Minggu, 27 Juni 2010

Bored? Only Revolution!

By : Beritanet.com

It's many years working in the same place, but still just a career path in place. Maybe it's time for revolution careers.

If we see the success of your college friends, who had a brilliant career, it's a job that you're living now is not nothing. Things are going with the routine, no events can be exciting experiences. Bad again, you feel no longer eager for work. Bored. As a result, not a career that increase, but decreasing performance. If this happens constantly, you might threatened layoffs!
Then what is the solution? Revolution your career! The right time for revolution is when there is no challenge in the work, which makes you extraordinary saturated. By revolutionizing the energy work will be filled again. It was not hard, making massive changes in a short time.

1. Must Dare
Do not imagine that such governmental reshuffle of his Cabinet. Start with small things, such as changing negative habits. If you have no intention of changing yourself, you must be brave. At least the courage to start "living" the new. Make yourself different from the first. And that takes courage.

2. Change Appearance
This method is quite effective. To see the new show, most easily by changing the appearance. If you had long hair, now there's nothing wrong crew cut. More neat, cool again! Or change the conventional way of dressing. Use bright colors to make it more viable. Follow the latest fashion in accordance with your style.

3. Change Negative Habits
If you used the famous rooster late, from now on try to arrive on time. Even if you can even earlier! Changing one habit, will bring the change that is very good. Could be other bad habits will also disappear.

4. Atmosphere Change
How is your desk? Messy? Many files that pile-pile? Even you can no longer find the file easily. It's time to tidy up everything. If necessary, get additional keeper shelf or document so that data can be stored neatly. There should also rebuild the archive on your computer. In addition to good views, you can also work more efficiently and effectively.

5. Fix Relationship
During the time you called quiet in the office? Nothing wrong with being more talkative. Start with the first rebuke. It is easy to relate to, anyway, and should. Especially if your work requires collaboration with other departments. Better yet, if could be more familiar with the boss.

6. Swap Places
If not ready to move jobs to another company, you can ask assigned to another section. First instance if you work behind a desk, field work will probably interest you. Or ask your employer to engage in new projects. Surely you will meet many new things that challenge. And of course, increase your morale.

7. Confidence
To be able to successfully conduct the sixth of the above, the last recipe is confident. You must make sure that you are capable and can show a better performance. Supay abisa How confident? From now on, fix your self-image, self-identify strengths and advantages, develop your potential and remain optimistic.

Job Vacancy , Indonesia Job , Job Indonesia

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