Minggu, 15 Agustus 2010

Conducting a successful job interview

One of the most scary tasks every new writer will eventually face is conducting that first interview. However, an interview need not be a frightening event. The following 10 tips will help to ensure that your first interview --and successive ones--will be remembered as an enjoyable experience.

KNOW YOUR SUBJECT: Find out everything you can about the person you are interviewing before making the initial contact. Show the person that you care enough to have done some research beforehand. For example, if you are interviewing an author about his/her latest book, at least read the book, or enough of it to be able to ask intelligent questions or make references to a certain character or scene.

KEEP THE INITIAL CONTACT SHORT AND TO THE POINT: Identify yourself immediately and explain why you want the interview. If the interview is for a certain publication say so. Once the person has agreed to be interviewed, arrange a specific time and place convenient for you and your subject. Clearly state how long you expect the interview to last. Remember to say "Thank you," and let the person know you appreciate the opportunity to interview him/her.

BE PUNCTIAL AND DRESS APPROPRIATELY: Never make a bad impression by being late for an interview. If you know you are going to be delayed, call the person with an explanation and an apology. Dress appropriately. Don't show up wearing blue jeans, wrinkled tee shirts, and scuffed running shoes.

MAKE YOUR SUBJECT FEEL RELAXED AND COMFORTABLE: Try to create a friendly relaxed atmosphere during the interview. Showing that you find the interview topic intriguing will make the person more inclined to open up.

DECIDE IF YOU WILL USE A TAPE RECORDER, TAKE NOTES, OR BOTH: If you plan to use a tape recorder, make sure you ask permission beforehand. Some people will clam up in front of a tape recorder, but may be less intimidated by a note pad and pen. However, if your subject has no objections to a taped interview, make sure the recorder is in perfect working order "before" you start taping. It's a good idea to take notes during the interview even if you use a tape recorder. Notes can be numbered for easy organization, whereas transcribing from tapes can be time consuming.

PREPARE QUESTIONS BEFORE THE INTERVIEW: Have approximately ten well-constructed questions written out in advance and arranged in the same order in which you plan to write the article. This will give shape to the story and save time, as well as keeping you focused. Leaving several blank spaces between numbered questions gives you plenty of room to write answers to specific questions in the proper place.

ASK OPEN-ENDED QUESTIONS: Instead of asking questions that can be answered with "yes" or "no," such as "Would you advise young people to take up acting as a career?" phrase you question as "What advice would you give young people about to start an acting career?"

DON'T BE TOO STRUCTURED; LET YOUR SUBJECT "CHAT": Sometimes a person will go "off topic" and chat. This is fine to a point, and can oftentimes reward you with extra tidbits of information that you otherwise would have missed. However, if you find your subject wandering too far away from the topic, tactfully bring the conversation back to the specific nature of the discussion.

BE EXACT WHEN USING QUOTES: Let your subject know you will be using quotes when you write the article. If you are taking notes, be sure to quote the exact words your subject has said. Break up long quotes by paraphrasing. Never misquote or misrepresent anyone!

END THE INTERVIEW IN A PROFESSIONAL MANNER: Conclude the interview as close to the specified time as possible. Ask permission for a follow-up call to verify proper spellings, dates, or other facts that may not be clear from your notes. Assure the person that, if at all possible, you will notify him/her as to when the article will be published. Remember to thank your subject graciously, and assure him/her that you have enjoyed the interview.

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