Senin, 19 Juli 2010

Tips for a Telephone Interview

Here are some quick tips on how to be successful on a telephone job interview.

Be up front with the interviewer on the other end of the phone. You should try to start the interview with something like" I know not being able to see each other causes some challenges for this interview. If there is anything that I say that requires further clarification please feel free to let me know at any time." By doing this you are setting the tone of the conversation.

You should have your list of questions for the interviewer, resume and other information right in front of you. This is why phone interviews can have a tendency to be easier. It is almost the same thing as having an open book test. Any time a question is asked about the company or whatever you can refer to your info and naturally respond to the question.

This is something I learned during my sales career and also applies to a telephone interview, standup during the call. You can obviously do this by using a cordless phone or headset. Do not use a cell phone. We all know that occasionally and usually at the worst times cell phone service disappears. When you walk around and are animated while on the phone your energy and exuberance goes through on the phone. Being vibrant and enthusiastic is something employers look for.

Asking questions during a phone interview is extremely important. By doing so you are making sure that the person on the other end is fully engaged in the conversation but you are also showing that you are too. Asking questions like "Have I properly understood the question and answered it fully?" and "Does that make sense?" show that you care about the persons time on the other end of the phone and do not want to get off track.

The most irritating thing and something that could definitely blow the telephone interview is interrupting the interviewer. Allow the potential employer to finish what they where saying and then respond. Also have a piece of paper and pen handy to take notes and remember any questions that come up while the interviewer is speaking. By doing so you will not forget important points and can let the person complete speaking.

Finally dress for success even though it is a telephone interview. I know it sound silly but by dressing for the interview you will do better because you will be in the right mind set. You will come through on the phone a lot different dressed in a suit then if you are in your pajamas.

By David Clemen

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Job Interview Tips To Help You WOW! Your Interviewers And Land The Job!

Did you know that there are many different job interview tips to help wow your interviewer and land the job that you desire? Yes, that’s right! There is a secret formula of success that every potential job interview candidate should know and understand prior to the first interview.

Now, I am about to share these secret job interview tips with you! Remember, the job market is slim these days. In order to make the mark and land the position that you want and need, you have to have a competitive edge. The following is a list of what I consider to be the top five job interview tips to help you put the "WOW!" into your interview!

1. Now, we have all heard the whole spill about "presentation" and "first impressions". While I would love to say "hey, take all that and throw it out the door", I can’t. The truth is presentation IS everything! First impressions DO count! Keep this in mind as you’re preparing for your interview. This is a process where you get to urge an interviewer to "buy-in". It is much like a sales presentation. In this case, however, YOU are the product.

You should ensure that you carry a copy of a professionally written resume, as well as any other valuable paperwork that can display how you can be an asset to the company in which you are applying. Practice the sales pitch, work on the objections, and above all – push for the final purchase!

2. You’ve got your eye on a particular company. You want a certain position. If you want to WOW! your interviewer, learn that company and the description of the position that you are seeking inside AND out! This is an essential job interview tip! Not only does this tell the interviewer that you are quite serious when it comes to the position that you seek, this company will develop the same respect for you that you have for them! Be in the "know" – now!

3. The next step to ensuring the overall WOW! factor of your interview is to ensure that you practice questions that may be asked of you and consider good interview questions to ask the interviewer. This will BLOW the interviewer AWAY! The "average" interviewee comes in with their nerves tied in a knot, fear blatantly etched in their faces. This is common. Most of these individuals do not have the nerves to ask questions.

Then, here you come with all this confidence and start asking away! This is impressive! By the time you get done with the interview, you will find that the person interviewing you is actually SELLING YOU the job! Pretty amazing how this works, but I have personally experienced it more than once – successfully!

4. Now, we all know looks are not everything – and, truly, they aren’t! However, a professional image IS everything if you are looking to WOW! your interviewer. Make sure that your interview clothes are appropriate, that you are well kept and that you display a visible level of confidence! By taking the time to focus on these areas, you are sure to be pleased – in the end – when it comes to the overall results of your interview!

5. Last, but not least, WOW! your interviewer by ensuring that you remain confident, act truly interested in every word that they say and interact with them! They will gain a comfort level with you, and you will do the same with them. This, above all, is sure to convince them that they absolutely MUST hire you!

That’s IT! Everything you need to know to WOW! your interviewer and land the job of your dreams in here in these job interview tips! Apply these measures, and you will quickly and comfortably travel down the road to success!
By Catherine Jones

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5 Tips for Surviving International School Job Fairs

Attending international school job fairs can be a harrowing experience, but are an efficient strategy to incorporate into your hunt for a teaching job abroad. All international teachers have a few stories to tell about their experiences at these job fairs.

I was sharing job fair stories with a colleague today and I was surprised at his take on the whole process. He nearly made a choice that would have cost him the job that he is currently enjoying here in Thailand.

We were talking about the initial job fair session – the sign up. During the sign up session schools are set up with a desk in one or two rooms at the venue. Teachers then come along and sign up for interviews with the schools that interest them. Depending on which job fair you attend, this can be a real cattle market of pushing and shoving. At the very least it’s going to involve standing in line.

My colleague didn’t want to wait in any lines, so he initially approached only schools with short ones. The line for our current employer was one of the longest in the room and put him off. Finally he decided to join the line after reading some of the literature the school had with them for prospective teachers. During the 25 minute wait he nearly gave up and left several times, but didn’t. Which is just as well because the position he currently holds is one that really suits him and he’s enjoying living and working here in Thailand.

I approach the sign up session with a plan. I have several copies of my application pack already prepared and spend the time waiting in line talking to the teachers around me to get insider information on schools and positions.

What is your plan?

Check the international teaching job fair organiser’s website the evening before the sign up session for changes in vacancies. International school vacancies are fluid and can change from day to day, especially once the job fairs start. When you go into the sign up session take with you an up-to-date list of schools with suitable vacancies. This will enable you to line up in the lines that are going to get you the best result.

Look at the international schools’ websites prior to attending the sign up session. If possible look at the school’s websites to find out what programs they offer, whether they are in the center of the city or in the suburbs, what extra curricular activities they offer, what accreditations they have. This can assist you in deciding whether they are going to be a suitable employer for you.

Take extra copies of your application pack to give to school recruiters. Your application pack is your ticket to getting interviews. If you’re following the strategies I give you in The Complete Guide to Securing a Job at an International School, you should have emailed your application pack to the attending schools that have relevant vacancies prior to the commencement of the job fair. In addition to this, take extra copies with you to the job fair, and especially the sign up session, to give to schools that suddenly put up vacancies that interest you.

Be prepared to wait in line to talk to the international school recruiters. When you attend a job fair, remember that a long line could indicate a school where teachers want to work, and vice versa. To help you make the decision about whether you stand in line and wait, go to the front of the line and see if there’s any literature on the table that you can take away and read.

Use the time you stand in line to gather information. International school teachers attend these teaching job fairs and they are a vital source of information. Use the time you are standing in line waiting to talk to recruiters to elicit information about different schools, programs and conditions. Ask them all the questions you have because they’re the best source of information you’ll find and while you’re all standing in line, what else can you do?

These are just 5 tips to surviving international teaching job fairs… You can find 12 more secrets to surviving job fairs on page 27 of The Complete Guide to Securing a Job at an International School.

By Kelly Blackwell

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7 Tips Karir Sukses dari Obama

Presiden AS Barack Obama memang kerap menjadi inspirasi banyak orang. Berikut ini 7 tips untuk perjalanan karir maupun untuk membangun bisnis dengan meneladani apa yang dilakukan oleh Obama dalam meretas jalan ke Gedung Putih. Semoga berguna…


Bagi anda yang sedang memulai bisnis anda, atau sedang membangun karir, besar kemungkinan anda harus mulai dari bawah, lalu berjuang untuk terus menanjak. Obama juga telah memulai karir politiknya dari bawah, dan telah berhasil mengoptimalkan sumber daya yang dimilikinya untuk terus menanjak sampai ke puncak.

Obama telah menggelar kampanye fantastis yang berhasil menempatkan ia pada posisi yang tepat untuk menang. Ia adalah orang kulit hitam yang berkarya di industri yang didominasi oleh orang-orang kulit putih. Semuanya tidak ia peroleh begitu saja secara kebetulan. Ia melakukan yang terbaik dari apa yang ia miliki, dan sekarang ia telah menjadi seorang Presiden Amerika Serikat. Inilah apa yang telah ia lakukan:

1. Jangan Reaktif

Obama benar-benar mengerti pesan yang harus ia sampaikan, dan terus mengirimkannya dalam setiap langkah kampanyenya. McCain mencoba menyerang Obama untuk mencoba mengalahkannya. Ia menyerang karakter, agama dan cinta Obama untuk Amerika. Obama tetap berpegang pada konsepnya untuk perubahan (change). Bukannya Obama tidak melakukan penyerangan sama sekali terhadap McCain, tetapi penyerangan itu tidak berlangsung lama. Pada awalnya Obama menunjukkan pada publik bahwa McCain tidak sempurna, tetapi lalu berbalik dengan menyampaikan pesan yang positif. Obama bisa saja menyerang McCain tentang umur dan kurangnya kontrol diri, tapi Obama malah berbicara tentang isu-isu yang lebih penting saat itu. Ini menunjukkan bahwa Obama memiliki kesadaran untuk tidak terseret ke arah yang negatif karena taktik lawannya.

Orang-orang di tempat kerja kita pun mungkin kerap mengatakan hal-hal buruk tentang kita. Yaitu ketika mereka iri, takut, atau bosan. Jika kita terperangkap ke dalam politik di tempat kerja seperti itu, kita mungkin akan kehilangan kontrol akan apa yang sebenarnya kita inginkan bagi karir kita. Jalan terbaik adalah tetap pada prinsip kita dan berbuat yang terbaik yang kita mampu.

2. Bertahan Pada Apa Yang Anda Percayai

Obama bisa saja enggan membahas isu tentang pengenaan pajak bagi orang kaya atau jaminan kesehatan bagi semua orang. Namun sebaliknya, dia tetap bertahan pada apa yang dia anggap benar.

Ketika anda dikelilingi banyak orang yang membisiki anda seperti halnya Obama, akan sulit bagi anda untuk kukuh bertahan pada pendirian anda. Anda harus memiliki pemahaman yang solid tentang apa yang anda inginkan dalam suatu situasi. Dengarkanlah suara hati anda yang terdalam, dan buatlah keputusan yang terbaik.

3. Keluarga Lebih Penting Dari Segala Yang Lain

Neneknya adalah bagian yang sangat penting dalam hidup Obama. Di tengah masa-masa yang amat penting dalam kampanyenya, ia rela mengambil waktu untuk menemani wanita yang telah membentuk karakternya sebagai seorang pemimpin yang kuat. Dia bisa saja memutuskan bahwa neneknya toh sudah tua, dan kampanye-nya jauh lebih penting, tetapi dia tidak melakukannya. Dia malah langsung terbang ke Hawaii untuk menemani neneknya saat sakit.

Keluarga dan sahabat harus didahulukan daripada karir. Mereka-lah yang senantiasa mendukung anda pada saat anda menghadapi depresi, konflik dan kesulitan. Obama tidak tinggal menemani neneknya hingga akhir hayat, karena ia sadar bahwa ia harus segera kembali ke arena kampanye. Namun dia telah melewatkan waktu yang berharga bersama neneknya, mungkin sempat berterima kasih atas kasih sayangnya dan berjanji akan memenangkan kursi kepresidenan. Anda perlu memiliki keseimbangan antara karir dan keluarga. Ketika anak anda atau orang tua anda membutuhkan anda, kesampingkan dulu segala pekerjaan anda, dan bantulah mereka. Lalu ketika anda sudah siap untuk kembali bekerja, pergilah dan lakukan hal-hal besar yang akan membuat dunia menjadi tempat yang lebih baik.

4. Berkorban Untuk Masa Depan Yang Lebih Baik

Dalam kampanyenya, Obama tidak mengatakan sesuatu yang kita semua ingin dengar. Ia telah menyusun rancangan ekonominya dan tetap berpegang pada rancangan tsb. Ia ingin menaikkan pajak bagi mereka yang berpenghasilan lebih dari $250.000. Di kubu seberang, McCain berjanji akan menurunkan pajak bagi semua orang, mengatakan sesuatu yang pasti diinginkan semua orang. Tapi, bagaimana bisa menurunkan pajak semua orang ketika negara harus membayar utang yang terus membesar? Sebagian besar dari anda pasti pernah atau sedang mempunyai hutang kepada pihak lain. Anda pasti tahu bahwa ada harga yang harus anda bayar tatkala anda meminjam uang orang lain, yakni: bunga pinjaman. Bunga pinjaman yang amat besar! Bayangkan saja bunga yang harus dibayarkan untuk utang amat besar itu! Hal itu akan membunuh perekonomian negara.

Obama meminta rakyat Amerika untuk memahami konsep tsb dan rela menyisihkan lebih besar kekayaannya untuk pajak yang yang lebih tinggi. Orang-orang kaya itu telah diperkaya oleh negara, jadi mengapa kini mereka tidak mengembalikannya sedikit untuk membantu ekonomi negaranya berdiri tegak kembali? Apakah berlebihan untuk mengenakan pajak lebih besar agar negara dapat membayar utangnya? Rasanya tidak! Jika anda memiliki anak, anda pasti memahami pengorbanan yang diberikan oleh orang tua agar anaknya mendapatkan yang terbaik dalam hidupnya.

Anda pun harus mengorbankan waktu dan uang agar karir impian anda dapat terwujud. Jika anda membutuhkan pengetahuan atau ketrampilan baru demi meningkatkan kemampuan anda dalam rangka menghasilkan lebih banyak, maka anda harus melakukan pengorbanan. Itu bisa berarti anda tak dapat bersantai di malam minggu karena harus membangun bisnis sendiri di rumah, atau anda mungkin harus masuk ke bangku kuliah lagi untuk mendapatkan gelar tertentu. Apapun yang anda inginkan bagi karir masa depan anda, berkorbanlah sekarang dan petiklah hasilnya di masa depan.

5. Rencanakanlah Sesuai Gambaran Besarnya, Lalu Sesuaikanlah

Pada awal kampanye partai Demokrat, Obama masih berada di bawah Clinton dalam polling-polling yang digelar. Ia tahu kemana ia harus membelanjakan uangnya dan bagaimana mendapatkan kepercayaan dari para pemimpin yang tepat. Dan ia pun berhasil semakin menanjak. Ia memenangkan beberapa negara bagian, maka rodapun berputar. Ia mendapat sokongan dari Oprah, lalu sokongan-sokongan lainnya terus menyusul masuk. Ketika berkampanye melawan McCain, Obama tahu persis dimana titik kelemahan McCain, dan ia lalu mulai bekerja. Obama tahu letak kekuatannya. Ia sangat piawai dalam berbicara, dan tiap kali ia berbicara mungkin ia telah memenangkan ratusan suara. Ia lakukan hal itu di wilayah-wilayah yang sebelumnya merupakan lumbung suara Republikan. Obama mampu melihat gambar keseluruhannya, dan membuat planning sesuai gambaran tsb. Ia tahu bahwa ia akan dapat memperoleh dana lebih besar dari McCain karena ia piawai dalam mengumpulkan sumbangan bagi kampanyenya. Ia menolak untuk menggunakan uang dari pajak masyarakat yang seharusnya digunakan untuk program-program pemerintah. Padahal bila ia mau menggunakannya, ia mungkin akan mendapat kucuran dana tak terbatas, namun ia memilih untuk menolak. Ia pun mampu melampaui McCain di banyak negara bagian yang penting. Inilah cara berpikir strategis yang diharapkan dari semua presiden.

Anda harus melihat karir anda sebagai jembatan menuju sebuah tujuan yang lebih besar. Ketika anda mendapat dukungan dalam bentuk apapun dari lingkungan kerja anda, berarti anda telah mendapatkan batu pijakan untuk menanjak. Ketika anda berada dalam posisi memegang kendali, anda dapat mengatur sumber daya anda untuk mendapatkan yang terbaik dari pihak-pihak di sekitar anda, membuat planning dan strategi yang menguntungkan semua pihak.

6. Kelilingi Diri Anda Dengan Orang-Orang Hebat

Obama akhirnya memilih seorang Wakil Presiden yang cerdas untuk membantunya mengatasi persoalan-persoalan di Gedung Putih. Dia juga telah memilih orang-orang hebat untuk mengelola kampanyenya. Mereka tidak pernah memaksanya menjadi orang yang bukan dirinya, dan mereka telah membuat ‘kereta Obama’ dapat berhasil memasuki Gedung Putih. Tidak ada orang yang dapat memenangi pemilihan presiden tanpa orang-orang hebat yang mengelilinginya. Teman yang anda ajak bergaul dan mengelilingi anda haruslah orang-orang yang cerdas dan berkualitas, kalau tidak, mereka justru akan menarik anda ke bawah.

Cara terbaik untuk meningkatkan karir anda adalah dengan bergaul dengan orang-orang yang tepat. Bisnis bukanlah tentang siapa yang dapat melakukan suatu pekerjaan. Dengan uang, kita bisa menggaji orang lain untuk melakukan suatu pekerjaan untuk kita. Bisnis adalah tentang memilih orang-orang hebat untuk membantu anda. Orang-orang yang dapat melakukan suatu pekerjaan dengan baik, pekerjaan di mana anda tidak terlalu mampu, sehingga anda dapat melakukan pekerjaan di bidang yang memang menjadi keahlian anda.

7. Jangan Pernah Mendengarkan Massa

Pada saat awal pemilihan, tidak ada seorang pun yang berani bertaruh bahwa Obama akan menjadi presiden. Dalam polling, ia jauh di bawah Clinton, dan di kubu Republik ia bertarung dengan seorang veteran perang. Namun Obama tidak mendengarkan suara-suara di luar, ia percaya pada dirinya sendiri. Ia membidik target, dan ia pun memenanginya.

Karir anda ada di tangan anda sendiri, jangan sekalipun percaya pada keberuntungan. Anda harus meletakkan diri anda pada posisi untuk menang. Obama bisa saja kalah, tetapi ia mengoptimalkan sumber daya yang dimilikinya, dan menyelesaikan pekerjaan sebaik mungkin. Dia mampu melakukannya karena ia tidak kenal takut. Jangan pernah takut untuk berjabatan tangan dengan orang sukses dan mendapatkan dukungan mereka untuk membantu anda. Jika anda percaya pada diri anda, mereka pun akan percaya juga.

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5 Tips on How to Find Your Dream Job

We all know how it feels to work at a job that we hate. But, no matter what you do, it seems like you will never get away from it. We all need money to live. In order to earn money, we must work for it. Sometimes work is looked at as a negative thing, and this is mainly because most people are not happy with their current jobs. It does not have to be this way. Your dream job is out there, you just have to discover what it is and go for it.

Here are some ways on how to find a dream job:

1. Discover what kind of setting you like to be in. Ask yourself if you like to be on a team, alone, or in control of the situation.

2. Do some online research on jobs that seem interesting to you. You would be surprised at how much information you will find out on your jobs of interest.

3. Decide as well type of pay that you want to earn at your job. If you are just happy earning minimum wage, then you will probably be happy at most any job.

4. Figure out whether or not you are willing to take some classes in order to have a better job. Going to college often promises the best careers, but some jobs that are very enjoyable do not require a degree.

5. Think about the things that you are good at. Base the outcome to this decision on what your hobbies are. What do you do in your free time? When are you the happiest? This particular answer will provide you with over half of what you will need to make your decision.

All of these tips should help you considerably in your search on how to find a dream job. When you take the time out to sit down and really discover who you are and what you enjoy, then it will all start to make sense to you. You know deep down inside what it is that you love. You also know what you should be doing, we all do. It is such a relief to know that we do not have to keep doing something that makes us miserable. Although, many people will continue to do so, and that is sad.

When you are wondering about how to find a dream job, you may also want to consider the jobs that you have had in the past. Which ones did you like the most? What types of tasks did you perform?

You can make a decision based on these answer and it will help you to figure out if you would like jobs similar to the ones that you have had in the past, or if you prefer jobs of the opposite nature. In the end, you will be very happy that you did some brainstorming because it will inevitably lead to your dream job.
How do I Find My Dream Job?
6 More Tips to Help you Find Your Dream Job

By Joe Wilson

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Executive Job Search Tips from Recruiters

Sometimes it’s easier said than done to master the art of the job search, especially at the executive level. With so many people out of work and looking at the same positions, sometimes you need insider tips to help get you on the right track.

Luckily, a recent report listed some job search tips from Fortune 500 recruiters. So if you’re looking for ways to ensure you’re on the correct executive job search track, here are some tips to consider.

Make Sure Your Resume is Strong

Whether you’re conducting your job search online, via newspaper ads or networking, it’s always important to have a strong resume. The better resume is one that is focused very specifically on the position you’re applying for. By writing it this way, you can match your many accomplishments to those of the company as well as the specific job you want.

But if you are posting a blanket resume, you still want it to be focused on what would make you great for a number of positions in your industry. This way, recruiters will have no doubt that you’re right for the job.

Use the Internet to Create a Brand

Because so many recruiters do their work online via social networking sites like LinkedIn, Facebook and Twitter, as well as job boards and other online resources, it’s important to create a professional brand online and make sure it is consistent and perfectly matched to your goals.

There are many ways of getting this done. In addition to utilizing the social networking sites above, you could also great a Google profile, which not only ensures that your professional information will be the first to pop up when someone Google’s you, but also that any other information you would want to route them to can be linked from the profile. It’s a great one-stop shop for any executive recruiter.

Of course, as you live your online life, it’s important to make sure you conduct damage control from time to time to ensure that there is no information online that could ruin your brand. The more sites you join, there more room there is to hurt your brand. So take time to make sure no compromising photos or comments are listed anywhere.

Network On and Offline

In addition to making yourself findable by recruiters, you know that as an executive, you also have to reach out hiring managers, recruiters and other professionals yourself. The old school form of networking required that you attend social functions to pass out your business cards and make professional small talk.

While this is still completely relevant, you now need to do some of this work online. By utilizing social networking sites, you can take advantage of networking applications that could connect you to the right people at the right time.

Whenever you get advice from the people looking for prospective job candidates, it’s good to soak it up. So hopefully these tips will help you get on the right track to finding the executive position of your dreams.
Executive Resumes
Choose the best executive resume writing service for you.

By Heather Eagar

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My Uncomfortable Secret to Motivation

A five-letter word is my secret.

As you probably know, routine casts a trance-like power with devastating impact. As a result, it is an absolute necessity to break free of its grasp.

If you can't find a way out of the vicious pattern and into a new set of thoughts, feelings, and actions, you have no hope of changing or improving your life.

Consider this five-letter word my guaranteed release.

Working with remarkable speed, it personally shakes me out of autopilot, delivers an eye-opening wake-up call, and motivates with more force than anything I know.

Not bad for a five-letter word.

My hope--and my assumption--is that it will have the same positive effect on you.

The Word, My Release

I know a time will come when I'll no longer be able to act on the things I want, the things I've dreamed about experiencing and things I've always wished to become.

I will have to let them go. I will have to let go of all those exciting ideas I tossed about in my mind, all the goals carefully constructed while daydreaming.

They will have to be put to rest, once and for all. And I will never experience them.


This is a frightening thought for me. It is startling, can be gut-wrenching, and tip-toes toward terrifying.

But it's also something else. And it's here, on the other side of the coin, that I find my secret.

The Flip-Side of the Word

Coming to grips with reality can be scary.

So much so, that most men and women choose the other door. They hide from the truth and tuck their dreams into the fairytale 'someday.'

'I'll do it someday...someday.'

A sigh of relief follows and it's back to the safe and comfy routine. No need to face fears, no need to rise to challenges, no need to take action. That will all happen someday--but not today.

If only this were true. It is not.

Here is the truth: Someday eventually meets the edge of the cliff. Someday eventually runs out.

Someday eventually turns into never.

Frightening? Perhaps. But it's also your way out. It's also your release from the routine that strangles your hopes and dreams.

By focusing intently--and I mean intently-- on 'never,' in regard to your lifelong wishes and wants, you will be shocked out of your pattern of procrastination and jolted into a new mindset.

You'll have the motivation you need to stop hesitating because you know, without question, if you keep it up, you'll never experience the life you've been waiting for all these years.

Without action, talk is only noise. Below is what I do in particular to get the most out of this five-letter word. It's something you can do, anytime and any place, to dismantle procrastination and ignite your inner drive.

Action Steps - Short & Sweet

Think of something you want. Not a lip-service dream, but something you truly desire, something either for yourself or for someone else.

Our results have shown that people imagine themselves experiencing the joys of progress or success when asked to think of a goal.

This time I want you to do the opposite.

I want you to imagine, vividly, that your idea, your chosen dream or goal, cannot happen. No matter what you do, you'll never get it. Never. Never.

If you do it right, you'll feel anxious, like you have to get up out of your seat right now and do something before time runs out. This is the power of 'never.'

Don't hide from the truth. Let it smack you in the face and punch you in the gut. Only then can it snap you out of the routine and drive you into action. Only then can it change your life.

If you don't do something now, you may never do it then.

Never hide, never avoid, never run from 'never.' Use it as a fire to place beneath your greatest ideas and accept it as a truth that can set you free.


Job Info , Jobs , Employment

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Networking: Some Basic Tips to Improve Your Career

Everyone is always talking about "networking" - you see people all the time who got jobs that you don’t think they’re the best person for, or you watch people pass over you because they’ve got the right friends. Networking is something everyone needs to be actively doing to advance their career - it’s actually much easier than you’d think, and it’s all about planting seeds for the future.

The basics of networking are simple. If you know how to talk to people and don’t have problems with social interaction, all you have to do is make friends. You don’t have to be the closest friend of somebody to gain benefits from their friendship - you just need to be an acquaintance, someone they can call on if they need something. Favors are the basis for networking - you scratch my back, I’ll scratch yours. You should always be ready to do a favor for someone where it doesn’t hurt you. If it just takes up some of your time, it’s well worth it - the whole point of a favor is that it benefits the person receiving it much more than it hurts the person giving it. That little bit of time can mean that the other person is much more willing to help you out in the future. The making friends part is easy as well - just go join local organizations. They don’t even have to be related to your business - any social club where local business people meet will do. The Rotary Club, your local church, a political group - pick something you’re interested in, and be active in it. Join committees, and do things that will require you to meet regularly with other people - you’ll make friends with them, and they’ll be likely to help you out in the future in business if you need it. A good network of friends can get you a job, find you new business, or any number of other things.
Ecoquest Air Purifier
Site with information on the Ecoquest Air Purifier.

By Teve Torbes

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Working from Home the Easy Way, 10 Easy Steps

Working from Home the Easy Way, 10 easy steps.

Many people love the idea of working from home; there are many benefits, but how to get started?

Advantages include you can work when it suits you, you don't need to spend hours in the car or on the train/bus commuting, sharing everyone's flu virus.
Self-employment is great - no interview to get through, no age discrimination, and no boss to grovel to.

Disadvantages include, you probably need a computer and Internet access, you need to generate income, and you may lack skills.

Here are 10 ways to get started the easy way.

1. Generating income. More and more people are learning to exploit the Internet to promote products through Internet marketing - this method of generating income is commonly referred to as affiliate marketing.

2. Skills Required. Affiliates do not sell products directly, so you do not need selling skills, or need to receive money on behalf of clients - most affiliate programs pay commission on sales made by you, and automate payment to you via form capture systems or cookies which identify you as the person responsible for promoting the product. You do need some skills, but these marketing skills can be found via the Internet - schools, colleges and universities do not offer these skills - affiliate marketing is fairly new.

3. Creating a website. Most people fail to get over this first hurdle, so some affiliate programs now provide free websites for their affiliates, or provide training to explain how to make really easy websites.

One such program is Slum Dog Affiliates - see

Slum Dog Affiliates provide free websites to help you get started to generate income from day one, and then introduce you to the very useful Affiliate School which provides tools and links to help you quickly gain the skills you need to become proficient in affiliate marketing.

4. Getting started. The Affiliate School website introduces other affiliate programs you can join to promote niche products - a niche product is one that pays well, and has very little competition in the marketplace, so easier to promote.

5. Making a website. Affiliate School explains how to create simple free websites - easy to build, but at the same time easy to add sophisticated features such as slideshows, video clips etc.

6. Promoting your site. Many affiliates spend too much money on advertising, so the Affiliate School website highlights an affiliate program that provides marketing training. They explain the difference between scattergun marketing and snipergun marketing, and how by understanding different methods, you can make a big difference to how much income you generate.

7. Understanding niche marketing. Too many affiliates sell the stuff that everyone sells, so cost of advertising is high, and commissions are low, for example, ring tones and mobile phones. Niche products have few competitors, so commission is generally higher and the products are arguably easier to promote at lower cost.

8. Growing your business - Some affiliate programs allow you to attract sub affiliates. Provided that you like the affiliate programme and believe in the products, you can encourage other people to do the same as you do. Sub affiliates make commission; you make commission, so the more sub affiliates you attract, the more commission you make. This is not like multi-level marketing where people keep adding margin, so the last guy that sells the product ends up selling for a price that no one can afford to buy, the main difference is that affiliates do not buy or sell products, they get a fixed or diminishing discount, the retail price remains the same and controlled by the merchant running the affiliate program. Affiliate marketing works entirely differently to MLM.

9. Develop those skills. Affiliate School has links to some really clever and sophisticated measurement tools to help you spot trends - start as an affiliate and you can work at your own pace, with opportunities to develop your skills. Super Affiliates are often highly sought after, and work as consultants and SEO specialists. Provided the old brain-box works ok, age discrimination is never a problem, affiliates can be aged 10 or 90.

10. Promoting websites and reducing advertising costs. Affiliate School provides tools to maximize the number of people visiting your website at low cost. Many affiliates spend far too much on advertising, and Google are happy to oblige through PPC programs. Learn how to advertise for free, to keep operating costs to zero, and optimize revenue to make the working from home dream, a reality.

By Mike Glanville

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7 Tips for Finding a Good Resume Service

Maybe the biggest hurdle you’ll have to cross when you’re looking for a new job is creating the perfect resume. No pressure, but it really should be just about perfect!

That’s why many job hunters turn to professional resume writing services. But once you start looking for help, it can get confusing. If you’re going to spend money getting your resume done, you want to be sure you’re working with a great service.

Here are seven tips for finding a good resume service:

1. Ask for samples. You want your resume to stand out from the pile – for the right reasons. You don’t want it to be strange-looking; you’re going for professional yet eye-catching. Your resume is the first glimpse a prospective employer gets of you, and you don’t want it to end up in the trash before you even get a chance to be interviewed. Check to make sure your resume service isn’t using a canned template, where every resume they produce looks exactly like all the others.

2. Ask to be asked. Questions, that is. It’s impossible for a resume service to present you well to prospective employers unless they know enough about you – and that only happens by interviewing you (either over the phone or by using a thorough questionnaire). They’ll use this information when they write your cover letter, too, and the more they know, the better they’ll do – but if they don’t ask questions, the result will be a non-descript resume that could be almost anyone’s.

3. Ask them to follow instructions. Some employers list very specific submission requirements – partially as a test of how well you follow directions. If your resume and cover letter don’t comply with these specifications, you will be eliminated from the pool of candidates.

4. Ask about revisions. Generally, professional writers are prepared to do a round or two of revisions – and many will rewrite until their clients are satisfied. You need to know this in advance. For many good resume services, the policy is that you will be satisfied – no matter how many revisions it takes.

5. Ask about time. When you’re job hunting, time is working against you. You may only hear about an opening days before a decision is scheduled to be made. If you can’t get your resume and cover letter to the employer quickly enough, you may be out of luck. Typically, a good resume service can deliver within a couple of days.

6. Ask for a link. As you interview different writing services, ask for a link to their website. Their websites basically serve as their resumes, so you should experience at least some degree of "wow" when you visit. Remember, these are potentially the people who will be creating your first impression with your prospects.

7. Ask about their connections. There is a professional association for resume writers, and a designation (Certified Professional Resume Writer) that’s a good indicator a resume writing service is committed to the business. Membership also shows they are dedicated to staying current on the latest trends and resume guidelines.

Of course, you want to ask about price as well – but be very careful about choosing your provider based solely on price. There are some very inexpensive resume services that provide excellent service, and some very expensive ones that will leave you lingering in the job hunt process.
Resume Service Customer Reviews
Read customer reviews of the top online resume writing services.

By Jason Kay

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