Senin, 30 Agustus 2010

Teen Job Search Tip - Try Harder Than Your Competition!

If you are a newbie to the job search ranks, finding a job during an economic downturn can be a challenge. With little or no job search experience, how do you compete? To achieve success, try harder than your competition! Many times it is sheer effort that will set a successful teen job seeker apart from the crowd. Think about it: how many of your friends go that extra measure to the jobs that are out there? Here are some tips that will help you succeed:

Record a Professional Cell Phone Message

Your cell phone voice mail message should be clear, short, and professional. When you record your message, there should be no background noise. Make sure you speak your first and last name slowly and clearly. Always remove the call waiting music off your cell phone while you are looking for work; an employer will probably not appreciate your taste in music!

Clean Up Your Online Presence

Google your name and find out what employers can find out about you before you apply for the job. Clean up your online profiles and pics. What is posted about you online should demonstrate to an employer that you are trustworthy, honest, and responsible. If your postings do not show that, you need to take them off the internet.

Be an Early Bird

Go early in the morning to put in applications and follow up with employers. When you report before 9:00 Am, you are sending a message to the employer that you are out of bed early and ready to work. Most of your competition will roll out of bed around noon and put in their applications after lunch - by then you will have already filled out an application, left a resume, and contacted the manager about the position.

Trying harder than your competition works! There are always job opportunities for those individuals who have a good work ethic and make an extra effort in their job search.

Marcy Travis

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