Selasa, 06 Juli 2010

tips for better work environment

These tips for creating a better environment at work will improve your relationships with your coworkers, increase your chances for a job promotion, and generally help you achieve your career goals!

Before the tips, a quip:

“The secret for joy in work is contained in one word: excellence. To know how to do something well is to enjoy it,” said Pearl Buck.

You can be excellent at what you do, but if you hate going to work, you’ll suffer in lots of ways – and so will your colleagues and family. These tips for a better work environment will help you professional and personally. And for more info on succeeding in the business world, click on The Power of Nice: How to Conquer the Business World With Kindness by Linda Kaplan Thaler and Robin Koval.

8 Tips for a Better Work Environment

1. Pull your own weight in the office. “Working well with others goes far beyond likeability,” writes Julie Morgenstern in Making Work Work. “It’s about creating a pleasant, cooperative, energetic environment that ensures everyone gets the work done.” Working well with others will improve your work environment, and help you achieve your career goals. Morgenstern says working well with coworkers means being available, reliable, adaptable, respectful, clear, and fair.

2. Write thank-you notes to your coworkers. When you receive a gift from a colleague – whether it’s a stock tip or a baby gift – write a little thank you note. It’s a classy touch that people remember. Even the smallest of positive exchanges makes your work environment better, which will help increase your job security.

3. Don’t have sex with your colleagues! Getting involved with a colleague is – usually – just setting yourself up for trouble. Of course, you won’t know what kind of trouble until you’re already drowning in it, such as stalking behavior (yours or theirs), sabotage at work (yours or theirs), or jealous partners (yours or theirs). Plus, it’s just not a professional way to make your work environment better…so to improve your work environment, go somewhere else for love!

4. Be flexible with change. One of the most noteworthy compliments I received from a boss is that I adapt well to change. She loved that. Change is difficult, but since it’s inevitable, your best bet is to roll with it. Plus, changing the way you do things is very healthy for your brain. If you can adapt easily to change, you’ll enjoy a better work environment, improve your relationship with your boss and coworkers, and be more likely to achieve your career goals.

5. Be sincere. You’re giving off positive energy when you sincerely thank an assistant, make eye contact with a bicycle messenger, and treat a stranger with respect. The more positive vibes you emit, the more positive ripples will return to you. Treating people with respect is an effective way to create a better work environment and achieve your career goals.

6. Treat everyone equally. Have you ever let a stranger take the taxi cab or held the door for an older person walking an inch a minute? You’re being nice. The power of nice erupts when that stranger is the president of a company you’re wooing or the elderly woman sits on the board of your organization. Getting along with people at work goes beyond your behavior in the office.

7. Remember that people get promoted. The bike messenger could be training to be an investment broker, the secretary studying law, or the assistant being groomed for a promotion. Being nice to a “nobody” could translate to winning a client’s account or getting a stock tip. When you treat everyone with respect and kindness you’re not creating a better work environment, you’re setting yourself up to achieve your career goals. Like any investment, getting along with people at work could pay off big-time in the long term – or within days.

8. Ditch the negativity. Negative vibes, complaints, gossip, and comments definitely don’t create a better work environment. Negativity spreads like wildfire, infecting not just your work life but your home life too. To achieve your career goals and improve workplace communication, get and stay positive. Be real, but make sure your positive comments outnumber your negative comments by 10:1.

The source of the last 4 tips is from Thaler and Koval’s book, The Power of Nice: How to Conquer the Business World With Kindness.

careers, Jobs Indonesia, Indonesia Vacancy

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