Senin, 06 September 2010

Finding Job Security in Insecure Times - Career Tips and Advice

No one really has job security anymore. It's sad, but true. The economy has come to such a place that even big-name companies are downsizing, closing their doors, or having to lay off employees just to make ends meet. People who once had stability and security in their dedicated service to their company no longer enjoy that privilege. Employees work with that shadow of fear hanging over them, wondering what they're going to do if their job fails them, too. However, the best way to avoid this fear and unnecessary stress is to do something proactive. Make sure that you give your best, and provide innovative and forward thinking insight anytime that you can.

Make your company realize that you are an asset. If they value you, they will keep you for as long as they can. Put in 110% at all times, and you will have better luck avoiding that next round of layoffs. However, when a company closes completely, no one is safe. Therefore, you do need to be prepared for the worst. Here are some tips to help along the way.

-Have resumes ready. Be fully prepared to send them out as soon as you lose your job so that you don't have to go without work for long.

-Make yourself as useful as possible. The more you are able to demonstrate your worth, the more likely your job will be saved in the event that it is able to be saved.

-Don't fear job loss. Be proactive and accept that it is a real issue that could happen. Then, you will be better prepared to handle it when it comes your way.

-If all else fails, go into business for yourself. Plenty of people have started successful home businesses with nothing or next to nothing and done well for themselves. Then, the only person that you have to rely upon or trust is yourself.

-Learn about the resources for job seeking in your area and utilize them to the best of your abilities. Nothing is more important than taking advantage of the things that you are offered.

There is nothing that you can ultimately do to protect the job that you have. You can try your best to give your all and make sure that you're an important member of the team, but the economic turmoil puts everyone at risk. Give yourself options so that you can feel like you have that security whether you actually do or not. With these things in mind, you might not find job security, but you will find a little peace of mind in everything that you do. Good luck, and happy job hunting, if that's where you are headed!

Tony Jacowski 

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