Senin, 02 Agustus 2010

Job interview tips

Job interviews are often thought of as a grill ‘em in the hot seat ordeal that leaves applicants squirming and writhing. And they should be. No matter how easy-going the atmosphere, don’t fool yourself. That interviewer is always waiting for the wrong answer. The sooner she hears it she can get on with the next interview. Don’t be dismayed; she wants to hear the right answer. That’s when her job will be done.

Once past the initial screenings of cover letters and resumes, the employer knows what your assets are. That’s why you’re here. Now is the time for a more detailed look—to feel out how you might fit with the company and the position. Are you a team worker? Can you solve problems? Are you in it for the long haul? Whether these questions are asked directly or not, it can take as short as two seconds or as long as two hours will answer them.

To ensure your success there are a few things you absolutely must do and a some things that shouldn’t be done under any circumstance.


…Dress for success. Professionalism is always key and showing you know how to present yourself professionally speaks a thousand words. Even if the environment is more casual than your best Sunday dress, it doesn’t hurt to don it. Doing so says you believe you’re worth a million. This doesn’t give you the license to over do it. Gaudy, flashy, or cutting edge attire can lose jobs.

…Keep the vibe positive. When asked why you are leaving your present job, don’t start to complain about mindless job duties, chatty co-workers and your bossy boss. Instead, highlight the positive aspects—you’d like to explore new challenges, learn new skills and broaden your horizon. Honesty is obviously important and you’ll want to use that to your advantage.


…Be cocky. Arrogance is a huge red flag. You may think it points toward self-assurance, but that’s far from the truth. Cocky behavior is disrespectful and self-centered. It demonstrates disinterest and his rarely well received. Instead, recognize your shortcomings. You don’t have to play them up, just admit you have them.

…Say “I can’t” unless you truly can’t. An employer wants to be assured that you can handle the job. There are plenty of people out there who have the drive to discover how they “can” and that’s a lot more attractive. Physical limitations and personal convictions are the only good excuses for “can’t”. If you should choose to say it, be prepared to get passed up.

…Build yourself up to something you aren’t. Be honest with yourself. Be realistic if you aren’t qualified for the position. Fudged facts on your resume and raving reviews about your minimal technical experience might get you the job, but they won’t keep it for you. You’ll get more kudos for admitting your lack of experience than for not filling expectations.

…Don’t have stage fright. It’s definitely okay to be nervous; a new job is a big deal—especially when it’s the one that you want. But this is your time in the spotlight. Sit back and enjoy the barrage of questions. More than likely the interviewer is trying to find out how you function under pressure. Show you have what it takes to fill the position by staying confident, keeping cool and thinking your answers through.

These tips are meant to be just as flexible as your employer would want you to be. Adapt them to suit your personality and needs, and then use them to nail your next interview. Remember the interview is your opportunity to interview the job. Don’t be afraid to the ask questions that will help you to decide if this position is worthy of putting in two-weeks notice.

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