Minggu, 19 September 2010

How to Get Ready For a Job Interview - Three Job Search Tips That Work

If you're looking for employment, you need to know how to get ready for a job interview. You can talk to anybody and everybody about what to do, but it won't help unless you get job search tips that work.

Employers say people applying for a job often make mistakes during the interview process. It doesn't do any good to have a great resume if you don't seem like a good hire when you meet in person.

Here are three ways to make sure that you are ready for your job interview.

1. Arrive on time.

The best way to make a bad impression on a potential employer is being late. If you're just a couple of minutes late, the people doing the interview will remember it during the rest of the hiring process.

Find out where you have to go. If possible, go there a day early just so you know how to get there and how long it takes. Then leave in plenty of time, allowing for possible traffic delays.

If you're late for that initial meeting, the employer will automatically think that you're likely to be late for work often. No matter how good your reason, it will almost certainly be seen as an excuse.

Furthermore, if you're late, you are telling the people doing the hiring that you don't value their time. Whatever the reason, you were somewhere else doing something else while they were waiting for you to show up.

2. Research the job and the company.

Applicants that come across as knowledgeable about the position for which they are applying and the organization doing the hiring have a clear advantage over other candidates. It is especially impressive when you can match your strengths to what the potential employer needs.

Consider this scenario. A newspaper needs to hire a reporter to cover local government. An editor goes through a stack of resumes and decides to invite two people to come in for an interview. They have similar backgrounds.

During the discussions, one candidate knows about journalism. He talks about how he develops sources, covers events and writes stories. He's clearly articulate and qualified.

The second candidate goes over her background, but also mentions how she thinks her aggressive reporting style will fit in with the newspaper's inclination toward investigative journalism. She has read previous stories about the city council and throws out several ideas for potential stories.

Which reporter will get the job?

3. Be confident, but not cocky.

Many job applicants think they have to show how smart they are. Unfortunately, they come across as arrogant.

Remember that in addition to your qualifications, the potential employer will be thinking about how you will fit into the workplace. If the person interviewing you thinks you have some sort of superiority complex, he or she is not likely to recommend that you be hired.

These suggestions will help you feel relaxed and confident during the hiring process. Once you know how to get ready for a job interview, you can concentrate on finding other job search tips that work.

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