When writing effective business correspondence, one must pay great attention to even the minutest of details. However, one must also capture the readers’ attention and that can usually be best accomplished by projecting a specific writing style. Your chosen writing style could fit one of the following descriptive groups: elegance, class, opulence; humor, sincerity, friendliness; humorous, down-to-earth, friendly; blunt, stark, aggressive; to-the-point, professional, no frills; non-traditional, funky, offbeat; pleading, submissive, “hope-you-pick-me” or you could invent one entirely unique.
Obviously one or more styles could be combined, however this is difficult to do and still be straightforwardly effective. It is best to choose a specific style such as one of the above that suits the situation; the potential buyer; and your business as well as your own unique personality. A company that sells business services, for example, would find it inane to attempt to impress their prospective clientele base with a letter that was funky; prospective clients would most certainly shy away. To put it another way, can you imagine a vintage clothing store that would properly convey their image with a no frills, professional approach?
Once you have chosen the style that is suitable to the given situation, you must decide who is your target; who will be reading this information, or rather, who do you want to read it? It will usually be one of the following positional types that will be reading your copy:
1. The decision maker
2. The screener
3. The spouse of the decision maker
4. A partial decision maker
The decision maker is who you obviously want to receive your printed material; however, you must keep in mind that you may initially have to get it beyond the screener, the spouse (who may also act as a screener), or simply a partial decision maker. You want your information to ultimately end up in the hands of your target – the decision maker. Let’s discover how we can effectively attract and hold the attention of one of the intermediary persons involved yet still captivate the decision maker’s attention.
First, ask yourself this question as if you were each of the above recipients, “What is in this for me?” Good question, can you answer it? You must embed an attribute within your copy that is beneficial to each individual who has the good fortune to hold your materials in his/her hands. For the screener, it may be that it offers a lessening of the load of responsibilities from his/her shoulders by providing a viable option of transference to another entity – you. In this case, the screener will ensure the copy makes it to the decision maker and quite possibly will do so with his or her own personal recommendation!
For the spouse, the caveat will free up more time for the spouse (the decision maker) making it possible for the couple to spend quality time together, like more beneficial activities. A partial decision maker is easily pleased, as he/she will be most receptive to the same approach as the decision maker. Therefore, you must make your copy powerful enough so that it can gain impetus through the partial decision maker. In any of these scenarios, the point is to get whoever is the initial and intermediary contact in your corner, on your side, pitching your product or service, for their own gain. This is not as difficult as it sounds and can reap benefits that are well worth the time and effort it may take to put these concepts into practice.
To recap this effective strategy:
1. Define your style
2. Define the possible intermediary contacts
3. Define the benefits for the intermediary contacts
4. Define the benefits for the decision maker
5. Use these definitions to write copy that will capture attention
By implementing these principles you will find that your written copy will literally soar into your prospective buyers’ hands. Remember: Define, define, define, define…and put into action!
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