wool/wool blend, cotton and silk

• conservative colors - blue, gray, beige or black

• avoid loud or flashy styles and colors

• use makeup sparingly.

• low -heeled pumps, flesh colored stockings

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Watch out for ILLEGAL Interview questions!

by Nathan Newberger

This information can help you when you are interviewing for a position and also when you conduct interviews yourself.

I’ll quickly cover the following:

A) Why Employer Ask Illegal Interview Questions.
B) Examples of Illegal Interview Questions.
C) Tips on How To Respond to Illegal Interview Questions.

Job Interview Fact
U.S. law prohibits certain types of questions and you are by no means required or obligated to answer these questions. These questions are prohibited for a reason: to keep employers from unfairly trying to weed you out as a possible employee.

A) Why Employers Ask Illegal Interview Questions.
The interview is where you get your chance to sell yourself directly to the employer. During the interview the employer is obviously trying to learn more about you and how you may or may not fit in the company.

The main reason why an employer might purposely slip in some illegal questions is basically to try and get information to keep you from getting a job. Most illegal questions revolve around personal information and asking them is usually not related to the job and is often discriminatory in nature.

Another reason some employers ask illegal questions is because they just don’t know any better. Many interviewers are not trained at all and simply don’t know what is legal versus illegal. Please keep this in mind, it may just be a poorly trained, inexperienced or just curious interviewer and not meant to be harmful or discriminatory at all.

B) Examples of Illegal Interview Questions.

Illegal questions generally fall into 4 categories:

1. Disabilities & Physical Skills
2. Personal Background
3. Race, Creed, or Color
4. Family & Relationship Items

10 Sample Illegal Questions:

1. How tall are you?
2. Are you a US Citizen?
3. How old are you?
4. Are you really a man?
5. Are you Chinese or Japanese?
6. What religion are you?
7. Have you ever filed for bankruptcy?
8. Have you ever been arrested?
9. Are you married?
10. How many children do you have?

C) Tips On How To Respond To Illegal Interview Questions.
First and foremost, avoid reacting in a hostile fashion remember that you can always decide later to decline the job offer. Your goal during the interview is to try and get the job offer.

Response 1:
Go ahead and answer the question. If you don’t feel uncomfortable and you think your answer is in your favor, why worry? Go ahead and answer the question and make no mention that you think its improper or illegal. Just remember that you run the risk of harming your candidacy if you give an answer not favorable to what the interviewer has in mind.

Response 2:
Refuse to answer the question. You are within your rights but in a delicate and sensitive area with regards to the potential job offer. You can say politely that you don’t feel comfortable answering the question and ask to move on. You may even want to mention to the interviewer that the question is illegal and doesn’t pertain to the job. The key here is to be as tactful as possible. But keep in mind, you may come across as confrontational or not a "team player" in the eyes of the interviewer.

Generally speaking, its better not to confront or debate the interviewer about the legality of a question. But if you have any uncertainty about the questions, you should be alert to any pattern of discrimination especially if you notice several illegal questions. Try and remember the questions and speak the employer’s HR director and get answers to what may have happened.

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8 Telephone Interview Preparation Tips

by Nathan Newberger


Telephone interviews are quite common in today’s job market. They are offered for a variety of reasons including cost savings, screening of candidates and out-of-town applicants. To successfully navigate the phone interview, it is important to have a solid game plan in place for preparation.

The following 8 quick telephone interview tips will help prepare yourself for a successful call.

Try to find out who will be interviewing you. Will there be multiple people on the call? If possible get their names and titles. Become familiar with these before the call and you will have one less thing to worry about during the call. Try and get some background on the interviewer. Any insight you can gain about him/her will allow you to better tailor your responses to make the best possible impression.

Make a list of your accomplishments, goals and strengths. On another list write out your weaknesses and what you are doing to overcome them. On a third sheet write down why you are interested in the company. Think carefully about all of these items as they often come up in interviews.

Never forget that a telephone interview is still an interview. Take time to practice interview questions with friends or family. Ask them to provide honest feedback so you can improve your responses. Mock interview questions can easily be found on the internet or the bookstore. If you get stuck on a question, sample answers to these questions are often provided as well.

During the mock interview, have your friend ask you questions both over the phone and in person. Make sure that he/she listens not only for content, but also tone, rate and clarity of your speech. If possible, record yourself speaking. Are you speaking slowly and clearly? Can you easily be heard? Is your voice portraying you as a confident and enthusiastic candidate? If not continue to practice until you are comfortable.

Stake out a quiet space to occupy during your interview. Ideally, there should be a comfortable place to sit as well as a table to lay out your papers. Try and find a low-traffic spot where members of the household are un-likely to disturb you.

Have a copy of your resume and cover letter close at hand. Take out those lists you made while organizing your thoughts. In addition keep any notes related to the company that you feel may be helpful during the call. Spread these items out across your table so they are easy to access. Only keep what is truly necessary. Too much paper can be a distraction.

Place a notepad and several pens or pencils on the table. These will be helpful in writing down notes, questions and most importantly, your interviewer's names.

As the appointed hour draws near, make sure that the television and the radio are turned off. Exit your email and turn off your computer screen. If possible, disable your call-waiting. Let your family or roommates know about the timing of the interview so they do not accidentally disturb you. Place a do not disturb sign on your door as a gentle reminder.

By following these 8 basic tips, you are making a great impression and on your way to the onsite interview. Remember, the phone interview is very important and you should plan and prepare for it carefully.

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Avoid Potential Interview Disasters

by Nathan Newberger

There are definitely things that you can do to avoid minor mishaps which could ultimately blow an interview. Become familiar with these 7 potential interview disasters so you can prevent them from obstructing your path to that ideal job.

Showing up late is both rude and inconsiderate. Is this the first impression that you want to leave with a potential employer? Map out your route and try it out before the interview. Plan on being at least half an hour early to your appointment. This will provide a buffer to protect against wrong turns, traffic jams and all the other mishaps that may befall you. If you arrive early, you can use the time to calm your nerves.

Many a nervous candidate has been known to accidentally call the interviewer the wrong name. In order to avoid this disconcerting faux pau, find out who you will be speaking to before the interview. Memorize the name(s). If this information is not available prior to the meeting, then write the person’s name on your notepad as soon as you sit down for the interview. If you do slip-up, do not make a huge fuss. Apologize quickly (and sincerely) and move on.

Choose your words carefully. Avoid impulsive answers; the first thing that pops into your head may not be the best response. Remember, it’s ok to pause if you need some time to think. Feel free to say "that’s a good question; let me take a moment to think about it." This demonstrates that you think before you speak. Is your everyday speech peppered with expletives or other potentially offensive phrases? If so, take care to avoid these during your meeting.

Interviews are stressful situations for even the most qualified candidates. This tension can lead to candidates "freezing up" during the meeting. Alleviate some of the expected stress by practicing mock interview questions. Have a friend conduct simulated interviews. If possible, have him/her conduct the interview in a variety of manners including reserved, rushed, and disinterested. This way you will be better prepared for whatever the interview may bring.

Nature has a funny way of acting up at the wrong moments. Fortunately, you can help prevent these unwanted incidents. Avoid the awkwardness of a growling stomach by eating a few hours before the interview. Be careful in what you eat and drink in the 24 hours prior to the interview. Do not overindulge; an upset stomach or hangover is formidable distraction.

The interview is no place for humbleness. Too much modesty can make you appear introverted or lacking confidence. Don’t be afraid to be your own cheerleader. Prior to the interview, make a list of your accomplishments both personally and professionally; practice talking about them. Have a friend listen to your answers as you practice. This will help prevent you from crossing the line between justifiable pride and boasting.

No one wants to work with a stick in the mud. With this in mind, how can you prevent from appearing lukewarm? Smile and maintain eye contact. Sit forward in your chair. Avoid speaking in a monotone. Be positive in your responses.

By preparing yourself against these potential interview disasters you are one step closer to getting the job of your dreams. Remember sometimes it really is the little things that make the difference.

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5 Skills You MUST Convey During The Interview

by Nathan Newberger

No, it's not time to throw your resume in the trash and start a "new age job search". But one thing that any job seeker must understand is that the showcase of talents does not begin and end with the resume. There are many "secret" abstract, often called "soft", skills that employers keep an eye out for.

This article discusses the five key "secret skills" that interviewers examine and how to demonstrate them in an interview situation.

These five skills are:

1. Organizational
2. Critical Thinking
3. Communication
4. Interpersonal
5. Multi-Tasking
Unless you are applying for a job as a mad scientist, organization is an essential skill for any job. Employers can get sense of how an individual will handle large workloads by how organized that person is during the interview. Moreover, a person that makes a sincere effort to stay organized is an employee that will take a job seriously and make a sincere effort to get things done.

The best way to display these skills:

• Dress professionally and neatly for an interview.

• Keep supplies or materials on hand if you think they might be pertinent to the interview.
This can go beyond pen, paper, resumes, and business cards depending on
the position you apply for.

• Organize your thoughts before the interview. Preparation for typical interview questions
will reflect a sense of general readiness.

Nobody wants a mindless drone for an employee. If they did, they would buy a robot. Employers want people that can think on their feet and respond. They are looking for people that won't come crying with every little setback. They are looking for problem solvers. Having critical thinking skills means that you can come through in the clutch.

The best way to display these skills:

• Prior to the interview, prepare of a list of anecdotes or previous jobs that required critical
thinking to solve a problem. When applicable, bring these examples up in the interview.

• Talk your way through the answers. Let the interviewer understand your train of thought
when responding to questions. This can also buy you a little extra time if you are
unsure of how to answer.

Glossophobia, or the fear of public speaking, is the number one fear in America, but making an impact requires these skills. Unless you can communicate ideas to others effectively, you may not come across as very confident. This is precisely why so many employers ask for individuals with good communication skills, often including public speaking.

The best way to display these skills:

• Practice speaking, or answering interview questions in a mirror. This will get you used
to speaking aloud and let you see the things you may be doing wrong.

• Practice interviews with another person, so you can learn to keep cool when reacting to
another person's comments.

• Stay calm and ALWAYS MAINTAIN EYE CONTACT. It's hard to disagree with a confident
person. Once you SEEM confident, you hold all the cards.

Along with being able to communicate your own ideas well, you have to be receptive to other ideas and work constructively with them. Companies need versatile team players: people that will work hard on their own and increase the depth and effectiveness of a group effort.

The best way to display these skills:

• As in the case of critical thinking, it is a good idea to prepare a list of examples in which
you were part of a successful team effort. These items may not be on your resume, but
could come up in an interview.

• When possible, reflect back on cases where you coordinated a team effort. It is one
thing to work well in a group, but it is even better when you show that you can
also lead and take charge of a group.

• Don't be afraid to mention troubles within a team that you had to overcome. A group of
people will not agree on everything 100% of the time. Being able to work
through problems and succeed is paramount.

Businesses are always happy to drive down costs, and the best way to do this is by hiring fewer individuals who can multi-task. It is often the case that one efficient employee can do the work of two typical employees. Employees are paid for the hours they work, and employers want to get the most out of what they pay. An employee that can complete multiple tasks at once is the solution.

The best way to display these skills:

• When discussing previous positions held, include situations where you worked on
multiple tasks at the same time.

• Prepare a list of projects that required you to separate tasks into clusters that could be
addressed simultaneously. Be ready to explain the thinking behind your separation

• Show a willingness to take on many responsibilities. Any worker can pick up one or two,
but if you can pick up more without getting spread to thin, you become a valuable asset.

The resume will always be around and serve as your primary means of communicating skills with a prospective employer. But remember that you are more than just a list of skills on a piece of paper. The interview lets the employer see whats not easily determined from a resume and also your chance to shine. Mastering the art of showcasing your "secret skills" will let an interviewer know you are person they need to hire.

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Mastering The Meal Interview

by Nathan Newberger

nterviews can be nerve-racking, brain-draining, headache-inducing experiences. These days, recruiters have found a way to make the interview even more difficult by combining the experience with a meal. This means that in addition to listening to the interviewer, formulating intelligent responses, and trying your hardest to be confident, you now have pay attention to how you look while eating.

It may seem unnecessary to mention, but those basic table manners you were taught as a child still matter. In casual settings, poor manners are not always corrected. Therefore, you could have picked up some habits that your mother would be ashamed of and more likely than not, your interviewer probably will not be too be impressed by them either.

Here are just a few of the habits you should be mindful of during a meal interview:

• BE POLITE. In addition to evaluating your answers to questions, an interviewer is also
assessing your personality. Be courteous and respectful to everyone,
especially the wait staff. Words such as "please" and "thank you" speak worlds about
your character.

• BE AWARE. Keeping you elbows on the table, chewing with your mouth open, talking
with your mouth full all convey a negative impression. Pay attention to even
your smallest actions.

• BE PREPARED. If you feel uncertain about your table manners, consult the experts.
Emily Post's books on etiquette are considered to be among the
definitive works on etiquette. There is no shame in doing research; after all, this is an

Even though you are being treated to a nice meal, you are not free to order any dish you like. You are in an interview, and therefore, you have the duty of maintaining a certain level of professionalism and formality throughout the meal.

There are no definitive rules of food selection, and you may have to make a game-time decision. However, following these rules will help you steer clear of trouble:

• AVOID MESSES. Steer clear of foods that have to be eaten with your hands or have a
tendency to splatter. It is hard to recover from the embarrassment of
splashing your interviewer with spaghetti sauce, nor do you want to inadvertently adorn
yourself with gravy or cream sauce. So stick to foods that can be cut into small pieces
with a knife and fork.

• NO STENCHES. Avoid foods that have a strong or unpleasant order. You are better off
having an interviewer not remember you at all rather than as the
candidate with bad breath. So no matter how much you love onions and garlic, lay off
the stinkers for one meal.

• KEEP IT QUIET. You need to be able to conduct a civil conversation. Avoid foods that are
crunchy and noisy to eat. In a public setting there is a lot of noise that
could drown out the voice of a person sitting across from you so try not to order food that
would add to the problem.

• FOLLOW THE LEADER. You may be wondering if a menu item is priced too high or if to
order an appetizer first, etc. The answer is to follow your interviewer's lead.
Try to order food in the same price range as the interviewer and order the same number
of courses. You do not want to be sitting idle while the recruiter is still eating.

You are at an interview and also dining out. This means you need to not only be talking, but also eating. It can sometimes be difficult to do both.

Try and keep these issues in mind when posed with the challenge of eating and talking at the same time:

• YOU ARE IN CONTROL. Don't feel so pressured to talk that you don't eat at all. This can
be interpreted as nervousness.

• ASK QUESTIONS. When going to an interview, it is always a good idea to have
questions. This will allow you get more information on the company and
show that you have done your homework. During the meal interview, it
will also give you the opportunity to actually eat as your interviewer responds to your

Unlike that of a standard interview, the end of a meal interview does not just end with a handshake and a "Thank You". There are other things to keep in mind including:

• DON'T OFFER TO PAY. It's never expected of a job candidate, and you don't need to do

• NEVER ASK FOR A DOGGY BAG. No matter how delicious the meal was, requesting to
take a portion of it home is not appropriate for the setting.

• REAFFIRM YOUR INTEREST. Let the interviewer know how much you would like to work
for his/her company.

• A "Thank You" AND HANDSHAKE CAN'T HURT. As in any interview, don't forget to thank
the interviewer for taking the time to meet with you. In addition, be sure to
be gracious and say that you enjoyed the meal and end the interview with a firm
handshake. Make sure to follow up with a thank you letter in the morning.

The meal interview is tricky, but not impossible. With a little guidance and a lot of confidence, you can sail through them with flying colors. Just try to keep these helpful hints in mind. Good luck and bon appetit!

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Keep Relationships with Your Clients and Business Partners (Part I)

Maintaining good relationships with clients and business partners is crucial to maintain the continuity of cooperation. In addition to maintain product quality and level of service, another way that can be done is by entertainment them, their attachment to outside of the formal atmosphere of the office and business. Entertain clients and business partners is a common thing done by the businesses. If this business is impressive in the eyes of them, the possibility to work together again in the future will be more wide open and take longer. It is not impossible they repeat the order and remember you as partners or suppliers who serve them better than your competitors. One trick to "client entertainment" is to deliver what is preferred by clients. Surely you do not want to give tickets to a concert while the client you prefer to attend a high tea in a hotel for example.

Some of the innovative ways you can do to 'entertain' clients and business partners are as follows :

1. Tickets or sports facilities.
Take or give a ticket to watch sports games like football, golf, basketball. You can also give them vouchers to use the sports facilities like tennis courts, futsal or even a gym. Of course, after ensuring that the client or partner is a sports freak. You can accompany the game with the hope to get to know the client / partner further, or give tickets and vouchers so that they could use to fit their needs.

2. Spa packages.
If you are a female client, provides spa packages that can be sold many impressive options. Spa is synonymous with the calm and relaxation, two things that are often difficult to obtain business. One thing to note, make sure you already know the true quality of the spa services. You can try it out first or get recommendations from various sources. Provide treats at the spa which turned out bad service will make you lose credibility in their eyes.

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Working With a Worshipping, Why Not? (part II)

Dhikr remembered God anytime. When driving to work, was in the elevator, waiting for the photocopier, when a friend walked into the cubicle, anytime and anywhere. Basmallah say when starting a job and say thanks when the finish line is a simple example that can be socialized. While there is opportunity, take advantage of the good and remember to mention his name as much as possible.

Maintain hearts by reading / hearing the Qur’an. Perhaps reading the Quran in the office could not be done with a solemn and freely because of limited time and place after the prayer time, however can be used to read the scriptures and deepen meaning of Qur’an. Do not forget to put always the Qur’an and the translation on your desk. However, slightly better than nothing at all, only 1-2 pieces of it is still possible. If you narrow or break time can not leave the table altogether, just open enough digital Quran at the computer and read a few letters. Did not have time to read? Listen in MP3 format can also be the choice.

Keep the oral, avoid gossip. Sometimes without realizing it while chatting with co-workers called the ends to be gossiping about others. During fasting (and better if transmitted after the fast ends), avoid gossiping here and there. Besides damaging your worship, it is also a waste of time. If you really want to talk, stay away from topics that lead to gossip and rumors in italics. Better to talk about fasting and other worships.

Make co-workers as your charity fields. Worship is not only done but also vertically, horizontally. Co-workers to do good on even small levels will double in value. Especially if it can hold back and patience from those who are sensitive to emotions, certainly bigger reward. Therefore maximize inter worship this man purse to add weight to your fast served as an exercise of endurance and patience in the fight against the passions so that you live worship Ramadhan feels more meaningful.

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Working With a Worshipping, Why Not? (part I)Working With a Worshipping, Why Not? (part I)

In the month of Ramadan, for Muslims who fortunately is still have a chance to run a series of obligatory or sunna prayer for one month duration. Worship is not limited to space and time. As long as there is intention to run it, it can be done anywhere and anytime, including when she was working in the office.

Unfortunately if this blessed month be missed simply because of lack of time capability to balance between worship and work, though many of worships that can be done while you do other activities and no need disturb the work productivity.

Here are some simple tips so your Ramadhan worship getting optimal even if done while working at the office:

Really and truly intend to be iklas.
Work and worship has a different orientation, one to meet the needs of others for worldly and the spiritual and the afterlife. But that does not make both of them are optional because the laws are equally mandatory. Busyness or weight of the work is often used as an excuse to be lax in worship such as fasting or praying. Conversely fasting be an opportunity for lazing in the works. To be able to live it together, strengthen your faith and surrender to the Almighty, surely you can do it.

Keep your stamina in order to worship and work goes smoothly. In order for work activity is not disrupted because of fasting, take advantage of your meal the best. Sahur also starting to miss the same worship that by refusing to reward. By consuming foods that are healthy and rich in energy, doing your daily work in a state of fasting should not be a problem. In addition to maximizing the meal, do not forget about adequate water intake, multivitamin intake, rest and exercises are ways to maintain your stamina.

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Career Enhancement Tips For First Jobbers: 3 Key Tips to Grow Your Career

Simple Career Enhancement Tips You Can Start Now

You found your first job and you feel a little anxious. You think to yourself – “How am I going to survive through all these?” With the right attitude and guidance, you will soon look forward to doing your best.

Like any other career enhancement tips, there are no guarantees for success. However, if you bring the right attitude and decide to take action then you are half way there. Nothing will stop a first jobber like you from shining at your workplace.

1. Self-discipline
The value of self-discipline in a first jobber is often underestimated. Now that you are in the working world you think to yourself, “Is self-discipline overrated?” I will tell you, no. It is not overrated. I have often found new staff with good self-discipline doing better than those who are poor in it.

Let me use a simple example to demonstrate this, assuming it’s a Friday and the rest of the department is planning to go out for a fun night. You have an important document to be completed for the coming Monday. What do you do? Give the fun night a pass and complete the work? Or join the fun and hope that you will find time to finish it over the weekend thus leaving you little chance to perfect it before submission?

Part of self-discipline is also about sacrifice. When you have strong self-discipline, it is inevitable that you would need to sacrifice some fun time to focus on your goals. If you are interested in advancing your career you may take some courses, or even read books to increase your knowledge. All these activities come with an opportunity cost. It could very well mean less time for leisure activities.

2. Success
You're probably thinking, “Success as part of these practical career enhancement tips is funny.” Let me assure you it is not. What I want to explain here is this – if you want to enhance your career, define what success is to you. Once you know what success is to you then you can plan towards that goal. Spend some time thinking what success is to you. Crystallize this in your mind. Assuming you know what success is to you, the next step is to be single-minded in the pursuit of your goal.

Being single-minded means to be focused on your goals. When you focus your energy on your goal, you get more out of your effort. You inch closer to your goals. When you are single-minded other things do not distract you. You know what you want and you power yourself towards it as best as you can so you can clearly see what you want.

Knowing your goal and your personal definition of success is an important element amongst these career enhancement tips for first jobbers. Equally important is to know your own strengths and your skills. If you want to enhance your career, play up on your strengths and improve on your skills required for your job. What are you good at? What are the skills sets you do not have that are required for the job? Build up on those skills.

The career enhancement tips in this sub-section basically means this – when you define what is success to you, you then pursue it single-mindedly knowing your strengths and the skills required to attain that success.

3. Sincerity
Sincerity in your career means a lot of things. For me, as a first jobber you should look at doing your work sincerely and joyfully. Meaning, do not treat your work as a drag. If you feel that your work is a drag, then start by asking yourself. Why is it so, before blaming anyone else – be it the company, your boss or your colleagues. So, be sincere with yourself. What is your core challenge in not being able to do your work sincerely?

Being sincere at your work means doing it with your level best. It means playing your part and taking personal responsibility for your work. It also means to share your learning and knowledge. When you share what you know about a certain task, you become an asset to your unit and this inevitably enhances your career. Many people think, the more they hoard what they know the more advantage they have. However, in my experience this is not true. I find that the more you share the more others are willing to share with you and the more you know.

In summary, the most important and practical career enhancement tips you can start now is – developing self-discipline, learning to sacrifice, define what success means to you, be single-minded in pursuit of your goals by knowing your strengths and skills, and doing your work with sincerity and have sharing as a work value you carry.

tips for finding freelance work

A large part of being a successful freelancer is the ability to continuously source new jobs. Of course, the freelancer must spend his time writing quality articles and blog posts, but he must also dedicate some time to finding additional work so there is no noticeable lull in between projects.

Balancing these two functions can be difficult to juggle at first, but eventually the freelancer must find a way to schedule time to work alongside time to find additional work. The top 5 ways to go about finding freelance work are as follows;

1. Search Free Job Boards
There are countless free job boards in cyberspace. So much so that it is easy to become bogged down in a fruitless search if you are not careful. While the advantage of free job boards is that they are free to join and free to use, the information posted there is not actively vetted and so you may come across scam artists trying to pull in unsuspecting victims. Free job boards are also not regularly updated so the job posts may be old even if they are legitimate. Don’t write them off completely though, because there may be one in every dozen or so that is worth you time to peruse.

2. Join Bidding Sites
These bidding sites have become common because they create a link between people who are looking for a service and people who want to provide that service. The advantage to these bidding sites is that there are lots of jobs to choose from and the service seekers are usually vetted by the site management. The downside is that the competition is stiff and it can be difficult for someone just starting out to secure jobs without sabotaging themselves on the price.

3. Consider Membership Job Sites
Membership job sites are a bi controversial. There are those that would argue that you should never pay a fee to have access to jobs, but there are two sides to every coin. While you are essentially paying for access to a database of jobs, you do get the security of knowing that the company seeking to hire you is legitimate. You also know that you can consistently find work in the same place without too much of a hassle. In addition to this your payment is often passed through the third party, which is when they take their commission, so the chances of you not getting paid are slim to none.

4. Have Your Own Website
All freelance writers can benefit from having their own website or blog. This acts as a form of advertisement and interested parties can use this forum to contact you for work. It is also a great interactive calling card.

5. Promote Yourself
Finally, the best way to get work in the virtual world as well as in the brick and mortar one is to market your skills. Blog about your work, send out tweets or post it to your Facebook profile. Tell your friends and family and approach your local newspaper or magazine with a proposal. You should always be ready to let others know what you do for a living if you are truly interested in finding a constant stream of work.

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Tips for finding fun careers working with animals (part 5)

Having a career in the animal field can be one of the most rewarding jobs an individual can attain. Having a career working with animals not only means helping an animal in need but also dealing with the human side by easing and comforting owners of their loved pets.
The market is filled with enjoyable careers that specialize with the care of our feathered or furry friends. There are many different careers that can be considered if you have ever thought about venturing into the field of animal care.

*Animal Trainer and Handler
This area of animal care is not for the inexperienced. You will need to be well educated with the particular animal you will be attending. You should be knowledgeable in not only the health and welfare of the animal but also understand and recognize different diseases and disorders that the animal may acquire.
*Veterinary Medicine
Veterinary medicine is often the first choice for individuals who want to work with animals. Becoming a veterinarian will require a college degree in D.V.M. or V.M.D. With only 27 veterinary colleges in the United States, the entrance rate into vet school is approximately 1 out of 2.5 students.
*Veterinary Assistant or Technician
Veterinary technicians can earn a degree in as little as two years depending upon the college. Some trade school programs can provide a short twelve month course in veterinary technology.
*Farm or Ranch Hands
Whether you own your own ranch or hire on as a "ranch hand", farming is hard work. Working with livestock can be rewarding but it can be expensive to start up a ranching business. You should be knowledgeable with different livestock animals. Most individuals have inherited this type of work by growing up with the family business of farming and ranching. Many of the family owned operations need additional hands to keep the business running smoothly. While the pay is low for the extreme hard work, many cowboys will tell that it's not about the money. It is a passion that has been passed on for generations.
*Horse Farrier
A horse farrier or hoof care specialists, specializes in the care and maintenance of the horse's hoof. With about 50 farrier schools in the United States it should be fairly simple to find a school to learn the skills needed for this specialty. A certification can be obtained but is not required. Since the hooves need care usually on a monthly basis, it can be a rewarding and lucrative business depending upon the part of the country you work in.
Other careers to consider:
*Pet Groomer or Dog Walker
*Pet Store
*Animal Kennel/Animal Boarding Assistant
*Game Warden
*Fore stry or Park Ranger
*Animal Behavior
If you enjoy working with animals but would rather do it on a volunteer basis you may consider volunteering with your local animal shelters, 4-H groups, FFA group or local wildlife rehabilitation centers.
There are many possibilities for a career in the animal industry. The career depends upon an individual's education and experience. Research the different career choices and build a plan on how to achieve that career. With some hard work and determination, you can have a rewarding career in the animal field.

Tips for finding fun careers working with animals (part 4)

If your love for animals is a fact, you may be amused in learning that there are many careers out there that will combine your passion for animals with a good paying job.

Ideally, wouldn't it be great if we could all earn money and make a living doing what we love to do best? Truth is, nowadays, there a very good opportunities for animal lovers. The reason being, is that more and more people have pets nowadays, and these pets are surely well pampered and taken care of by their devoted owners.

Another reality is that there are lots of owners working for most of the day, and therefore, they need an outside help in order to keep their pets in shape and happy.

We will go through some of the most interesting careers that will certainly capture any animal lover's attention.

Dog walker

As mentioned above more and more people own pets but most owners work for most of the day, so what happens next? They hire people to take their dogs for a walk to split up their long day alone. Dog walkers may be expected to do other little tasks as well, such as feed a cat, administer medications, or simply keep a pet entertained.

Fact is, many pets suffer the long hours by themselves and many may, further along the way, develop separation anxiety or other behavioral issues. If you want to start your own pet walking business be advised: business may be slow at first but once you get your reputation popular you might turn out to be much busier than expected!

Pet sitter

You will be asked to watch pets while owners are away for business trips or vacations. You will be required to go to their homes and feed, walk, and entertain their pets. This job can be really fun and entertaining and it is steadily gaining popularity. You may be asked to perform other tasks as well such as picking up mail, watering plants and filling up bird feeders.

Doggy day care

Based on the same principles above, more working people are looking for somebody to take care of their pets. Just as in child day cares, dog day cares cater to keep dogs occupied and happy. Many are even open after-hours and on week-ends. A doggy day care is a fun way to work with pets and at the same help them cope better with their owner's absence.

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Tips for finding fun careers working with animals (part 3)

Fun careers working with animals, there are many to choose from. How about a horse trainer or giving horseback riding lessons? If you enjoy horses these two careers could be extremely rewarding. Just think of the joy in the young child's eyes as they hop on "Sadie" ,the beautiful Palomino, and gallop through the course the first time. A feeling of happiness and success for all invovled.

Maybe you are a dog lover. Running a day care center for dogs would guarantee variety in each day. No two days would be the same. Chances are you would be entertaining poodles, black labs, golden retrievers, pomeranians, and pugs. Each breed of dog is different in their characteristics. Golden retrievers and black labs could have you throwing balls all day with them returning them for MORE! There would not be much down time and something new would always be happening. When dogs are around there ia alot of fun to be had by all!

Now, if you enjoy many types of animals, a pet sitting service would be fun for you. You could offer services to people when they left for vacations up to days or weeks at a time. A love of reptiles, canines, felines, and even pot bellied pigs would be desired. By loving all animals, you could spread out your services and make more money.

Vet assistants are always in need in veterinarians offices. If you enjoy people and animals, this would be a perfect fit for you. Your training is on the job. From clerical, custodial, to handling all animals, you would get to do many things. No two days would be the same. Pets have medical issues and emergency situations just like humans. Therefore, each day would be fun and adventurous!

If you want to go to some schooling you could become certified as a Veterinarian's Assistant. The requirements vary from state to state. You would be handling pets and providing medical care in a Veterinarian's office. A very rewarding career, as you will share in the lives of families with their beloved pets. Pets are family and you will be a great resource for them throughout the lifetime of their pet.

If you love animals and people, you will be guaranteed to enjoy working with animals day in and day out. Animals have minds of their own and can make each day adventurous. Maybe the kitty named Tiger won't want to stop meowing! Charlie might not want to stop barking! Your patience will be tried, but the rewards are well worth it. You will realize how fun your career is once those big dark brown eyes look up to you and say, "I like you!" Pets will make your day and your career will be one of happiness and success!

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Tips for finding fun careers working with animals (part 2)

Many fun career opportunities exist for those of us who love animals. Some may require a college degree and years of experience, while the qualifications for others may merely be a love and compassion for animals. Whatever career choice you make will prove to be a fun and rewarding experience. In the world of animals there's no such thing as boring and mundane.

Animal trainer is a broad term, as there are many sub categories involved. You may choose to be an obedience trainer and work with domestic pets. You will not only be involved with behavioral training of the pets, but also teaching owners proper techniques for handling their pet. Training animals who perform in shows, perform tricks, or act in movies is another fun job. There are also jobs for training working animals. These may include dogs that work in law enforcement or guide dogs for the visually impaired. These jobs require a lot of patience and understanding of animal behavior. Good communication skills are essential as you will be interacting with people as well as animals.
A zoo keeper usually works with a certain type of animal or in a specific section of the zoo. You will be responsible for preparing food and feeding the animals. Pens and cages are cleaned and assessed for any damage. Checking for signs of injury or illness and helping to care for sick animals is another aspect of the job. Often, you may be required to answer questions from visitors or give lectures. You may not need any specific qualifications except experience working with animals. A volunteer program may be a good way to get your foot in the door.
This has become a big industry. People are increasingly becoming aware of the benefits of routine grooming and also want their pets to look adorable. You may have many duties such as, bathing and drying the animals, cleaning ears, trimming toe nails, brushing the coat and actually clipping the fur. Interaction with owners is required, so good people skills are required. You will get to know the regulars that come in for routine grooming and almost feel as if they are your pets as well.
This is a business you can start on your own. Many people are at work all day or are physically incapable of walking their dog. This is where you come in, to offer your services. You'd be surprised how many clients you can build up. You can post adds at shopping malls or anywhere there is a community bulletin board. This is also a great way for you to enjoy

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by Dawn R. Cole

If you are interested in working with animals as a career, there are hundreds of opportunities available in today's job market. Aside from the traditional offerings, new "niche businesses" open up every day. Finding a fun job that involves working with animals will require some time, self-reflection, and research.

Obviously, you care about animals and want to spend your life working with them. The first thing you need to do is evaluate your personal likes and dislikes. Do you want to work with small or large animals? Exotic, wild, or domesticated? Cats, dogs, horses, birds, tigers, bears, or marine mammals? Do you like teaching, working outdoors, in the country, traveling, or do you love the water? Once you determine some of the answers to these basic questions, you can begin to narrow down the wide variety of choices and focus your research in a specific area.

Two of your primary resources will be the library and the Internet, but don't be afraid to contact your local veterinarian's office, game warden, zoo, aquarium, shelter, rescue group, or college. There are also professional associations that are excellent sources of career information. Your local employment office or career center can also be a good resource for local and state job information. Looking through the phone book's Yellow Pages, under "animal or pet services, zoos, aquariums, shelters, etc." will offer you another source of potential contacts. Most business owners, trainers, zoo personnel, rescue groups, clinics, or vet offices would be happy to chat with you about possible careers in this field or allow you to become a volunteer at their facility and gain first-hand knowledge and experience.


* Veterinarian, vet assistant, technician, or technologist.
* Shelter, kennel, or rescue personnel.
* Animal control officers.
* Pet-care/store business owner.
* Pet groomer, handler, dog walker or pet sitter.
* Animal trainers: dogs, horses, or marine mammals.
* Animal behaviorist.
* Animal adoption counselor.
* Humane educator or officer.
* Farmer or rancher.
* Game warden or park ranger.
* Wildlife manager.
* Zoo or aquarium personnel.
* Jockey or dog/cat show personnel.


* Pet hotel owner.
* Pet bakery shop owner.
* Doggie and kitty daycare business.
* Pet photographer.
* Wildlife photographer.
* Working with organizations, like Helping Hands that provide animal assistants to the physically challenged.
* Designing adaptive devices for disabled animals.

We can't forget the scientific options, if you are so inclined, involving animal health technology, biological, zoological, research, and biomedical careers, or the amusement park opportunities, like Sea World and Disney World.

These examples are only a few of the career choices available for anyone contemplating a career involving the animal kingdom. Make sure that you understand that this type of work is not always glamorous or safe. There is a very good chance you will get dirty at some point, and run the risk of being scratched, kicked, or bitten, at least once, during your career.

A good starting point, to get an idea of the training requirements, job outlook, and earning potential for specific jobs, can be found on-line at: www.bls.gov/oco. (The handbook is also available at most libraries.) The publication also provides updated, quarterly articles on a variety of current, animal-related work topics.

If you have a respect and love for animals, working with them can be a very rewarding, fulfilling, and a fun career path, no matter which one you choose.

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