Where is that report you know you did the other day? You have a meeting to be in, in about ten minutes and you can’t find anything. Paper is everywhere, files are out of place and you can’t see the top of your desk. Now that you look around your work area, the whole area is a mess and it’s time for you to do something about it. Working in a disorganized work area can keep you from being productive. What do you need to do to clean-up your work area?
The first thing you need to do is stop and take a day or at least a half-day to clean up your work area. You need some time to do this for you to get it completely organized and clean-up. You want to structure your area so you can work more efficiently. When your work area is so disorganized it will keep you from being constructive and this is when you need to stop and take some time to straighten things out. This is not just a little clean-up you need to do, but a whole reorganization. Start by cleaning off your desk. You will be amazed at the unnecessary things that are on your desk. We tend to put things on our desk that we don’t really need because of the desk being there. Instead of putting things where they belong, we throw everything on our desk. Go through the things on your desk to make sure you need them and what you don’t need throw away. Don’t keep any unnecessary paper work, that’s how your work area becomes cluttered. As you clean-up put everything in it’s place as you go, this way you won't have to go back and do that later. Every sticky note has it’s place, so put them there. Put your files in order that’s convenient for you. You should be able to go to any file that you need right away and not spend time looking for files when you need them for a meeting or a phone call. Whatever your job is set your files up to collaborate with that job. It should be so that if for some reason you are not there, anyone in your office should be able to go to your filing system and get what they need. Now it’s time to organize the physical structure of your work area. Have your immediate things you need to work with at your fingertips. Phone, rolodexes and all of your working tools should be where you can get them quickly and not where you have to look around for them. Make sure your computer is set-up where you can use it without leaving your personal area. If you have to go too or move to another area to work on your computer, this can cause distraction right there. You need to be able to have your computer right in your work area for convenience and to make you be more productive, especially if you use it most of the day.
Stopping and organizing your work area will make you feel like you are on top of things more. You will be more productive and efficient at what you do. Having your work area in no type of order can keep you from becoming as successful as you want to be. Having no organization in where you work can effect how you work and keep you stressed out. This stress can come from not finding things that you need to function with on a daily base. Get all files, folders and anything else off your floor. Clean it up so it will be efficient and also look nice. It’s nothing like working in a functional, effective clean area. This will allow you to be productive and happy.
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