Senin, 30 Agustus 2010

How to Move Ahead in Your Career - 7 Tips For the Woman in Leadership

Today more than ever, a woman leader needs to stick out from the crowd in her own business, on the job or in the nonprofit world. Being a leader means being at the top of your game at all times. These 7 tips provide some contemporary ideas for moving ahead as a leader in your career.

1. Be the Best. Are you working to win ever time you face a new task? If not, start considering how you could go the extra mile to do what you need to do. You want to be accountable, not just to those who watch you work; you want to be accountable to you. That means doing at least one thing each day that goes over and above the basics for you.

2. Be Your Own Backup. This means being able to justify and back up your professional actions. When you take an action, be sure you are transparent and accountable in what you do. Keep a record of what you do and the results. This gives you a record of your steps each day that you can review and creates a record of your actions over the days, weeks and years so you can track your progress.

3. Correct Your Own Mistakes. What if you make some mistakes along the way? Everyone makes a mistake once in a while. In fact, if you're not making a mistake sometimes, it means you're probably playing things too safe. Mistakes let you learn. Think of it this way; after you've made a mistake, you were probably better to self-correct in future situations, right? If you do make a mistake, face up to it, admit it and do what's necessary to make up for the mistake. Then move on.

4. Be Positive. No one likes a negative person so be a woman that has a positive word to speak. That doesn't mean you don't make good decisions or stand up for what's right. It means you can see what has to be done and you do it with good spirits. Your language should be peppered with good wisdom. There will be times when you have to give bad news; that's just a part of being in leadership. But with that, know how to pad that bad news with a word of hope. When you have to say "no" have other options to consider too.

5. Show off. One thing most women leaders need to do better is learn how to speak up for their work. Be ready to say "I did this" and be proud of it. Men don't have a problem most of the time saying this type of thing. They take credit where credit's due. Not doing this becomes a downfall for many strong women who then fail to reach higher goals or miss out on opportunities for lack of evidence of getting something done. Know how to promote yourself to move forward. Learn how to let others see your good work and have the confidence that you can reach the goals you set.

6. Have Superior Business Ethics. There's nothing like stepping above the crowd through the ability to know how to approach others with impeccable American business etiquette skills. Business etiquette is different from social etiquette. This is where you know how to hold meetings, set agendas that work, and great people in the correct manner. You even know whom to seat where and how to shake hands correctly. Take time to study the skills of American business etiquette and it will leave a positive impression in the minds of others.

7. Be a Life-Long Learner. Are you updated on the latest technologies? If you were asked to do a podcast on your business would you know what to do? Do you have a blog and a social networking site? Leaders are learners. With all of the opportunities to take workshops, go to conferences and continue your education at your local university or online there's no excuse to not be up to date on important aspects of your business and work. Learn new things and present these to people you work with and for. Introduce new skills to the people you serve through your leadership to bring them up to date too. Stay cutting edge to be a magnificent woman leader.

Standing out as a woman leader means taking the initiative to be your best and leave a positive memorable impression on others. You have to be sure the right people know what you do and how good you are at it. Make sure you are a valuable asset no matter where you choose to use your leadership. You will succeed in your career and succeed as a women leader when you adhere to the type of leadership tips you find here.

Consuelo Meux, Ph.D.

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