Rabu, 01 September 2010

Tips to Getting Promoted at Work

Most people think getting promoted at work is just a matter of working hard and hoping you'll be recognized when the time is right. This is not so, getting promoted at work requires a conscious effort of making behavioral adjustments that will get you and your work noticed and put you in the executive radar for consideration. In short getting promoted requires a plan. If you do not already have one, I'd suggest you get down to scribbling now.

• You need to ask yourself if you enjoy what you do and if you can thrive doing what you do currently- There is no point getting the extra responsibility that comes with a promotion if you do not currently enjoy what you do or have sufficient competencies to excel.

• Let your passion show through- Still back on point 1, you need to be enthusiastic about what you do and this is what others see, someone who is truly dedicated, committed and achieves results.

• Communicate effectively- The engine of the work place is communication, and it appears in various forms, emails, telephone, memos etc. Avoid spontaneous responses to email communication especially, carefully read and craft responses which you know you won't regret at a later date. Once in a while you will receive correspondence that will tick you off, resist the urge to damage your career by responding with expletives. Realize that sometimes you are being set up.

• When in doubt over communicate- Follow up is a key skill that is needed in the work place, keep your stakeholders updated all the time and remember to keep the important people in copy.

• Don't run away from added responsibility- If more work comes, take it on in your stride and do it well.

• Do more- People who get promoted are those who do more than their KRA's require and more than they are told to do. Put in your best and give more than is expected of you.

• Create Visibility- No one will promote someone they don't know or recognize. Make a conscious effort to be known (for the right reasons) and to be seen at the right places, saying the right thing.

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