Kamis, 26 Agustus 2010

Job Lost - Start Preparing Now

Since the beginning of time, man has been the head of his household, the provider for his family and the lead decision maker. When a man loses his job, he feels that he is letting his family down. All of his personal possessions could be swept away in a short time, such as home, healthcare and sometimes even the car. These emotions can lead to all kinds of illness, such as depression, heart attack, excessive drinking, and sometimes violence against his spouse.

He blames everyone for his trouble and prepares himself for a pity party about how crappy his life has been. He is constantly asking the same question over and over again, Why Me. All of us must realize that in this current economic crisis, no one is safe. We must start preparing now for the inevitable. Do not wait until the last minute make a decision today to start planning for unavoidable circumstances such as a job lost.

All of us understand the emotions and feelings that come with disappointment. But life does not always deal us 4 aces in a row. You always have to have a Plan B in place in case Plan A is no longer working. What process can we use ahead of time, to keep ourselves from going off the deep end in difficult circumstances?

First - Save money in a special saving account that you try not to ever touch, unless absolutely necessary for rainy days.

Second - Do no live above your means by buying excessive materialistic items that is not needed.

Third - It might be necessary to move into a different area that has a lower interest rate and is more affordable.

Fourth - Get rid of selfish pride and replace it with determination and motivation.

Fifth - Find some type of home base business that you can work from home. This will elevate tension and stress and give you more time with your family.

These are 5 simple points on how to keep on living when your job is lost. There are lots of legitimate businesses that you can work from home. Just do all the research on the ones that fit your lifestyle.

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