Kamis, 08 Juli 2010

tips for finding freelance work

A large part of being a successful freelancer is the ability to continuously source new jobs. Of course, the freelancer must spend his time writing quality articles and blog posts, but he must also dedicate some time to finding additional work so there is no noticeable lull in between projects.

Balancing these two functions can be difficult to juggle at first, but eventually the freelancer must find a way to schedule time to work alongside time to find additional work. The top 5 ways to go about finding freelance work are as follows;

1. Search Free Job Boards
There are countless free job boards in cyberspace. So much so that it is easy to become bogged down in a fruitless search if you are not careful. While the advantage of free job boards is that they are free to join and free to use, the information posted there is not actively vetted and so you may come across scam artists trying to pull in unsuspecting victims. Free job boards are also not regularly updated so the job posts may be old even if they are legitimate. Don’t write them off completely though, because there may be one in every dozen or so that is worth you time to peruse.

2. Join Bidding Sites
These bidding sites have become common because they create a link between people who are looking for a service and people who want to provide that service. The advantage to these bidding sites is that there are lots of jobs to choose from and the service seekers are usually vetted by the site management. The downside is that the competition is stiff and it can be difficult for someone just starting out to secure jobs without sabotaging themselves on the price.

3. Consider Membership Job Sites
Membership job sites are a bi controversial. There are those that would argue that you should never pay a fee to have access to jobs, but there are two sides to every coin. While you are essentially paying for access to a database of jobs, you do get the security of knowing that the company seeking to hire you is legitimate. You also know that you can consistently find work in the same place without too much of a hassle. In addition to this your payment is often passed through the third party, which is when they take their commission, so the chances of you not getting paid are slim to none.

4. Have Your Own Website
All freelance writers can benefit from having their own website or blog. This acts as a form of advertisement and interested parties can use this forum to contact you for work. It is also a great interactive calling card.

5. Promote Yourself
Finally, the best way to get work in the virtual world as well as in the brick and mortar one is to market your skills. Blog about your work, send out tweets or post it to your Facebook profile. Tell your friends and family and approach your local newspaper or magazine with a proposal. You should always be ready to let others know what you do for a living if you are truly interested in finding a constant stream of work.

careers, Jobs Indonesia, Indonesia Vacancy

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