Minggu, 05 September 2010

Tips for Submitting Nursing Resumes and Applications Online

As you progress in your nursing job search, you will realize that online applications have become the norm for most employers. Some online applications link from postings on job boards. But even if you go directly to the employer's site, expect to complete your application and submit your resume online. This can even be true if you are applying in person. Many human resource departments have kiosks with terminals where you complete your application.

Why has the nursing hiring process become so high tech? Technology saves time and money for employers. Rather than having a person screen applications, the computer can be used to screen out unsuitable applications. Sometimes applicants are dumped into the reject pile not because of their job qualifications, but because of mistakes they made in completing the application.

So while it saves employers time and money, online applications present some new hurdles for nursing job applicants. To get through these, you need to understand the process so you can avoid the hurdles. This, in simple terms, is how the process works.

Applications and/or resumes are collected in a database. Someone in the human resource department decides on key words to use to screen applicants. This makes the computer look for certain phrases or words in your application. No matches and you go to the reject file. You will also get kicked out if the computer can't read your application because of a formatting mistake.

As you can see, it takes more than job qualifications to make it out of the database with your application intact. Here are some tips to help.

• Read the directions before filling out the application! While this seems like an obvious step everyone would take, many people just skip right over directions. It is not safe to assume that if you've completed one application, you can complete any application. The process varies from employer to employer.

• Don't cut and paste from your resume to answer questions. The wording from your resume might not use the same words that the computer is searching for.

• Match the words and phrases used in the job description. Model your language after that used in the job posting.

• Make good use of the comment section. Use it to highlight your skills or to add quotes from your references.

• Complete all fields. This includes the ones that are optional.

• When asked, attach your resume. For online applications, make sure you have created a resume in a simple form, with no extra graphic elements or font styles.

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